Wow I always thought whites were genetically superior... makes you wonder..
Wow I always thought whites were genetically superior... makes you wonder..
3 words:
Sickle Cell Disease
that flag..
2 words
Cystic Fibrosis
i thought race was a social construct?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
>Not Dartmouth
Who could be behind this post?
Blacks are overly physical but dumb, Asians (including Jews) are smart but weak
There is evidence to suggest that those who are carriers of the gene may have increased resistance to malaria.
Into the trash it goes
>strong/weak genetic variance
>has nothing to do with intelligence
>has nothing to do with physical strength
>maybe more/less of a likelihood of genetic conditions that we can screen for and is literally a non-issue to anyone with access to a blood test
>thinking this matters
>trying to promote mixing of people based on race
>Literally being the racist cunts in this position by scaring white people into going native
Fuck off, let people breed with whomever they want, and stop pretending like you know what the fuck you are talking about.
>there are much more white weightlifters than blacks
>the tallest nation in the world is netherlands, which not necessary implies strength, but it's usually a common factor in strong people
i don't have alot to say in this subject
Also most black people I see are skinny as fuck.
The shills have eyes. I mean seriously fucking israel.
Whites have it too
It's called spherocytosis
Is this why black genes are so dominant
>35 total participants
also what said
They're dominant like a red shirt with your white laundry is dominant, aka keep whites and coloreds separate
Black genes are dominant so everyone else knows who has a tainted bloodlin
they'll do this but not study finds niggers less intelligent than every other race
White are weaker than blacks :
>That's true
>If a study say so, it must be correct
Blacks score lower than whites on IQ test :
>Das raycist
>Test are biased
>WTF you're pratically Hitler
So its ok to publish that whites are weaker than blacks but not black are far less intelligent than every other race?
best genes in the world yet every area they inhabit is complete dogshit??
Just proves what big pieces of human waste they are
Genetically weaker or stronger have to do with gene diversity and has nothing to do with physical or mental traits.
The foxnews article was written by a complete retard.
genetically weaker*
>race don't real, we're all the same
>until we can 1-up whitey
blacks are more genetically trash than all other races.
Just another piece of evidence of why white genocide is necessary
Yes, chimps are stronger than humans, this isn't new information
>recessive traits = genetic weakness
whatever you say schlomo
yeah and orangutans are stronger than humans, doesn't stop us from stompin em out though
Who are you quoting?
they've been saying this for years, this is not new information
you're mother
They probably used anglos as the "whites".
Study is comparing white people to non-human.what can possibly be learned here?
Fox News isn't a commie SJW "news" outlet (even as cucked as they have become over the years).
>tfw you're a physically gifted and smart white guy
Cant wait for the study about jews and nigger bait
>whites genetically weaker than blacks
>white people conquered the world while Africans were living in mud huts and eating each other
>Human beings weaker than primates
I thought this was common knowledge?
A chimpanzee will straight rip your face off
>genetically weaker and less diverse
not this shit again
That is why blacks were best when they were out cutting our crops and cotten. Only good use of them.
A vulture might be bigger and stronger than an egret but that doesn't mean anyone likes it or wants to look at it.
sample sizes of 15 and 20
we had this thread already kike
sage and report
yet worlds strongest man is dominated by Whites
>white people chimp around while black people live in peace
>20 and 15
wow its nothing
wow and they die early from SCD, what a trade off
That's cuz we've worked smarter, not harder this whole time OP.
Hey you don't need racial superiority when you have a Maxim gun.
Ok, and they're also mentally and emotionally retarded and literally smell like shit.
(Also they're not actually stronger than whites, just look at world's strongest man competitions, weight lifting in general, etc.)
Pretty sure it is because we bred them that way.
>building modern society is chimping around
So race isn't a social construct?
Make up your damn minds
So superior genes are recessive? Wow, really makes you think
Where does it say Blacks are stronger genetically? They are not. This only says there are more genetic mutations a White can get, but completely ignores the CHANCE or PROBABILITY of getting a mutation. And basing your assumption that a race is stronger because of genetic mutations without accounting for probability is foolish.
Fuck you pol you made me post
You need thousands of years of genetic selection for an animal to take advantage of a "more diverse" gene pool . "dem programmes" doesn't provide any sort of natural selection and nearly everybody can reproduce in the modern world so having a more diverse gene pool is pretty pointless in the modern world because there is no proper selection pressures.
In the mean time you are stuck with potentially undesirable genes. African-Americans are typically 10-25% non-Black whereas White Americans are usually no more than 2% non-White so that explains the difference in gene pool diversity but White Europeans created the modern industrial society and they are best adapted to it, second to maybe East Asians so that's not an issue.
>sample size: 20
Whites are the equivalent o humans in MMORPGs, well balanced and evenly distributed stats.
Niggers are high STR/DEX, strong and agile enough to run away from the police.
Asians are high in INT/MIND, intelligent enough to outsmart the other races and capable of using magic and the elements.
Thats not even remotely true.
Malaria is the biggest killer of humans in the history of humanity.
Do you have trouble understanding natural selection?
You should seriously consider suicide.
Are...are you from outside the simulation?
>breed to be stronger for 200 years
>genetically superior
>can't drink a nice tall cool glass of delicious milk without doubling over with cramps
Then why the fuck is every world's strongest man winner a germanic or a slav?
So Asians are the OP fuckers everyone pick?
Intelligence is the most humanizing that exists. It's what separates us from every other species.
I honestly don't give a fuck if we're physically weaker on average, because physical strength was never a defining trait for humans.
There's nothing wrong with being strong however, I'm a lifter myself. But anyone who pretends that brute strength is anything other than a vanity trait in the year 2016 is a fucking moron.
>white americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse
>less diverse
do people even know what it means? they'll throw that word at anything race related.
>''whites are smarter than blacks''
>''yeah but blacks are more diverse''
for fucks sake.
the same way a pubic hair ruins a cake.
>whites less diverse genetically
That's what happens when you don't have monkey DNA
Then why would the one drop rule exist?
>while black people live in peace
africans are shit. lazy fucks. thats why their countries are shit.
After seeing this I am no longer a right wing extremist neo nazi. I am now a #belieber.
Silly jew, we will burn your family in front of you, then when every last tear you can squeeze out of your eyeballs is gone, you will be allowed to die.
nice flag.
but all the top players are white.
Yes that's why blacks genetically developed hemophilia, crack babies, and spread the most AIDS
tell me all you nose Jew, in a recent study Israel has been found as the main exporter of Nivea, it's for skin. Don't worry if you don't get a genetic mutation we can mutate your genitals for you.
genetically diverse doesn't mean genetically superior, it just means that africans in the congo like to rape africans in other towns rather than their own town
Those that carry one normal allele and one sickle cell allele are immune to malaria.
Those who carry both get sickle cell anemia and die
Those who carry 2 normal alleles don't have any immunity to malaria.
Wow what a trade off I wish I were black wtf I hate being white now
>lung cancer
>high blood pressure
>heart disease
>sickle cell
>genetically superior
>whites are physically inferior to blacks
no shit sherlock
You're an idiot. Wow.
diseases that are literally due to excess of luxury societally and living healthy lives and not dieing of things like influenza
>not genetically superior
>look up any strength record
>its a white guy
>sample size of 15 and 20
>"diversity is magic that makes everything better" nonsense
>possibly harmful, aka we dont know what they do
6'5" 205, lift, eat healthy, no deformities, no diseases, no allergies, no history of cancer or disease in genes, blue eyes.
Sorry, but compared to the scrawny, ugly, deformed niggers I've seen, I'm like fucking Zeus, and they are still niggers.