How do i get over her bros?

How do i get over her bros?

>Cut off all contact
>go outside
>take up a hobby
>better yourself
>take it a day at a time
>it will stop hurting one day

don't shut yourself out though, there is always another


I did all of that
She's still on my mind constantly
It's been 3 months

Stop contacting her.

Do something with your days, even if it's playing vidya.

Never contact her.

Hang with your male friends.

Talk to other women.

Focus on loving yourself, not her.

Stay strong, and it will get better.

I love you bro. No homo

My heart aches two years after. She stole a part of me and i can't put my finger on it

Fuck someone else and cum on their face!

You'll feel better

>I love you bro. No homo
I love you too bros

The answer to everything

Been 7 months for me, can take a lot of time but it does slowly get better. I started seeing someone new about 3 weeks ago. The old one still pops into my head pretty much every day but I'm alright about it now.

You will be too with time, just have to accept you're gonna hurt for a while no easy way about it

Jack off and then go get you some lunch.
Play vidya.
Jack off and then go get you some dinner.
Play vidya.
Go out and find new girls to fuck. Get some late night dinner.
Sleep off your buzz.

Wake up.

Jack off and then go get you some lunch.
Play vidya.
Jack off and then go get you some dinner.
Play vidya.
Go out and find new girls to fuck. Get some late night dinner.
Sleep off your buzz.

Wake up.
Jack off and then go get you some lunch.
Play vidya.
Jack off and then go get you some dinner.
Play vidya.
Go out and find new girls to fuck. Get some late night dinner.
Sleep off your buzz.

Wake up.
Jack off and then go get you some lunch.
Play vidya.
Jack off and then go get you some dinner.
Play vidya.
Go out and find new girls to fuck. Get some late night dinner.
Sleep off your buzz.

Wake up.
Jack off and then go get you some lunch.
Play vidya.
Jack off and then go get you some dinner.
Play vidya.
Go out and find new girls to fuck. Get some late night dinner.
Sleep off your buzz.

Wake up.


Living the life baby

It doesn't take 3 months to get over someone. It goes for longer periods depending. You will think about her yeah, kind of like when I sometimes think about my ex for like a second from 7 years ago but it doesn't pain me.

She will pop up in your head and it will hurt but the pain will toughen you up. Continue doing those things, better yourself and put yourself out there and you will see. You'll see that she is just a chick who was in your life for a season or two and there will be a new one.

>How do i get over her bros?
You don't. Be happy you had the experience, not sad that it's over. Time will go by and you're be running along, doing new things.

Try not to think about it, get your feelings out (alcohol is good but no drunk dialing) and then bottle that shit up and never revisit it. That is how life can go on.

Agreed. You should be over this shit in 5 days. Stick to the goddamn plan. There should be a poster of this.

You faggots need to actively pursue other women if you want to get over your exes. You need to understand that you have idealized these bitches to an unhealthy extent, and they do not care about you. You are wasting your energy caring about what to her is a long-forgotten, unrequited love. You're a footnote to her. She has moved on, and you should do the same.

The way you do that is by fucking other bitches. Kill the pseudo-person that is your relationship with your ex, and don't look back. Dwelling on it is unhealthy and chances are it's eating you up from the inside because of all the energy you're wasting on it. You need to start fostering new relationships with new women. You will eventually find something better than you could have ever thought, because no two loves are the same.

Also, get a German Shepard.

This is some what true but don't drink. OP, that is always bad to suppress shit with booze. Get it out and live.


No work?

ikr. this worked for me every time. then I got married 30 years ago and I've wanted to kill myself ever since. haha not really. but sometimes really, but mostly not really.

OP here
Thanks for help bros I'll try to hang in there if that falls I can always an hero

Assumed vacation.

Don't be a fucking pussy. Just do Check back with us in a week, goofy nigger.

A heavy narcotic addiction helped me.
But now all i want is more drugs.

How about i suck your dick faggot?

How bout i suck yours

I'm down

top kek