Who has contributed more to the betterment of society, the French or the German...

Who has contributed more to the betterment of society, the French or the German? And which side does Sup Forums admire more?


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The French are too busy making white flags to do anything

France has objectively contributed more to science

Neither, they just fuck shit up.

The French in early modern history
The Germans come Victorian era
Both were useful though

Germans are too busy making lamps with human skin to do anything

The French Revolution is where everything went wrong. Germany wins by default.

They're pretty equal in that regard honestly.

>their fatty foods prove fat don't make you fat
>they don't run or jog, proving that rote exercise don't make you thin
>their art
>they prefer to fuck than murder
>they run from fights
>invented World Cup but could barely win it
>sharia state: semi

>scatological fetishism
>decent traps
>quality manufacturing
>shit food, all soaked in beer to hide the taste
>couldn't win a war despite having a years head-start
>still arguably the most proficient military ephoch in human history
>best footballers
>sharia state: near caliphate

0-0 (0:0) draw -- stadium bombed during penalty shoot-out

The fact that Germany was able to pull itself out of the worst depression imaginable and become such a military powerhouse, where even today we are taught that their leader was the scariest thing imaginable in the 1930's-40's, shows how impressive they can be. All because some guy spoke with emotion.

Of course they fucked up with the whole WWII thing.

But imagine if they were to do that again without the pants on retarded actions of starting another World War and the whole >DA J00's thing.

God, I am proud at moments like this to be an Australian citizen.
Germany. Modern reasons: cars, work ethic, Bundesliga, guns, incredible social life.

both are pretty shitty,
but overall for the social aspect i'd have to say the French are way above Germany

France is shit.
Additionally to the post I'm too lazy to translate for Anglos and frogs now, modern feminism also started in France with Beauvoir and Foucault: the ones who really got that "gender is just a construct" thing started.


France. Only 12 years old edgy nazi faggots think germany is better. We literally created modern civilisation and arts while germans just eat shit and failed to genocide jews. Fucking failures.


>started two world wars (which caused a chain reaction leading to feminism, civil rights, liberalism and SJWs)
>brutally murdered tens of millions of civilized white people (slavs, french civilians etc)
>today, through the EU, they are the leaders of the european invasion by the muslim immigrants

If you vote for Germany, than you hate the white race. They comptely fuck up European demographic

>If you vote for Germany, than you hate the white race. They comptely fuck up European demographic

You were the first who brought in millions of blacks and arabs through your former colonies.

You had a huge problem with demographics LONG before the current "refugee crisis"

>Hurr durr the french surrendered once so they must be pussies.
Don't be retarded.

You also created degenerate philosophies and fucked up your own country. Hows Marseille doing today Frog?

>LONG before the current "refugee crisis"

There are too many 14 year olds on Sup Forums who don't even know about the demographic problem before the current "refugee crisis"

Paris was a black-arab city YEARS ago already.

You're correct. Stop samefagging though.

France is much more important historically by far.

>We literally created modern civilisation

Yeah, wtg...


Typical gaillac swine blaming Germany for its problems. Again I ask hows Marseille doing today? You and the Internal Anglo's hate the white race.

>Who has contributed more to the betterment of society, the French or the German? And which side does Sup Forums admire more?
Germany has provided more inventions that have contributed significantly to the betterment of society. Some argue that the French provided more philosophical and political ideas which contributed to the betterment of society. It's true if you're into the whole radical republicanism shtick. If you're not then the French prior to the 20th century are on the same tier that normies think of Germans: brutish warlike apes.

Portugal rules.


World War 2 was objectively much worse for the western world

>You had a huge problem with demographics LONG before the current "refugee crisis"

Yes buyt we didn't welcomed millions of african migrans during the 1920-1930 years ... it was mostly polish or spanish dumbfuck.
Don't change that now, because of Merkel, Europe is under a muslim migration

This is such a difficult question I can't decide, spent too long thinking about it (5 mins).

Mah nigga


>Yes buyt we didn't welcomed millions of african migrans during the 1920-1930 years
Just the 50's through 2000's years. Don't blame Frau Merkel for your previous fuck ups. She's responsible for fucking up the demographics in a lot of countries in Europe, but France isn't one of them.

>Typical gaillac swine blaming Germany for its problem

It's not like Germany caused both world wars who really fuck up European demography.
You don't have to suck German dick bro. If WW2 didn't happens, there will be more white people in Europe, then more migration in your country, now you're 60% white...

France gave us the Code Civile and struck the first blow against monarchy. What has Germany given the world? Even their beer is terrible and the less said about the sausages the better.

Vive la France :^)

>and struck the first blow against monarchy
[Laughs in American]

It's not like our country is doing anything to prevent it either. Look what happened with the FN last elections (1st turn). All the medias were portraying it as a "cancer" which should be "stopped". Our entire country is pro-SJW and political correctness.

We're as bad as Germany right now and Europe is fucked. I don't get why you're being defensive about our country right now.


I just say
>through the EU, they are the leaders of the european invasion by the muslim immigrants

Is it true, yes or no?
Oh and why we welcomed millions of african migrants? Maybe because of WW2 and our fuck up fecondity ... think about it

>Germany cause WW1
>French """"""""education""""""""

>DA J00's

How's it going, newfriend?

Who funded your little revolt? Guess.

How's Detroit doing today Burger?

>Our entire country is pro-SJW and political correctness.

That because of WW2 and what Germany did.
I'm not defensive about my country, Europe is fucked because of what Germany did.


>Even their beer is terrible

Now I know you're just a nigger

The France has an equal say in the EU as Germany. Again, don't blame Frau Merkel for YOUR previous fuck ups.

>Oh and why we welcomed millions of african migrants?
Because the French believe in the idea of Cosmopolitaine and thus have no real ethnonational identity.

Sugar, mostly. I don't even know why I'm arguing with a non-country desu.

The prussians and their filthy lust for war are the main responsibles for WW1. Germany basically doomed Europe. And is still fucking the continent.Muh rapefugees.Muh sry for Shoah. Muh Greeks pay taxes or die. I love German people, but god they should stay in their borders stop messing with other nations business (can't blame them for using the E-U to their own benefit, but still)

>He thinks Detroit is relevant these days

You need Marseille a lot more than we need Detroit

Europe was going to end up the way it is now with or without the Third Reich, it was only a matter of time. I don't think it is fair to blame the only country to take a stand against international jewry for the current state of affairs.

>better colonization
>helped make America

>made nationalism a shameful concept in Europe

France takes it.

STFU pussy

>they should stay in their borders

Oh the irony

>which caused a chain reaction leading to feminism, civil rights, liberalism and SJWs

Liberté, égalité, fraternité aren't German values, Pierre :^)

geramany literally had the last natioalist goverment in europe, the american jews that made nationalism a shameful concept with their media influence

>surrendered to Germany twice
>surrendered to Russia and Britain
>surrendered to fucking MEXICO

it was objectively better for the west

>try to deny that nationalism, political correct dissepear because of the nazi


>surrendered to Germany twice
>surrendered to Russia and Britain
>surrendered to fucking MEXICO
Fucking butthurt French janny deleted my post. Suck shit frogboy.

france est le meilleur pays

quelques pays qui etaient les colonies de france encore l'aiment.

So it's true what they say about the French and the English language.

I voted German merely because the French act like faggots.

They are snobbish, entitled, and demanding exactly on the same level as niggers are. They are retarded about their shitty language as well, Germans usually are respectful and have great English, whereas the frogs have terrible accents and refuse to speak English in International business.

debatable. French food is great desu. But German cuisine is widely underated outside Europe

>better colonization
Quantity? Definitely. Quality? Not at all

>helped make America
So did Steuben (a Prussian). he even managed to organise your redneck gonzo troops in the first place for real battles
>inb4 some pitty skirmishes

Does Algeria love France?

The Scottish Enlightenment, wave after wave of Scot inventors, policy makers, golfers, that influenced North America and then the world. Great people.

No, but Lebanon does.

They don't entirely hate it...

guessing you're a descendent?

>Barbarian tribes causing trouble on the Roman frontier, forced the Romans into a protracted and pointless military campaign just to stop their raids
>When Attila the Hun came, they shit their pants, initiating a mass migratory movement of more barbarians that led to the Fall of Rome
>Reminder: Attila was defeated in France
>Proceeded to wallow in shit for a thousand years
>When the Crusades came, they spent their energies building castles in the Baltics rather than help drive the Arabs and Turks from Europe.
>Spent the next centuries squabbling while France, Portugal, Spain and Britain colonized the world
>When finally unified at the end of the 19th century, proceeded to be butthurt about not having colonies rather than enjoy the fact that they were becoming the N°1 industrial power
>Got Europe into WW1, destroyed most of the world's Great Empires for the sake of "muh colonies"
>Released Lenin to fuck up with Russia, creating the Soviet Union and world communism which killed 180 million people worldwide
>Butthurt about paying reparations for the war they started, they chimped out Greece-style and elected Hitler who refused to pay denbts
>Dragged the world into ANOTHER World War, this time destroying the West forever and turning Europe into an American vassal
>Finally allowed to unify, dragged Europe into a bureaucratic union with the ECB under their thumb
>Europe flooded by refugees and denbts largely through Germany's fault

Fuck Germany.
They should have never been allowed to reunify.

>Coming from an Imperial Burger

We learned from the 'best'

>>Released Lenin to fuck up with Russia, creating the Soviet Union and world communism which killed 180 million people worldwide

"released" how?

>>Butthurt about paying reparations for the war they started, they chimped out Greece-style and elected Hitler who refused to pay denbts

Nope, the Serb killing Austrian Franz Ferdinand started it, Germany had to assist because of military contracts

>>Dragged the world into ANOTHER World War, this time destroying the West forever and turning Europe into an American vassal

The world didn't had to reject the peace offering after reconquering east Prussia

>>Finally allowed to unify, dragged Europe into a bureaucratic union with the ECB under their thumb

The EU was forced by France as a prerequisite for German unification

>>Europe flooded by refugees and denbts largely through Germany's fault

As far as I know Germany has no borders to 3rd world countries, that they could open.
Southern Europe let in the Invasion, not German.

Dude get at least some of your facts straight, this is not Reddit!



Not him, but the Germans removed Lenin from his exile and shipped him off to Russia to cause trouble during the war. They succeeded to say the least.

And now I remember that this is not /his/

How could you possibly pick Germany

France has objectively contributed more science, technology, philosophy and has played a larger role in the history of Europe

Not to mention France never destroyed Europe with World Wars

France conquers Europe = Europe is better off for it
Germany conquers Europe = Europe is destroyed and then the minds of Germans are continually scrubbed for 70 years until the idea of a German state is offensive to Germans

Fuck Germans

Frogs, best and worst Anglo ally for life

>France conquers Europe = Europe is better off for it


>France conquers Europe = Europe is better off for it
The last time France conquered Europe, the entire continent was royally fucked up, as a direct result, for the next 200 fucking years. The last time Germany conquered Europe, only HALF of the continent was fucked up as a direct result and for barely over 40 years.

Barely. If you've never visited, I can tell you that Ontario, or Upper Canada as it was known in the early days of settlement was overwhelmingly influenced by Scottish immigrants. Right down to the architecture. Most of the early industrialists we're transplants. The US Northeast as well.

really good question

germany has to cuck itself a bit more to be on par with france's historical cucking

Nazism is what killed european domination (decolonization came right after WW2) and nationalism.
And more recently, Germany doomed Europe to the refugees

This easily make up for our revolution in term of contribution to the downfall


>tfw you're not even facing the UK but a nigger-tier country that ruined Europe

Wow...that 5'6", 125lbs man looks so tough...

To be honest though France has been a better country as far as successes over the entire course of its life, but I think that has alot to do with access to the Atlantic ocean and Mediterranean sea...and of course being a mix of four very strong cultures. The Celts, the Franks, the Romans and of course the Normans. Germany was never ruled or influenced by Rome. Not having a major access to the sea also hurt them and slowed their progression and advancement through the bronze age, times of christ and A.D. Hpwever in the last 45 years Germany has put their head down and worked HARD as FUCK. They really do have the best quality EVERYTHING when it comes to products and manufacturing.

I am part French Canadian but to be quite honest I like German beer and food more than French wine and cuisine.

>Nazism is what killed european domination (decolonization came right after WW2) and nationalism.

Nobody forced you or England to jump to Poland's defense after they refused the peace treaty that would've restored the land of the German population there in a decent manner for both parties involved.
Nobody forced you to sacrifice your colonies so that you could fight against the NATIONAL socialists, especially not when the main enemy of those NATIONAL socialists have always been globalist marxists, something which destroys nationalism even more since that's the explicit purpose of that ideology.
Nobody forced you to hand not only Eastern Europe to these people on a silver platter, but also America and then yourself and then all of Europe.

The only thing you can blame the Nazis for is losing.
But that's not on them but on the powers who were willing to give up their own peoples' lives and their own nations' domination to stop them in the name of virtues that ended up destroying themselves in the end.

You can blame Germany all you want, but the current state of the world is what your countries fought and died for, and ultimately it's what you deserve. Enjoy it.

>Nazism is what killed european domination (

Get your frog together and stop blaiming us for the shitskin invasion.
You had shitskins in your country long before national socialism was cool

What Austria said. Even if we mark WWII as the decline of the West, the blame still isn't on Germany. It's on us for fighting against them. Liberté, égalité, fraternité were the ideas that poisoned Western thinking.

The German's had the right idea and failed. You had the wrong idea and succeeded.


>Not counting Austria as part of Germany

I don't know what side to choose.

Lol, no.

The holocaust according to Sup Forums is the lie on which the modern world is build. Globalism, hate speech, progressive ideas in general

>Who has contributed more to the betterment of society

There is this really great argument that the French are the enemies of civilization and were the reason Marx pursued his Communist ideas. Marx couldn't figure out a way to make them work and he was going to shelve them. The French have had this communalist idea since before Christianity, they're like white Africans. Engels told Marx about the Commune (the spontaneous anarchist un-state in Paris after the German victory in 1871) and it persuaded Marx that Communism could actually work.
Also, before Hitler, Germans were much much nicer to Jews (Enlightenment athrough Weimar Germany was the best place in the world after the Partition of Poland to be a Jew) and France was the center of populist Jew hate.

Nazism is degenerate, France was safe for Jews after the revolution all the way up until the Dreyfus Affair.

Even since King Gustav III legalised their presence, Jews have always been relatively safe in Sweden. :^)

I'm a traditionalist and a nationalist, but I have a *mostly* positive outlook in regards to the Jewish people.