Netherlands couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week

>Netherlands couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
Oh believe you me, us Dutch are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY american pigshit they see. When the Netherlands done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

Other urls found in this thread:

>military power


You can't even keep niggers out, you're Canada of Europe.

I remember this copypasta
>tfw Sup Forums is full of newfags like and that won't know this

What are joking about amerifat. USA has more Muslims than we do.
>60% white
>shitcurrency controlled by Jews

TOP KEK fgt even Belgium could destroy your shit
ty ass nation

>you're the Canada of europe

We are the least cucked western/northern nation don't even try. Even the lowest of the lowest here make more money than you ever will also Geert will save us and help us destroy the USA


how would you get to us if you can't beat our navy?
we have a fuckton of subs and carriers
you only get your strength from nato

Isn't the population of the Netherlands like 13 million?

Should've used Arabs/Muslims instead of niggers senpai 7/10 pasta pasta

>raping your women

PLEASE don't be sexist...

>can't beat your navy

Fuck off that old junk would get rekt by our VOC

>we have fuckton of submarines and carriers

Well we have new JSF's that will rek your aircraft carriers and better submarines than that shit junk that is even worse than Soviet
17 million and 15.5 native dutch 750k western immigrant and 750k mudslimes/niggers

I shouldn't call those 100kg pigs females anyway
No Arabs blow themself up niggers will fuck your economy up even more than it is today.

>Even China has a better economy than USA


Your diaspora holds parades to thank Canada for "liberating" you. Canada.

You are fodder. Americans will do with you as they wish. Also, your soccer team invented diversity in the mid nineties. Thanks a lot.

>Dutch Army: 21,500 active full time and part time personnel
>United States Coast Guard: Active duty personnel: 42,190

>Canada liberating us

Mate we could have just waited for the Russians too arrive and live wasn't bad under Nazi Germany. Because of your cancer gayparades exist. How about killing yourself and giving all your land+resources to those niggers south of you so they have a chance against the Glorious republic Der Nederlanden

I used to go with a Dutch bitch. She had green eyes, huge tits, and plump, cocksucking lips. First class piece of ass.

Our army obviously has way better soldiers with better equipment than your old junk. 1 Dutch soldier could kill 20k American soldiers with ease. Our rented tanks from Germany also kick your ass and our F-35's are modified to actually do something instead of losing to the f-16 pfff amateurs

I can understand fgt since your women over there are all obese pigs.

We will enslave your kind and let you work for us before exterminating you

Remember when we accidentally Eindhoven?

As long as you all suck my cock as well as she did, I won't mind.

i'm willingly replying to this bait

>The other two, the Regiment Huzaren Van Sytzama (former 1st Hussar Regiment) and the Regiment Huzaren Prins van Oranje (former 2nd Hussar Regiment) were disbanded, along with the army's full armoured capability, in 2012 as a result of further cuts to the Dutch defence budget

>F-35A: 2
>F-16 Fighting Falcon: 61

Dutch Navy:
>6 frigates
>4 offshore patrol vessels
>6 minehunters
>1 support ship (Karel Doorman)
>2 landing platform docks
>4 submarines
>40 other ships

idk, maybe you have a chance.

Is this the country full of water canals?

Just in case you aren't trolling, please goett help

And the one that was so addicted to tulips, when a harvest of them failed, the Dutch economy nearly collapsed due to consumer debt.

Americans are this gay. You might be even bigger cucks than swedes
>further cuts to defence budget


Mate our navy got upgraded we got futuristic stuff and shit which could bring down any US jet or ship. We wouldn't even have to try.
TOP KEK you should indeed come here and let them seek help for your mental illness faggot. You might be able to bomb some sandniggers but we Dutch people would totally rape and annihilate you


>saying bullshit while living in a shithole with a 17 trillionbillionmillion debt

Kanker american you are really butthurt that you even make up lies. Tullips nor flowers aren't even our main export keep trying faggots. The Dutch flag will be everywhere in USA after Geert is elected

Go to bed, Jantje.

Friendly reminder that the military now resorts to making pew pew noises due to not being able to buy bullets for their guns.


schools out in nederland huh?

>friendly reminder that you're a irrelevant kankerhomo

It is 02:16 muritard. Ever being able to understand timezones? how about killing yourself fake white trash

*drops one nuke*
Welcome to the Netherlands! Population: 0

friendly reminder the dutch haven't won a completely independent-of-foreign-powers war since 1904 against a fucking Indonesian sultanate.

nice dubs bait friend
>The renewed Dutch Navy will be a green-water navy, having enough frigates and auxiliaries to operate far out at sea, while depending on land-based air support, and, with the large amphibious squadron, they will have significant brown-water navy capabilities.

>Dutch government debt is roughly 65% of GDP with nothing to show for it except budget cuts and marijuana

fucking rare



Well memed
Needs more Geert though