It's a sad person who comes to Sup Forums just to be able to get shit off his chest...

It's a sad person who comes to Sup Forums just to be able to get shit off his chest. Yet that's where I find myself right now, doing a thing that shows myself how pathetic my life really is because I have no one and nowhere to turn. Whether or not this gets replies or goes straight to page ten I dgaf. I just need to release.

>I've had three heart attacks before 40
>one third of my heart is dead
>my fiance left me when I could no longer work because I could no longer support her or her kids
>I've no job that I can do and I've been denied twice for disability
>I'm interested in another woman who seems to be ok that I have nothing to offer
>I don't think I can honestly put someone in that position just for my own happiness
>friends are literally a thousand miles away because I moved
>This girl I'm interested in, is sending mixed signals
>I couldn't find a clue in a box full of the same clues
>I'm just tired of life, why are we so unhappy and unsure of ourselves most of the time

Pic not related to anything

Other urls found in this thread: repair&sa=Search

There's always suicide. God knows we could use a real one around these parts.

hang in there champ, there are old women and retards that can find jobs, I am sure there is someplace in the world for you

Depression is a pandemic these years.
I know how you feel.
Physically there's hope though, they've found a way to graft fresh cells to the dead parts of a heart, to let it repair itself. Worth a google anyway.

If you like this woman, do let her like you, take human warmth when it arrives, it's a gift dude.
You're not alone, all the best user. repair&sa=Search

youre doing it wrong

such an autistic outlook on life. Why did you get engaged to someone with kids? Have some fucking perspective, theres more than 2 women in the world. Ugh just have another heart attack.

Being kind is wrong? Being helpful is wrong?
Jeez kid...

OP here, this was simply a place to vent for me without people in my life knocking on my virtual door. An hero has been contemplated. But I can't allow life to win like that. If it's gonna kill me, I'm not gonna help it.

Thanks user

Find a good (!) hypnotherapist and let him/her assist you in pulling yourself out of this downward spiral.

The back story on that is convoluted and complicated. When you lose your cherry, you'll understand that indeed, there's more to life then getting your dick wet.

Sure you can. There's no regret six feet under.

You're welcome user.
Always remember, this too shall pass.

Well tell us, oh dubs of truth soothsayer. Tell us about how you got life figured out better than everyone else while you sit here and cry about your life on Sup Forums. Jesus fuck what a loser fag. Drink bleach

Hmph, never said I got it together, but by your post, it's fairly obvious you have no clue how relationships can work. Therefore, yes I did assume your virginal status

I just got a bj from my girlfriend a few minutes ago. Feeling pretty good right now.

intelligent fighter. keep it on.

That is a different user, I'm the guy that originally said you should have another heart attack. Playing the im older and wiser than you card is fucking pointless when you literally admitted to not understanding how women think in your post. Its clear that YOU have an archaic and naive outlook on relationships that is more akin to a fairytale than real life. So yeah have another fucking heart attack ya spaz.

Lucky bastard, did she swallow like a good slut or did she spit?

Shot it on her tits.

Well in that case my point still stands from that post. I don't have it together, fully admit to that. As for more women than two, yes again there is. But thanks for missing the entirety of what this is about and making it instead personal attacks on my life. Trust me, unless you came here and shot my ass, your words have zero effect on me. I know what I have to do, my problem is I don't want to, I'd rather have a girlfriend. But my situation precludes that, and I'm just torn between being selfish, and selfless right now.

But thanks for playing

Congrats, next time tell her to swallow, less mess and you chimera her ass too

Don't play with the angry kids dude.
They're tripping over themselves to be as abbrasive as humanly possibly, it's teenage thing.

ugh you sound so lame.

Proof you're fucking lame.

Wrong, but can't screen shot second one was me

This is meNot this

because your lying?

you still have yourself to offer, that is *something*

Luckily I can



>>I've no job that I can do and I've been denied twice for disability

on what grounds can they deny you? your heart condition sounds pretty bad

If you are, were, a female, would that be enough for you? Serious question

Federal government will deny 95% first time. 70+% second time. I have a hearing set for a year and half from now. Don't ever get disabled not worth it on any front


it would be enough if i'd be making enough money myself

finances sadly are a big factor in this world

You're really twisting yourself out of shape to be as offensive as possible, aren't you?
When you grow up a bit, you'll find that such behaviour becomes a bit embarassing and you'll remember these moments and be so shameful.

>I have a hearing set for a year and half from now
this country sucks man sorry about your troubles
maybe you can become as aesthetic as possible through diet alone (i assume you cant really work out but maybe you can?) then do art or something.. pass yourself off as some hipster intellectual and still manage to get laid/make money. idk it might work

I'm 24 have 2 degrees and am working in my dream industry, I was born with a genetic disease that fucked me over pretty badly, I didnt let it affect me, no one even knew I had a problem. Some people arent pathetic like you, I wont feel shame for this. If anything ill remember when I took time out to photoshop lame onto your screenshot and laugh to myself while not having a heart attack.

you did let it affect you

you think you've turned into someone to be proud of, someone better?

then why are you a fucking arrogant prick? i wouldn't want to be like you even if it meant i could work "in my dream industry"

But why do you behave like a 16 year-old, cranky boy?
And you care a lot, you're affected yet still have this childish knee-jerk need to be cruel, to seek bounderies - most people outgrow such behaviour at your age.

Better than who? Why do you talk like your in a fucking disney film? You'll never be anyone from the sounds of it. Destined to be 'selfless' no one gets rewarded for being selfless by definition. Stop living in a fantasy world mateeeeeee

this dude reminds me of some creepy villain from a super hero story. what a shitty person

That sentence makes no sense. You keep going for this child mentality/grow up angle instead of genuinely trying to combat my opinions. Most people outgrow OPs pathetic girl problems by 40.

Heh - bones of glass, must be evil.

oh you can be sure i'd fuck someone like YOU over the first chance i get

just because i don't like shitting on everyone doesn't mean i can't do it

No new posters - Definitely angry OP trying to create peopel to defend him

I dont think you could mate, youd have a heart attack or something.

Your opinions aren't that interesting.
Your behaviour however is odd for someone who's 24, has 2 degrees and working in a dream industry. It's petty and immature, and perhaps wee smidgeon of psychopathy thrown in?

Though I'm mostly inclined to take for someone younger and angrier.

OP clearly like unbreakable - terrible film btw.

This a feels thread right? I recently found out my girl is back with her ex, after i did a ton of my acid with her, after i got my broken cock to O her into moaning daddy at me and managed to blow in her, on my floor, after shes given me her first bong, after i lost my shitty fast food job so i could pull a 3 day drug binge for her b day, but I kinda expected it and don't feel anything but loneliness, not even anger or sadness. I also can't see my bro for he is imprisoned. My only options are becoming a gross neet and renouncing my virginity, but my stepdad hates me and mum cant support us both. my others include stealing a car at gunpoint and using 200 in gas to get as far away as possible and going from there, or just walking across the country bein a stoned bum until i just die or something. inb4 get a job, I'm not lazy at all but im a poor dropout who doesn't want to be stuck in fast food his whole life.
Please help me b, I can feel the cravings for opiates creep through me, and i wish for death
save me b4 i shoot up a mall or some shit

fuck you beat me two it


You literally dont have any opinions thats why you have such a shit life. Nothing I've done or said suggests psychopathic tendencies. Sociopath maybe but thats just the Sup Forums mentality. I'm guessing you didnt have much of an education which is another reason you cant get a job.


you are not 24

i hate using this word but stop being so cringey

Why's that?

Not OP dude.
Barking up the wrong tree again.
I'm old enough to realise that opinions in general are overrated, and you certainly haven't any worth mulling over.
You don't care for the conversation, or basic human decency - you're desperate to be a "hard man", to be edgy and untouchable.

You have to remember you're talking to a pair of old farts, your flailings aren't that interesting.

Also, why on earth should I try to carry a conversation with you? You don't give a fuck about OP's situation, or anything else for that matter - your only intention here is to try to anger two lazy old fucks.


not OP

this dude isnt fucking around someone get him some permanent pussy

I think you are OP, you two 'old farts' are the only people to use a mix of reddit spacing and short sentence paragraphs. How the fuck am I trying to be the hard man? I haven't spent years feeling self pity and therefore I'm 'edgy' fuck off.

welcome, billy

Nah dude, you're just a childish Sup Forumstard, desperate to annoy. And again, wrong.

calling him childish when you (if ur op) cant talk to a girl at 40. loser

there is no easy way out for you, you'll either hit rock bottom and find the strength to change your life or you'll die

>raising someone elses children

Not OP.
Your preconceptions are showing.

how did you have 3 heart attacks before 40? do you eat nothing but pure lard and salt?

Why do you say mum, yet seem american?

what im tryna say lmaooo

Some butthurt old people in this thread jeez stop calling people kids, its embarrassing.

you do realize there can be genetic dispositions favoring heart attacks and issues even for an otherwise healthy lifestyle?

They can be easily managed with beta blockers or surgery. You have to be unhealthy to trigger heart attacks.

If they behave like children, I shall talk to them like children.

Sounds like you're just bitter to me.

Op, I'm off, real life calls - hope you find a solution and contentment.

It's genetic to a point, but mainly the stress I was under is what triggered them. Even the drs were wondering why I was there

literally would get emotionally bullied irl

tl:dr OP is a cringey loser.

Maybe you only have one chance at life.

It is a great opportunity, with so much to enjoy - even if you are sometimes depressed by the hard times you may be enduring.