Is White Genocide real or just a mene made by Sup Forums to preserve white privilege?
White genocide
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Yes paco, its a real thing.
White genocide is real just like any type of genocide is real, look up cultural assimilation
>made by Sup Forums to preserve white privilege
I dont know about that one but I would bet no
It's a doublethink meme
Curiously, it's more often than not spouted by holocaust deniers and faggots who think the UN is a joke (while citing the UN's definition of genocide)
It's real in South Africa and Sweden mostly
An economic theory of genocide is presented with application to Rwanda‐1994. The theory considers ‘macro’ conditions under which an authority group chooses genocide and ‘micro’ conditions that facilitate the spread of genocide. From the macro perspective, a bargaining model highlights four rational explanations for an authority’s choice of genocide: prevention of loss of power, indivisibility, elimination of a persistent rival, and political bias. From the micro perspective, an evolutionary game model shows how supporters of genocide gain the upper hand in group dynamics over resisters and bystanders. The theory and application suggest that the conditions for genocide are not exceptional.
Who's this cunt?
>8% of world population are white by very loose definition
>50% of whites are old/ageing and not going to have anymore children
>1.8% of the world population are white women of child bearing age or younger
>White birth rates are way below replacement levels in every white country.
>Not 1 single country now exists that has in not openly accepting massive non-white migration and promoting multiculturalism
>Immigrants have birth rates way above replacement levels
>Race mixing among whites is the highest in history and being actively promoted in the media and by the state
White people cannot possibly survive with no racially homogeneous homeland and without a replacement birth rate. Period.
White genocide is absolutely real.
And the fact that well funded and influential groups literally say we should be killed. That too.
Cuckskin jizzmops refusing to breed by their own will isn't a genocide. Whether immigrants exist or not has no bearing on their birthrates, the lack of them would simply prolong the inevitable.
Stop blaming others for your own shortcomings slavshit stormfag enabler
Societies are huge and diverse. The diversity you see in the news or media does not reflect the views of the entire country or world.
The jews learned early on to work with other races to maximize their income and dominance.
Now we must all do the same in order to survive.
Remember, you can privately do whatever you want. Rape is still illegal, so nobody can force you to have kids or take care of somebody else's kid.
There are lesbian women that go to sperm banks and impregnate themselves with white genes.
The jews want this.
its a meme but people fell for it so know it's actually happening
White genocide does not exist. White suicide exists.
>DRDS is currently unopposed politically, so existing fertility differentials
may eventually lead to Western submission or civil resistance.
It is a real thing. Educate and prepare.
Learn to read Paco.
Low white Birth rates are not the fault of immigrants. They just have MUCH higher birth rates and are invading every corner of the white world.
If they breed faster, and more keep coming then replacement is inevitable. Its simple mathematics.
The cause of low white birth rates is socialist propaganda (Women's equality, women in the work force, and above all birth control and abortion). This is also the case of immigration, and the cause of race mixing propaganda.
You don't have to look far to see who is behind that.
Friendly reminder that Jews,gypsies,slavs and Arabs are white
Caucasoid, but by no ones definition white.
Don't slide the thread shitbag.
It's pretty impossible to fully genocide Sweden, north Sweden is protected by the cold and Somalians literally suffer severe health issues from the climate there.
No matter how you look at it, immigration is necessary in order to keep up economic growth. It's pretty clear that as the standard of living increases birth rates decrease, as observed in most if not all 1st world countries. The only solution is to somehow lower incomes, but that would mean less profits for Shlomo, so you can see the problem we're faced with.