Can someone please tell me why Palestine still exists?
Let Israel liberate the Ayyrabs already
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying Palestine even exists
because they didnt want to be suppressed by the jordanian government anymore
When all the wannabe-western states stop recognising it I'll say it doesn't exist (Not that I'm saying it should)
>Actually falling for this meme
>Wanting more rag heads countrys
palestine has a right to exist like any other country.
it doesnt
why are you not valuing my opinion like everyone else's. I believe Palestine should be a free country. Tell me why it shouldnt
You're a terrible troll. Enjoy your ban
>A right to exist
They're life would be better under Israel anyway. Plus israel already btfo'd them and their Arab friends. I'm pretty sure they have lost any right to exist.
Arabs > Jews
Can I create my own magical country too?
for the memes. Also because even by raghead standards palifags are a bunch of dindu nuffin clay thieves who will Black September you if you're stupid enough to let them in
They lost there war to be free whilst vastly out numbering Israel and wherent free when israel was created. And they're shitskins non of they're countries should exist.
Are you fucking serious?
Your country is the cuckold of shitskins
Your women are at the mercy of these filthy creatures
And you still hold this viewpoint??
You are so unbelievably racist. they deserve to be free just as much as you do
So being beheaded > having money stolen? If Arabs are so great why is your country going to shot Sven?
t. Jordan & Lebanon
Get off Sup Forums now
Israel should liberate Arabs from their mortal coil.
Shit* fucking phone
I agree
Much like Palestine, I have every right to be here. Im voicing my opinion.
Fuck I love that video
I keep running into retarded bongs that take some kind of sick pride in being behind the jewing of an entire nation of people.
I sincerely hope the Islamists force you all onto the Isle of Man to wallow in poverty.
Tell me why Palestine shouldn't be its own country.
white supremacy
I hope the niggers kill all of the burgers and force you into Alaska
Niggers are the scum of the Earth i hope they rot in hell
>implying Alaska isn't comfy af
suck our dick for nato defense harder, pls
K I love America desu
You're right op but the uk should take in all of those poor palestinians before israel annexes them
Nobod's answered my question
Nobodys answered my question
No let the krauts take them they seem to have a thing for letting any shitskin in at the moment
Because Jews did 9/11
Because they never where one to begin with and wherent one when we have the land to Israel. Plus they lost all wars for independence with Israel whilst being backed up by all major Arab nations
I don't really care if they get their own country or not. I kinda like the way Israel's existence asspains the Left, but I have no special attachment to Israel either.
Also, what about other countries:
South Ossetia
Are you saying all these countries don't have a right to exist? They do. They didn't like thier governments so created a different country. It's fair play.
Israel is waiting for a war for an opportunity to take these and other lands.
I have no love for Zionists but frankly I wish Israel would ethnic cleanse every last fucking Moslem from the area.
It's their land. Once we let the Jews take a little they take the whole world.
Everything these kikes are doing in Palestine they did in Germany in 1933 and tried to set up one of their Jewish central banks to Jew all the goyim from.
I posted that ages ago. keep up.
If a group of terrorist thugs just take a bit of a sovereign nation's land and say this is ours now the country is perfectly within it's right to take that piece of land back, is it not?
The cunts use fucking schools and hospitals to launch rockets and cry when they get btfo'd. Israel is perfectly within its right to delete the arab scum that is Palestine.
6 trillon dollar question.
Who is flooding Sweden with muslims?
>implying any country has a right to exist
Nope they don't plus by that logic israel has more of a right to exist
Where do you think you are Schlomo?
>inb4 the 6 million
Your own government you fucking retard.
Russia maybe? Ukraine could take Crimea back but they aren't going to are they?
It only exists because the world would bitch if Israel annexed them fully.
The Swedes are flooding Sweden with Muslims. Netanyahu is openly against the islamisation of Europe.
And let's not forget how you fucks bitched and whined against us during apartheid.
Oy vey! Who's behind this post?
Fucking amen. Wish the hajis would give Israel an excuse to go nuclear ape shit on them .
>white people are flooding white countries with immigrants
>not Jews
because people give a shit what sandmonkeys and greasy fucks do in the desert.
>sell guns to israel
>sell guns to palestine
and let them do whatever the fuck they want to eachother.
who wins does not concern the west.
So why isnt israel marxist at all?
The Jews spread degeneracy among the goyim nations not amongst themselves.
The Jewish parasite will tell goyim to be multicultural while doing the opposite in Israel.
Nice cherry picking m8. Just like Americans have leftist news websites, so does Israel.
Also, you're a fool if you deny that Europeans are overwhelmingly leftist.
Why shouldnt it exist? The muslims(palestine) have been living their for hundreds of years and the reason the jews lost israel in the first place was because they denied the son of god and killed him and were punished
Thank you
Crimea had a referendum. albeit its legitimacy is disputed but that's the democratic way territory changes hands. Find a better analogy faggot
>all these Jews getting 66
>literally Menachem Rosensaft
Gee I wonder, who's behind this post?
You aren't fooling anyone Schlomo. The word "Palestine" is good bait to bring out all the JIDF shills
You are a fool to think the ones who are leftists wont become rightwing when shit hits the fan and the jews are exposed
those are two articles, written by the same fucking guy...
Claiming Palestinians don't exist is like claiming Taiwanese and Chinese are the same.
Shitskins > kikes
>David Schwarz, born in 1928 in Poland, died in November 2008, was a Swedish-jew social commentator and editor.
>On October 21, 1964 David Schwarz published an article in Dagens Nyheter, entitled Immigration problem in Sweden. It was the beginning of an extensive debate in Sweden about immigrants' conditions and how they assimilated into Swedish society.
>Schwarz was in the following years very active and influential in public discussions on immigration policy. He has been described as "the first person from an immigrant perspective started a debate on the situation of refugees in the society".
>He published several books, including Swedish immigrant and minority policies 1945-1968 (1971), immigrant and minority research, etc., a bibliography (1973), and can immigrants become Swedes? (1973). His role as a social commentator described by author Henry novel in the book An immigrant political opposition (1994).
Jewish guy stars the immigration debate in Sweden (1960). He worked for the bigger media and made politician partys to go for a more immigrant friendly politics.
Source (only in swedish)
Jewish leftists are like other ethnic leftists. They will be both anti white yet patriotic at the same time, while white leftists tend to only be anti white. I'm not sure why this is but it is disturbing.
Literally not an argument.
Oy vey the shills are in full power in this thread
Sa ge goes in all fields
Remember that you do not have to choose between Moslems and Jews, they're always bad news, Sup Forums is a Christian board
More cherrypicking m8. What's one Swedish Jew against the entire leftist Swedish government of non Jews? You are not proving your point at all.
Nice meme
JIDF who are you fooling?
Leftism is used by the globalist millionaire elite, which have a number of Jews but that doesn't make the non Jews involved less bad.
It's all Jews. You know this, though.