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Domestic production of textiles and clothing offers no economic incentive. The consumer only asks for lower cost of goods, and so the producer submits to their wants and desires. Producing that jacket or shirt in the USA out of principle would be economically reckless, especially in such a market like we have, where the consumer is generally uneducated or even just plain stupid.
>he was forced by da unfair system to rake in dem 1000% profits while entirely American companies produce similar goods
>he's a nationalist I swear guys
Even his whore of a daughter ivanka produces her shit in foreign nations
Trumpweenies are getting cucked big time
>building a wall
>having a trade relationship
No need to pick just one.
Must be American free-range sheep, every there are no sheep in Mexico.
The economic system is politically rigged such that any rational businessman would produce his textiles in Mexico. Donald Trump the businessman makes the rational choice.
Donald Trump the President of the United States will fix the system so businessmen are incentivized to do business in America again.
The wall is gonna be made in Mexico too faggot.
Ah, the desperate cries of the heroin addict that has been cut off.
Are you referring to the Americans who buy heroin, or who?
Trump lied to you.
He lied to all of you.
"If I was to run for president I would be a republican because the right wing is full of stupid autists who believe any shit I say" - People Magazine, 1999
>mexico is ripping us off
>trump is one of us
>he's tired of getting ripped off
>"we can now make the projection that donald trump is the president elect" - media outlets everywhere
You can buy a 100% wool suit for $500 made in USA or Canada.
>Producing that jacket or shirt in the USA out of principle
What kind of principle would that be anyways?
>ITT: What is The Ricardian model?
Yeah, this is Trump's double-standards showing. There's no way going around it. But still I'm supporting him for POTUS.
>trump is getting ripped off
I don't think Donny the cuck is mad about raking in the profits of suits that costs cents to produce and sell at a much higher markup
The only ones getting ripped off are trump's consumers
Fake tag. No proof it's real. Done in one . Nice try Bern outs
>Yeah, this is Trump's double-standards showing.
No it's not a double-standard. And all this (thread) shows is how many keks (in here) got no damn clue about economics.
Link please
Hes mad great only way to make a profit is to hire spics
This based lunar dubs to the tower of Trump awwoooemt
>100% wall
the magazine looked into that and couldn't find him saying it anywhere in their archives. You're lying bitch. Stop letting the UK down and get behind Trump fucker.
Proves nothing considering Trump isn't anti-Mexico, just anti-illegal immigration. Check mate.
This is kinda like the MAGA hats made in China. It doesn't make Trump a hypocrite, just a good businessman, especially since he's trying to take back jobs from Mexico.
Assuming that tag in OP's pic isn't fake, that is.
Actually, Trump explained it himself during a Republican debate...he admits to taking advantage of laws that are legal in order to increase profit.
He even said he didn't like them, and that he wants to do away with laws that allow businesses to prosper more overseas, by lowering the corporate tax rate.
One could say (as I do regularly) that just because something is allowed or legal, does not make it ethical or right, but Trump acknowledged his ability to make more money by his business being in another country, and how he wants to change companies operating in the US to not get leaned by the high tax rate for businesses.
so you're saying it was made by an illegal immigrant in mexico? were they south american or central american illegals?
why is this so hard for libtards to understand?
Trump does what he has to in order to remain in business under the current system over which he currently has no direct power to change.
If given the power to change that system he may in fact do so.
shit stinking mongrel who is TERRIFIED over the fact that he is going to pay for The Wall detected lmfao
I remembered wrong it's $600 but the point still stands.
>will fix the system so businessmen are incentivized to do business in America again.
Or so he says while selling overpriced low quality suits that cost cents to produce, instead of paying some inbred white hick $30 an hour to stitch some shit
How do you explain the fact that American companies who produce their own shit in the US still turn in profits?
I'll take capitalism for $1000, Alex.
>this one trumpweenie is terrified over the fact that his meme cuck president is exposed as the double faced rat he is, and thus, he won't deliver any of the sweet white trash tunes he sings
You, like all mexicans bitching about Trump, are only doing it because you are about to be economically cut off.
So you think we should devote our time to produce a more expensive/advanced good (which also discounts the education level of the worker)? And this will help us how?
this only proves him right dumbass
why would trump willingly blow money on nonsense?
don't give me a preschool "hur hur he's doing that by running!" response
he would not prove any point by bleeding money just to keep his shit in america either, you libshits would spin it negatively and don't pretend you wouldn't
I understand economics extremely well (econ major). Obviously he is producing in countries where it is cheaper to produce, thus making him earn more profit. But it is still double-standards from his part since he is touting around that he wants to bring back production to the US. He could have produced that stuff in the US as well but he chose not to. Thus, double standards.
> why is our clothing being made in mexico
> because one of mexico's main crops is cotton
This is also why denim pants were being sold for $200 to $400 in russia at one point.
> cotton doesn't grow well in russia
This, You can manufacture here and in America just you'll have lower profit margins. Filling up your bank account is more important than the well being of your country.
>So you think we should devote our time to produce a more expensive/advanced good
No. Comparative advantage doesn't necessarily imply to being able to produce more expensive/advanced goods. Not at all.
America is the third largest producer of cotton behind China and India. Mexico is 10th
They can, but the owners won't be the same millionaires that they are today.
As a business owner myself I believe having to pay my employees a wage at all is communism, it's basically theft because they are taking money that belongs to me.
>But it is still double-standards from his part since he is touting around that he wants to bring back production to the US.
Yeah, maybe. Yet wouldn't it be fair to consider what kind of production/products he was/is even talking about (i.e. context). Surely he was not just speaking about everything/nothing in particular, was he?
>You, like all mexicans bitching about Trump, are only doing it because you are about to be economically cut off.
You just stooped even lower, transitioning from plain ad hominem to speculation.
How mad does reality make you that you have to resort to straw grasping at nationality instead of the facts?
Yet, trumpniggers will argue that he's a nationalist.
Funny how trump complains about corporations fucking over America in all of his rallies, when he himself has done it extensively as well.
Why should Americans vote for the people responsible for the bane of American prosperity?
Okay shitposter
Trump has some good policies I admit but he's not some God Emperor.
guy goes against his own profits and interests in order to do whats right for America
he took advantage of the system in place,as a businessman it'd be stupid not to
>He could have produced that stuff in the US as well but he chose not to.
Could he though?
Could he produce it in the US and still compete?
You don't know the answer, stating otherwise is very unprofessional for an econ major.
Furthermore, Trump is NOT arguing that the US should produce EVERYTHING. he is not for abolishing trade completely.
This ain't speculation anymore taco boy, your "country" is gonna get Trumped starting next year
-He loves hispanics!
It does for the country that has a higher cost of labor, you liar. >How mad does reality make you that you have to resort to straw grasping at nationality instead of the facts?
How ironic. A la raza advocate giving me shit about nationalism and speculation.
Worst case is that he lied to us, and the american people trust their government even less, which is still a win for me.
>regulations forcing companies to manufacture outside the country
>trump tells you this and says he wants to bring back industry to the US
what's the problem exactly?
>Funny how trump complains about corporations fucking over America in all of his rallies
confirmed for not watching a single rally. But then liberals base their beliefs on fantasies, not facts.
He is blaming the trade deals and the US politicians that make them. Not the companies who are making the smart move.
Why the fuck should I have to pay my employees? It's not like they thought of the business, they didn't buy the tools, they just work here.
It's like you people think you are entitled to just being paid because you work for someone.
He's proving his own point, yah cuck!
How exactly is he proving his point, all he proved was he was wrong, and that is is more profitable to manufacture in Mexico
So, his oreo's and ford bitchfit whining is just a facade?
Good to know
Stop shitposting
>an election that hasn't taken place isn't speculation
>a billionaire who has been shown to be a hypocrite actually delivering his promises isn't speculation
>the motivations behind the criticism for trump based on nationality alone aren't speculation
Average trumpfaggot delusions and "logic"
You realize he just licensed his name brand to Macy's and didn't actually have anything to do with their production?
>his meme cuck president
notice how this angry turd is already thinking of trump as the president.
good bitch. you'll be paying for The Wall very soon.
No wonder it's cheap, the fit is taken straight out the 80s.
>How ironic. A la raza advocate giving me shit about nationalism and speculation.
Who are you referring to?
>Worst case is that he lied to us, and the american people trust their government even less, which is still a win for me.
There are no winners here, only cucked people like the average trumpfag.
>lives in switzerland
>thinks living off expensive watch and cheese production is a viable economic strategy
I'm going to laugh when you country goes bankrupt next year.
It's actually what trumpfags think, since I am talking to a trumpfag, and referring to trump as *his* meme president I think your shitpost is beyond retarded.
Wow, Trump emphasizes in all of his speeches that he wants to bring jobs back to America and that he wants products to be made in America again but he himself did not abide to this.
How can you vote for such a hypocritical man?
It came across the border legally, Trump is only against illegal immigrants.
Nah, its meant to be in the style of a 1950's Ivy League style suit. if it were made in the same style as an 80's suit it would have very heavily padded shoulders this suit has no padding which is better.
>be German
>laughing at others
top kek.
Not enough though, corporate taxes and all taxes in general are theft. Nobody should pay taxes
How don't any of you people understand what hypocrisy actually means considering you're so fucking full of it?
>Removing illegal Mexicans from a country
>Buying clothes from Mexico
See this isn't hypocrisy. Hypocrisy would be wanting to remove illegal immigrants, but at the same time helping them to illegally enter the country or claiming not to buy clothes from Mexico when you are in fact buying clothes from Mexico. See how it works? Try this one
>Dictatorships are bad
>Che Guevara was a freedom fighter
See this is hypocrisy. While Che Guevara himself wasn't a dictator, Fidel Castro is/was and came into power because of Che Guevara and his guerilla tactics. Should we do another?
>We need to stop racism and sexism
>It's because of all these white men that I'm X
See this is hypocrisy too because while someone is claiming to want to end racism and sexism, they've managed to be both racist and sexist themselves. Incredibly though, go back 10 years or so and nothing racist would have been mentioned there (realistically nothing racist has been said, but I'm using the retard rules that liberals insist on using) because saying the colour of a person's skin doesn't mean you're being racist, or it didn't, but we're in the current year now.
It just sort of carries on like that which is why it's pointless even trying to talk seriously with anyone from the left. They're unironically worse than the people they oppose and were quite rightly ignored until the internet gave them a platform to reach millions of other oxygen thieves. I hope I've managed to answer this question,but I'm going to assume you're a bot considering this is the 4th thread I've seen on the front page on the exact same thing.
tl;dr kys
Trump already said that he has his clothing made out of the country because otherwise he can't remain competitive. Old news.
I'm Jewish.
Shouldn't let us into your government. FBI and Mossad now get the information of your banks and even have the right to make arrests on your soil.
You're fucked, m8.
>doesn't even know what this thread is about
No retard, he also said he didn't want American corporations outsourcing to Mexico, China, India, etc....
He tried to meme Oreos/Nabisco and Apple for making their products overseas while hypocritically also making his knockoff clothing overseas.
buying international products made by foreign workers is fine
outsourcing jobs to then sell the product back in is not
We'll laugh as rapefugees ruin yours.
>cheaper = better
this is why hardcore economists are insane
>foreign workers
>not outsources
R u retarded?
He doesn't have a problem with Mexico. He has a problem with the economic advantage they have over america. He wants to transform it. /Thread.
mountain jew beats jew.
Mine is safe, m8.
You were only allowed to live, because we used you as a wallet. Now, that we have ESM you have outlived your usefulness.
>Donald Trump equates best in the world
>all his brand shit made in Mexico and China
>shittier production, design, and fabric
This is historically what he sells. Trumplets don't understand that ALL he churns out is hype based bullshit of the lowest possible quality to get past customers and investors. Same goes for his apartments, hotels, and residences. I worked NYC real estate. All his properties are a joke compared to similarly priced options from other developers. This is the mememeister you edgy pencildicks unironically want to be prez.
Of course... keep me posted, k?
You guys are gays giving Trump too much credit. He rid the American corporations meme for vote and attention. He can still make up for it by not outsourcing his shit or whatever but that doesn't change the fact that he was a hypocrite.
He's helping you earn money to save up for the wall you will be paying for.
Really makes you think.....