Raising the Pride Flag on Parliament Hill for the first time in Canadian history. June 1, 2016

>Raising the Pride Flag on Parliament Hill for the first time in Canadian history. June 1, 2016.

REEE WHY IS MY PM SUCH A FUCKING KEK. I hope you Americans vote for Trump and get the hero you deserve

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Because he is a faggot that craves a dick that will kill him.

The private member’s bill was introduced by Liberal MP Mauril Bélanger, who was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) last fall and is slowly dying from the disease. It proposes making O Canada gender-neutral by changing “In all thy sons command” to “In all of us command”.

Are we supposed to be proud of our cuck heritage.

Save us Trump

What the hell happened? Thought you guys played hockey and beat the hell out of each other.

Why is the flag pole so small?

I like how they have a tiny flagpole and put as minimal effort into that as possible.
Cant even put effort into memeing. Fucking leaf.

your country is a joke man, it's painful to watch

nobody deserves this

because it's 2015


We had a based as fuck PM and you faggots ruined it. I remember leading up to the election and after he was elected, so many of you leaf faggots on Sup Forums bragged about voting for him because "dude Harper is shitty because my Gender Studies teacher and coal burning single mother told me so, dude weed lmao"

Enjoy your anti-tranny hate speech laws, changing the national anthem to be more "inclusive", and gender neutral bathrooms you fucking faggots. Western society is dead.

tfw canada will never have a good national anthem again


legal weed next year though

still, such a faggot pm

please no

He's not going to make weed legal you bluepilled cuck, he's just continuing to bring it up to save face. Canada has ratified UN treaties that will never allow such a law, and if he truly had the power he would have already done so. Look at how many bullshit social justice laws he has pushed through in the time he's been elected, weed will never be legal.

Somebody sent some nukes there already.

FUCKING LOL is that seriously the entire flagpole?


BILL C-6: An Act to amend the Citizenship Act and to make consequential amendments to another Act

>being physically present prior to becoming a permanent resident counts as half days up to a maximum of 365 days towards becoming a citizen
>each day present as a permanent resident prior to citizenship counts as a full day towards citizenship
>can become a citizen after being physically present 1095 days (or 3 years) within a 5 year period
>people under 18 don't need to know English or French to become a citizen
>people over 54 don't need to learn English or French to become a citizen
>people over 54 don't need to take a citizenship test or oath to become a citizen
>citizenship restored to those who's citizenship was revoked under the Harper Government
>remove the grounds for the revocation of Canadian citizenship that relate to national security (ie. terrorists and treason allow you to keep canadian citizenship now)
>remove the requirement that an applicant intend, if granted citizenship, to continue to reside in Canada; (don't even need to stay here to be one of us)

Enjoy all our new compatriots to come Sup Forums

Just be glad you didn't pledge your life to defend the nation, then proceed to have the nation completely cucked while you stand by helpless.. yet still have to put the uniform on every day and be cucked yourself.

Did justin get fucked by a tranny on stage or was he too transphobic???



This kind of shit is why I did not enlist, myself.

the new one is kinda catchy tho

please annex


Maple Leaf Forever was NEVER the anthem. God Save the Queen was the anthem before the current one.

Maple Leaf Forever was just a popular patriotic song that was considered a sort of "unofficial" anthem, but it was NEVER the actual anthem.

We definitely need the old flag back though.

>tfw the royal family will never unjew itself
>tfw the empire is dead
>tfw you will never cut off a 3rd worlder's dick while yelling HAIL BRITANNIA

This is just salting the wounds, we're fucked

There is no face sad enough in my "redcoats and loyalists" folder to reply to this post adequately.

It gets worse. BLM Toronto is 'co-hosting' Toronto Pride this year.

Its okay.. we don't need those anymore.
>pic related

>We definitely need the old flag back though.

Are you fucking retarded?


God save the Queen

>This UN mandate meme again

Please point out exactly which article and where it says canada cant legalize.

Oh wait, it doesnt exist. Don't believe everything you hear between classes in highschool.



nuke yourself please


I think you're the cuck, OP.

I am so sorry we're letting you down


>Trudeau will be 1st prime minister to march in Toronto's Pride parade


Look at the positive: Trump will be in power for a few months before the next Conservative leader is chosen, so there's still plenty of hope that some nationalist candidate lurking in the shadows will come forward


Take a look at this. Military leaders are expected to make decisions using tools like this.

"GBA+ is a critical tool in the decision making process to help all of us, as members of the Defence Team to consider and account for gender in our operations, policies and programs. Additional factors such as age, education, language and culture are as equally important, which make up the “plus” in GBA+.
The Defence Team recognizes that operations in areas of conflict, natural disasters, and humanitarian crises affect men, women, boys, and girls differently. The integration of GBA+ into the planning and execution of our operations is a means of improving our overall effectiveness.
Along with the recent establishment of gender advisor positions within the CAF, the incorporation of GBA+ into operational planning and doctrine, education and training are the first steps towards fully integrating the requirements of Canada’s National Action Plan and gender-specific direction from the Government of Canada. We are pleased to announce that MGen Tammy Harris will assume the duties of the DND/CAF GBA+ Champion.
This week is specifically designed to provide you with information about GBA+ and how it can apply to you and your work. As leaders of your Defence Team, we strongly encourage the application of GBA+ to be considered in all of your respective initiatives. You are encouraged to attend different GBA+ events being planned by other departments. Details can be found at gcpedia.gc.ca/wiki/gender-basedanalyis+/2016.
John Forster General Jonathan Vance

Deputy Minister of National Defence Chief of the Defence Staff


You have your own problems.

>We're fucked but you are fucked also

And how!


>being physically present prior to becoming a permanent resident counts as half days up to a maximum of 365 days towards becoming a citizen
>each day present as a permanent resident prior to citizenship counts as a full day towards citizenship
>can become a citizen after being physically present 1095 days (or 3 years) within a 5 year period
nothing wrong with any of this

>people under 18 don't need to know English or French to become a citizen
>people over 54 don't need to learn English or French to become a citizen
>people over 54 don't need to take a citizenship test or oath to become a citizen
Fuck this shit, as if we don't have enough of a problem with people not able to speak English in this country

>citizenship restored to those who's citizenship was revoked under the Harper Government
>remove the grounds for the revocation of Canadian citizenship that relate to national security (ie. terrorists and treason allow you to keep canadian citizenship now)
This would be okay if it were actually difficult to gain citizenship. Unfortunately this just means more snackbars from ISIS coming back to Canada

>remove the requirement that an applicant intend, if granted citizenship, to continue to reside in Canada; (don't even need to stay here to be one of us)
This is bullshit, but constitutional (freedom of movement)

Our constitution is shit, who cares if it violates it? My province hasn't even signed that shitty piece of paper

Share some redcoat pics mang

The charter is okay. It's the courts running around with it like a fucking toy that's shit.

>hurr we want to destroy freedoms even though the charter says we can't
>just invoke section 1 and claim that we still support freedoms while simultaneously banning them
>Don't worry goyim you didn't need that freedom anyways
there's a laundry list of SCC judges that should be tried for treason.

I hope you don't mean to say that the charter of rights and freedoms (when was it last invoked to defend either?) is a good thing.

Otherwise I agree, fuck the supreme court

Was that based Michael Cain talking about skirts?

>all the milennials watching via their phones
>this is literally all he can think about

Canada doesn't need us making fun of it anymore.

He's French, what did you honestly expect? "Masculinity".


Quebec is the only good province in all of Canada though

he's more english than french though. His french doesn't really sound all that great

He's actually English by blood, raised an Anglophone in Ontario, and he speaks French with an English accent

lol triggered

Have you ever read the charter?

Only Sec 1, 6, 15, and possible 27 could be viewed in any negative light.

Everything else is fine


Holy shit, we get it, you like gay people...

No, but after seeing all the suppression it's responsible for, it needs to go.


It is though. Oldest province with the most actual history. Most people are nice and alot of beautiful landscape

Let me guess, you came to visit Montreal once and you were butthurt because you didn't speak masterrace french and couldn't understand shit?

If you live in Quebec you need both languages. English people who whine about the french are the worst. This province has litteraly been french since before Canada was even around. Deal with it or move

Best flag tho.

B-but (((Ezra Levant))) wrote a few mean things about Quebec and The Rebel never lies!!!

t. Alberta


Does anyone else not get pride parades? Like you want to be normalized, yet you grow a parade flaunting yourself and being degenerate while you're at it. Congrats you're homosexual, stop trying to be a special snowflake and get on with your life

What's happening here? Aren't they just saying"boys and girls are different, they must be treated as so"? I can see how women can be put in an advantage by this, but isn't it saying that the genders aren't equal

It's more of a victory thing, to say that they've won and their opponents have lost. A lot of modern politics is like that.

Isn't a quarter of Canada, like, ON FIRE right now?!
What the fuck is he doing pissing about with a gay flag for?

That was never the official anthem. The O Canada anthem was first commissioned for the Saint-Jean Baptist day (Quebec's National Day) and is derived from poems written by French Canadian militiamen.

Here's the French part of the anthem translated.

O Canada!
Land of our forefathers,
Thy brow is wreathed with a glorious garland of flowers.
As is thy arm ready to wield the sword,
So also is it ready to carry the cross.
Thy history is an epic
Of the most brilliant exploits.
Thy valour steeped in faith
Will protect our homes and our rights.
Will protect our homes and our rights.

The rest of Canada was built around Upper and Lower Canada.

>he's more english than french though. His french doesn't really sound all that great
He's the son of a man that was so anti Quebec that he did anything to spite them. His son grew up in Westmount. Westmount is 54% English speakers that never said a word in French.

Holy shit what an awesome flag.

It's the Carillon Sacré-Cœur flag. The Carillion Banner was the banner used by the troops of General Montcalm during the French victory at the Fort of Carillion in 1758. After the 1759 defeat, instead of burning the flag, the Chevalier de Lévis gave it to monks for saveguard. The Carillon Sacré-Cœur flag is derived from that banner, but have the Sacré-Coeur, which is the heart of Jesus Christ.

>Virtue signaling

Because convincing everyone that you're a good person is more important than actually being a good person.

Good job Canada!!!

Oh God, what havr we become. Someone please fucking kill me now. I want off this ride.

Why are you guys so butthurt?