Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド (No subject line edition)
This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan. Let's tark at randam in Japanese and English. Take it easy!
Hi friends I am still looking for a cute nippon gf, maybe we can talk online first to learn about each other before officially declaring you my gf but I like anime, video games and would love to visit an onsen one day with you
If any nippon girl is here please message me I promise I am not autistic and I'm not a meanie!
Anthony Morales
Jayden Harris
こんばんにゃん 今日も一日ダラダラしてきました どうやって生きればいいのかな
Christopher Butler
hmmm liebst du mich auch noch wenn ich alt und schrumpelig bin?
Caleb Brown
Why japanese people are so freak?
Why japanese people try to revolutionize the sex industry with virtual reality and perfect woman dolls?
I want to fuck a japanese prostitute.
David Ward
いいえ、ただ暇だから昼まで寝ちゃった(´• ω •`)
百合小説を見つかいたくなかった、可愛い萌えけいおん小説だよ、 とても面白い小説をみつかった。けいおん部の皆はかくれんぼを遊んでいました。 最初はただ可愛い話だと思ったけど、後怖い話になりました。でもお終いはハッピーエンドだった。 It was very well written novel, author made it look really scarry but at the end you see that there is nothing to be afraid.