lets make a meme called WHEEL THE BERN
i dont have any good photoshop skills but bernie being wheeled away should be funny
with a big WHEEL THE BERN

sounds good


i might try to do what you said

sounds like pretty funny idea right kek

like it should be Trump wheeling away Bernie with that crying wojack face on bernie

yeah i have something in mind but i dont know if itll turn out the way i want it to

im separating the background right now but its a really big pain in the ass with all of his little hairs sticking out

this actually isnt a bad idea user

yeah like a trump pepe wheeling out a wojack bernie kek


What are you doing man?


sorry NSA



put bernie hair on top of him

hey guys, its looking pretty rough right now and i know its not really what op wanted but i kinda took my own direction with it

its looking pretty rough right now, but im open to suggestions

forgot to put pic lol

Putting the he hammer dick up his ass isn't a bad idea, either. Terrible implementation, but we're working on the concepts here.

yeah im not really sure what to do with that, i was originally just gonna put the hammer and the sickle in the top right but then i came to this stunning conclusion... i dont like how the one part overlaps with the body, but im not sure what to do about it

hows head size lookin? looks kind of awkward to me

Thus, the birth of a meme.

If you lower the angle a bit, you should probably be able to merge the hammer with is butt, with or without the explicit hammer head. I see the star as a nice thought but a distraction -- the key is how simple the ISO symbols are.

Being that the ISO symbols have to be simple lines and stuff, leave the entire head just like it was. Keeping the proportions the same as the original is key. All it needs is a subtle bit of meme hair flying off like a simplified stencil. I guess I don't have a copy, but have you ever seen one of the Bernie version of pic related with the charactaristic hair?

like such?

i think i know what you mean, with the the little silhouette of his hair + glasses; the original picture i ripped from had his hair flying around, and i tried to isolate it but it came out really terribly... just drawing it in would probably be the better alternative

hows this extra little piece looking? too complex? i feel like maybe some people would not be able to recognize that it is a hammer&sickle

Noice handle on the back, and the hammer placement is kek. I think that plus the color scheme guarantees recognition.

The head really wasn't at all what I had in mind, but it kind of works better in this edition. It's just the kind of thing where if you took the head out of context then you'd have no idea it was supposed to be Bernie. But you could take off the face and stencil the unkempt hair, then it's obvious who this is supposed to be. Pic related is one thing stencil people do because it's obvious right away who it is. How exactly to adapt that here is beyond my artistic talents, but that's the kind of thing that would really drive home the point.

>the original picture i ripped from had his hair flying around
Original does actually look more like him when you click on it. But it has to be obvious from the thumbnail. And I agree getting the gist of it the right way like a political cartoon is key.

so, you're saying the sloppily pasted in head should be removed and only the hairdo should be in it? that would be interesting to see given the simplicity, but i'm not quite sure how it could be done given the side angle and stuff

>not quite sure how it could be done given the side angle and stuff
Yeah, that's the tough part. But there are side-pictures of him hunching over at the podium that might give necessary inspiration. (I even thought about having him hunched over in the wheel chair subtly after seeing how you have his head so downturned, and maybe that would even be further identified in the arms, but I don't know -- just searching for the right identifying meme charachtaristic.)

But he even remarked on his messy hair in one of his recent speeches. I think it's probably pretty key to pick up on somehow. I even thought maybe something as simple as keeping the exact original proportions of the cripple placard but getting the front-view hair siloutte that I couldn't find in 15 seconds that announces Bernie from afar.

Like I said, I can scratch around at concepts and reactions, but I don't have the talent for execution.

Also, just to float an idea, what if you moved the head of the hammer back so that the underside of the hammer met the vertex of his "spine" and then rotated it counterclockwise about 30 degrees or so? It looks stuck in there as-is and adds more unnecessarily disjoint lines, and the original has the handle of the hammer and the handle of the sickle usually at about right angles (90 degrees).

Er, maybe more like 15 degrees and pull the hammer back the width of the "spine." Just so it all lines up.

i tried to exaggerate the parts of his hair that i already had, not sure if its looking any better now
i looked at side view pictures, but his hair is is not as noticeable from the side as it is from the front and it's a really big pain to try to do it especially when the head and the hair are both yellow
ill check this out

I see this as a mild improvement in terms of posture. I don't know what exactly to do for hair, but I think it's going to have to be political satire cartoon style where you have to do something unrealistic but recognizable. Maybe three big spikes/whips of it falling this way and that way to evoke the notion of the crazy old man who yells at capitalism. Like as if you were drawing character designs for The Simpsons, where they didn't even have enough fingers.

Sorry I'm not being more helpful. I would actually not even want to attack Bernie at this point. I just think OP's addled idea is funny.

I would also rotate the handle back just enough so that you have the same distance between arm and leg at a minimum. These placards are all about regularity and simplifying everything to where it looks just right for people who, well, have trouble with too much detail and irregularity.

The other thing is nobody cares about the hair on the back of his head, so you can leave it more like the lopsided OP pic without trying to make it like he's in cuck posture. It's all about the way it plays off the top of his head.

That's where it flies around, so that's what's most noticeable. Nose and chin, not so noticeable.

i have pretty much given up on the hair, if anyone else here wants to give it a whack (if there is anyone else here) ill see how it looks if they just send over a nice transparent png

i assume this is what you meant with the minor things: just noticed that the edge of the hammer is getting dangerously close to the border but you can only shorten it so much

BAHAHAHA I had meant rotate the hammer downward, but that's even somehow funnier.

I don't know exactly how to do it, but I was just looking back at the orig and you have enough magic that you definitely shouldn't listen only to me. Good show.

we got that meme magiccccccc

i had people try to guess who it was from the head silhouette alone, and all i got was a danny devito and a frankstein but im sure it works fine within its context

i did not expect to spend so much time on a bernie sanders meme, and the communism thing did not even occur to me until i was part-way through, anyway ill remove the border because its pointless imo

i think id better give you co-meme creator credits

If you look at one after the other it looks like somebody took a hammer and pulled it through his crotch until he sat up straight in his commiechair.

o i am laffin

/r/ing gif of this

good shit

I haven't compared pixels, but it kind of looks like to pull that off would mean having the body rise up from the chair near the last moments like clenching the cheeks.

no, this sounds like those retarded leftists who try to force memes mocking trump like "LOL BUILD THAT MALL XDDD"

fuck off

absolutely disgusting

any good commie font recommendations?
lighten up its just a meme

>absolutely disgusting
Well, there are two ways to play it. Either he fucked up riding a chair to the point he hammered himself across the taint, or somebody did it to him. I think it's too disgusting to imply either one. Slapstick humor, nothing more, nothing less.

Fonts for what?

to write "wheel the bern" below, if it doesnt seem/look too forced

The plot seems elaborate for having somebody hammer you in the crotch. Might as well just have it happen loony tunes style and keep the concept simple and funny.

We're not trying to invent quantum physics here.

ehh ill just keep it minimal with no text, "wheel the bern" would probably imply that someone would actually be wheeling him around on that thing anyway (would not want to be that guy)

And by "somebody hammer you in the crotch" I mean the wheel chair itself.

Isn't that basically the whole point? Communism is a machine that knocks you right in the balls, so let's laugh at it before it takes hold again?

yes, and it fucks you in the ass with pointy objects as well
not necessarily what i was going for, but hey, ill go with it

i like it cool idea man!

well then, i guess this is it

wheel the bern nigga

Thanks for the high res. Probably somebody far more skilled than myself will be able to help propogate the next round.

It's been fun.

lol, you did more than enough
i did not expect to get any feedback to begin with, so it was very much appreciated
thanks!! :^)

nose is too small

I have a better idea, spam "feel the Bern" hyperlinked to images of STD ridden genitals.