Jew here

Jew here

I don't get Sup Forums's stormweenie obsession with the Jews. You are fairly rational about other issues but if someone mentions the Jews you morph into the equivalent of BLM supporters going crazy that whity is putting them down.

No the Jews are not at fault for your far leftist degeneracy, your failures, your girlfriend breaking up with you, or anything else that you lack self responsibility for.


Other urls found in this thread:



you're jewish? lucky man

jew here, can confirm that jews are just the worst

don't listen to OP

Fuck off jew.therere plenty of rational reasons to hate you.


there's the stormweenies ironic lack of self responsibility!


It's Christianity and women who are to blame for the western destruction

Although pol will vehemently deny this, calling me Re ddit or a shill.

Today at work a jew got our management to refund his shipping for no reason

Christianity is a religion of sand and is inherently non-European. It teaches tolerance, acceptance, and is a religion of the low IQ, women, and slaves. Christianity is inferior to all religions besides Islam and those of the pre Christian America's.

It is a religion that seeks to feminise men at every turn. It's heaven is a garden in which man does nothing but sit, master of nothing. God asks man not to question, what man does not question? God says he is always there, what man is afraid of isolation? These are wants of women, not men.

Christianity stole everything from those that came before it. It claims to have one God but even that is a lie. Christianity is successful BECAUSE of Europeans. Europeans are successful IN-SPITE of it.

>Modern Liberalism is Christianity and it must not gain anymore political power in Europe. ALL abrahamic religions MUST DIE

can you go back to your faggot nigger circle jerk? free speech clearly isn't for you

>No the Jews are not at fault for your far leftist degeneracy,

Yes you are, kikebook is degenerate as fuck created by a kike

not an argument

Freudianism .. the birth of modern psychology as we know it? Is there people that still debate whether all the phd's given out to psychiatrist and psychologist is a lie because a jew started it?

the worst what? without context it's just a subjective statement like "the number two is the darkest"

Yall are generally nasty manipulative parasitic nepotistic fucks who have never in your done anything altruistic because it's against your nature. Yes I agree to your stupid misleading obnoxious straw man but I still want you and the rest of your rotten people fucking dead.

Jew here, it is our fault. The OP of this post is a fucking retard,

Nothing I said is against Free Speech

It's just my 2 cents on the whole Sup Forums circle jerk over duh evul jews

No Sweden, your country welcomes all those Muslims on your own free will with no jewish interference

you are a cuck

The vast majority of Frued's beliefs have been proven wrong. Yet the jews still persist in attributing anyone trying to do anything positive, like uncucking their nations, to "ehehe this goy must've wanted to be fucked in the ass by his daddy no one needs to pay attention to him look at my degree". This argument of "muh repressed urges" has been dismissed in favor of the cognitive school of psychology, which is actually fucking scientific.


Hello, little shlomo

Women, half of society of all humanity. and men.

you could really just make it a full generalized blanket statement and say the problem with humanity is the humans.

"The Jews" is more of a blanket statement used in the same way as niggers. We fully realize that there is no secret Jewish club keeping the White man down just like Blacks don't have a secret club dedicated to strategic nigging. Yet, low and behold, niggers nig, and Jews jew. There is a reoccurring theme with a number of Jews every generation after the next, they're always pushing diversity and leftism, always. It's like they're genetically predisposed to acting this way.

Ah yes I'm nepotistic this and parasitic that but if I make a generalization about you I'm the evil jew banker

Most of us don't care.
Some do it for satire. Some do it because of being conditioned by this board. Some are daily stormers, trying to influence people.

But seriously, get thicker skin or gtfo Sup Forums.

Isn't it because of the Rothschild and the conspiracy theories? and zionism and all that?



Yup OP. Centuries of being expelled from multiple countries and cultures, and it's everyone elses fault. Definitely has nothing to do with jewry.

Go chew some forskin, there is some in this blue stained room over here. Cmon in ari.

>We fully realize that there is no secret Jewish club keeping the White man down
Speak for yourself you fucking cunt. Explain why the porn industry is completely run by Jews. They are trying to subvert gentile society and morals.

Are the christian teachings true? Why?

oh yeah jews dindunuffin

get the fuck outta here u troll

>your failures, your girlfriend breaking up with you, or anything else that you lack self responsibility for.

you shouldnt take meme strawman pictures seriously OP.

>Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת Tsiyyonut IPA: [t͡sijo̞ˈnut] after Zion) is a nationalist and political movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel

what's wrong with Zionism?

No the Jews are not at fault for your far leftist degeneracy, your failures, your girlfriend breaking up with you, or anything else that you lack self responsibility for.
Kek. Try harder JIDF.

Success breeds envy

Soon you will die.You will not be missed.

dumb nip

Ah yes Freud one of the many examples of scumbag Jews making up utter bullshit and winning a bunch of Jew-run contests and drilling the bullshit into the consciousness of the host country via a bunch of Jew-run organizations. Sure it turns out to be irredeemably stupid and fake and gay and degenerate but wow let's give them all a bunch of credit anyway for "creating" something.


The Jews ruined the country my parents fled from by displacing Palestinians into the country. You destroyed the last bastions of Christianity in the Middle East through power plays to subvert Israel's neighbors.

I have plenty of reason to hate at least the Zionists.

Impressively well thought out and nuanced rebuttal. Kudos.

Nope. You're an evil Jew banker because you're an evil Jew banker. You know you're scum. Get ready to pay for your people's sins....compound interest will be included.


no such thing

Explains why you're obsessed with destroying western white culture.

Yes my evil banking ways are why you are a NEET

muhahaha all part of my devious master jew plan

*rubs hands together*

The porn industry works the same way as all other Jewish degeneracy, all the Jews work independent of each other but all Jews act the same, so there is an appearance of collusion and teamwork when in reality it's just a large number of Jews out there Jewing in the exact same way without actually working together as a team. Sort of like how all flies are attracted to shit but flies don't communicate with one another.

white lives matter ooga booga jews be keepin da white man down ayooo hol up we wuz yuropeen kaingz an sheeeit

muh heritage!

The Amerikans will shoot you, burn everything Juive and baptise Israel in Flammen. It's coming but this time it will be real.

Westerners destroyed their own culture

don't blame jews for your own actions

>invades palestine after having not lived there for ~1900 years
>nothing wrong with it

Yes there are, they are the ones you force into ghettos and use as scapegoats.

Oh yeah they're wrong, no one uses Freud as a fact, but compared to what it was before it was worse. To be honest the only people that think of freud as factual are the people that hate jews.

Everyone else got over the fact that he fell into his own psychoanalysis, which in some way shows the most important fact about psychology, is personal biases.

But by "repressed urges" we call them fears now, and anxiety is still one of the biggest facts of what freud coined as "neurosis".

Which to this day is still seen as real, to a matter of speaking. The rest of his examples might even be 100% correct but are pointless since it's a case by case biases, and it was his method of treating patients that's important.

His dissection of dreams is still seen as one of the biggest breakthroughs into psychology. It's something that seems to obvious to use because of him.

The rest was him trying to understand the literal abstraction of the human mind. He did prove the relationship of association of the mind, which in the sexual repressed days of his time was probably a bigger influence in peoples thoughts and minds, and could even be seen as the causes of the sexual revolution.

Repressions do surface, and people do fantasize about fucking their parents. Also think of the people the see a psychologist and that would be a skewed sample too, if he dissected average people he might have come to a different conclusion.

It's all subjective and he's even admitted faults that a lot of people don't admit.

Either way, it's as dumb as Scientology.

It's more just a historical landmark in understand the human mind which we still don't full understand, and that's all we know.


spoken like a true kike

It's Christianity, The Jews and Women. Why suddenly not include the Jews? Why not be honest and say it's all three? Because you have an agenda thats why.

>Jew deriding other races for failure to claim any responsibility for bad things that happened to them.

The irony is fucking crushing.

>No the Jews are not at fault for your far leftist degeneracy, your failures, your girlfriend breaking up with you, or anything else that you lack self responsibility for.

Of course they're not at fault for those.
However they strive to create an environment that promotes leftist degeneracy, failure and whores.
Our problem is that we were too lax and allowed you fuckers to implement this shit, out of pity, no less.

Considering the countless Jewish names behind the propaganda promoting this lifestyle, one could easily conclude that you took advantage of our kindness, pity and god intentions towards you and planned this degeneracy out of malice.

>under the lie that they're the real historical jews


There was literally never in history a land in history called Palestine until the British invented it.

Palestine is a fabrication and it's people are Jordanians in everything but name.

But please do continue the "muh palestine" act, , just like all the leftist scum

>muh Lebs


>To be honest the only people that think of freud as factual are the people that hate jews.

With respect, that's bullshit and you know it. The old trope of "Hmm, you really dislike gays? THEN YOU MUST BE GAY HAHA NO 2 WAYS AROUND IT" is a very real presence in our modern "political discourse", and is often used to dismiss people.

>Repressions do surface, and people do fantasize about fucking their parents.

Yeah, but Freud was way too quick to jump to that in most of his cases.


Au revoir Juif!

Jews have a BLM level of obsession with themselves and their own victimhood. Don't turn your massive kike beak up at us too fast, Schlomo.

Centralized world government. Just thinking that Zion, the capital of the entire world should be in israel.

Even centralized world government might now be terribly horrible, but to force it to the whims of an ancient law is out of touch with modern needs. who knows if and or when it should happen, but israel is pushing for it happen now all the time, like it's passed due because of all the random stories ever written this one got it close to the mark.

as a libertarian though it's the worse thing in the world and should hopefully go the other way, of decentralized government.

Either way, it's messing with polotics in an inorganic way. Like throwing a dart at a map and saying THAT SHOULD BE WHERE WE BUILD THE CAPITAL CITY.

I mean Israel not really known as being a caring and loving country. The Capital city of the world should obviously be in Canada.

>why do the goyim hate us so much

Oh, I'm sorry then. The 'Jordainians-in-all-but-name-because-it-is-easier-to-pretend-we-are-not-subjugating-them' are the ones you press into ghettos and use as scapegoats. Better?


I love watching newkikes get obliterated, it really warms my heart.

This meme is such an excellent source of information.


maybe they should stop throwing rockets and being all around douches hmmm?


why would you question that which is perfect and beyond flaw? Us with all our flaws would never understand the logic of a perfect being beyond our mortal comprehension, the father the son and the holy spirit


Why are so many pics in here being deleted?

Maybe Israel shouldn't displace them from their lands, steal their homes and fill up their water wells with concrete to make them move, eh?

Fuck off kike, I hope we have another Shoah in my lifetime.

Hi pot, it's the kettle. Perhaps if you stop clutching on to your Holocaust (tm) Theology, and I don't know, stop using outlawed weaponry on a civilian populous they may calm down a bit? Hmmm?

Wait until the Amerikans start windchiming your mythomanical culte de la mort. Glorious shores draw near!

>their lands

are we talking about israel or palestine?


You gave yourself away to fast, shill. You're doing it wrong. Seriously, how much are they paying you guys for this? Post the answer.

Answer this, you stupid fuck:
How do you explain overwhelming Jewish presence promoting leftist degeneracy and propaganda in the west?

Laugh until it is time to cry.

>Fuck off kike, I hope we have another Shoah in my lifetime.

>move away for 2000 years
>somehow think it is still yours

>their lands

And the Native Americans? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Well, they were there before you. Such a shame you had to be handed it as a consolation prize. It's akin to getting a gold star for graduating kindergarden because you didn't OD on the paste during arts and crafts.


Oh not all jews are bad..

But it just so happens to be that all the sick fucks that are manipulating the planet happen to be jewish..

Some niggers are functioning members of society, but we still hate niggers.

well then fuck off you dumb cunt, actually just stay in the usa.
They like you guys over there

>Well, they were there before you


>jews have contributed a lot to technology, art, society, etc
>theyre still jews

dont you have a goat to fuck

Source please.

Incompetent is what you are.

This is exactly why people have no love for non-Israeli Jews.

Barbarism is inexcusable past the 19th century
you clannish yids would have realized that if you weren't busy banging your head against the wailing wall wishing for the goys to disappear

You are not above the law


not an argument