What went wrong?

What went wrong?

The internet screwed him up.

Absolutely nothing.

Gun-free zones.

Caring too much about women and not being realistic about current day women at all.

suburbs full of chads and staceys

He could have even lifted.

I bet he never learned, too.

Being a race mixed kid

Guys who think about women too much never get them. As soon as I stopped giving a fuck, I got my first girlfriend.

He didn't embrace 2D

He didn't live to see the rise of Trump

He didn't live to see his waifu become real.

Remember Sup Forums, patience is a virtue.

Having 4 inches to work with.

Being a diluted eurasian half-breed with a small dick and a broken psyche.

Elliot Rodger was a hero. He will be forever missed. Fuck man, I am so lucky to live here in Italy. Pussy is easy for an Italian from the upper-middle class. Just a little bit of effort and it's done.

If I lived in that shithole that is Santa Barbara I would have become totally crazy too. Did you read his Manifesto? The environment totally fucked him up real bad. Jocks and whores everywhere. He was just a bit on the spectrum. He went totally batshit crazy.

I don't blame him, I blame that stupid society.

His actions are inexcusable. The solution for him was to move out of that place. But his hate was stronger.

RIP hero

I think this. He was a decent looking guy with money but big socialization issues and that gave him a frustration, and the internet enabled the worst aspects of his thinking and gave "evidence" of why he was right. Real counselors failed to engage him and do their job of giving him a release, and the internet let him open up by gave hum nothing constructive

Personally I think if your dick is under average you probably should go on a rampage. I mean that's some bullshit.

Well that would be one solution to the Jewish Problem.

California girls is what went wrong

apparently santa barbara is a shit place to live. too much chad and stacys and not enough average broads for him to fuck.

Well East coast girls are hip, I really dig those styles they wear, and the Southern girls with the way they talk, they knock me out when I'm down there.


easy breazy sleazy greasy suck my pinky dinky oo ahh katy please me my penie weenie


His career crashed after terminator.

Too much porn

>easy breazy sleazy greasy suck my pinky dinky oo ahh katy please me my penie weenie
I think I'm probably glad that didn't return any search results.

>easy breazy sleazy greasy suck my pinky dinky oo ahh katy please me my penie weenie

What did he mean by this?

didn't kill enough normies.

when a small penised white man has a son with an average asian woman. i hope his dad feels like shit for the rest of his life

>Just asked my gf about this, her words.

He was a victim of trying to analyse and understand women, and so, he couldn't get one.

It's as fruitless as stapling your piss to a tree.

The reason why he kept getting rejected is because his approach made girls think he had an ulterior motive, and that he would hurt them somehow.

The girls he wanted were more into gorillas and chads because it was clear it was a sexual thing, nothing more.
The guys may not have been bright, but without knowing it, they were more honest.

He could have been part of MGTOW, instead he had to care too much

He was probably cucked one too many times

>white wimmenz
He didn't follow #NoHymenNoDiamond

He has 0 charisma. Before you blame girls for not wanting to fuck him ask if you'd want him as a friend first, reminder: if you plan on getting in shape or ever getting laid he would have liked to kill you.

Elliot never utilized his good Asian genes and remained a little 120lb weirdo instead of a nice muscular asian guy

Normies didn't even understand his message
"Hurr durr shoulda just bought a prostitute"
Fucking normies

He fell for the "promiscuous-slut-lmao-hookup-yolo" jew.

Could've just made friends, not worried about getting laid every week, eventually meet a nice qt, let it happen naturally.

what about the simplest answer, that he's obviously a sociopath, look at those dead empty eyes, girls can smell the stench of psychopaths for simple evolutionary biology, the retard bitches get raped & killed

fuck this homo, why the fuck do you guys idolize him ?

Wasians are crazy as shit fyi but they can be fun if you don't care about white people. Elliot Roger was a very ugly cross breed of Wasian and it drove him to commit murder.

I don't get how guys can't tell as easily. But I also don't complain because that makes it easier for us all to get along in our own ways.

just another lost soul rip, and rip his victims.

He couldn't get past the door.

The sad thing is that 4 inches isn't THAT small. Maybe 20% of men are in that territory. The stigma really indicates how vicious and darwinian our sexual norms are. Human sexuality being reduced to a state of nature arms race is pretty disgusting tbqh

If you actually look into his life in general, if half the stuff thats said about him actually happened then it explains his massive inferiority complex and fucked up state of mind.

The most important factor however isn't as most people say his multiracial heritage, although this certainly played into his delusions and neuroses.

The biggest issue is that he had no real father figure in life and as a result was raised super shittily. Add to this being in a relatively wealthy family and you get a pretty spoilt child with a fucked up childhood who doesnt have a good father figure or good upbringing.

Even if he didn't go out like a champ he would have wound up on a load of antidepressants and amounted to nothing.


shit parenting, no real father figure. if u want a good kid, no matter if they're racially pure or not, u have to raise them well and for that you have to have a good father figure.

>raised by single mother
Should I just an hero?

Basically this, but he was also a manlet.

His parents fucked him up

baby dick detected

Dicklete identified

I watch Elliot Rodger's videos every day to improve my english skills. He speaks slow and clear.


Really makes you think...