daily reminder
Daily reminder
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Not an ah...
explain why I shouldn't ignore you too then
Thank you leaf.
I fucking hate this board for its obsession with mouthpiece e-celeb fagcunts.
>I'm not a pseudo-intellectual because I'm completely contrarian and above it all.
Fantano is based you goddamn cuckold.
Nice try Shlomo, almost didn't catch that.
>Filthy Frank
good one
The glasses I can understand but other than that he doesn't look like a nu-male.
then who the fuck are we supposed to pay attention to?
>Lawrence Krauss
>Neil Degrasse Tyson
>Fuck their degrees. I'm a Sup Forumsack who is WAY smarter
Kill yourself young man
If he doesn't look like a nu-male who does? The only thing missing is a beard.
Rot in hell.
>ITT: Sup Forums defends their favourite shills
Harold Bloom is p chill
Yuri never claimed to be an intellectual. He only shares his knowledge from his previous experiences.
>thinking "pseudo-intellectual" means "person on the internet"
>American Renaissance
>Jared "The Baboon" Taylor thinks there were no domesticated animals in Africa before whitey showed up
You're a retard.
>Based faggot
>Papa Franku
> Big dick Dawkins
> Commander Watson
> Black science Man
>Pusedo intellectual
Fuck off you cuck.
What the fuck ?
>comparing based brother nathanael to degenerates like milo
The term "pseudo-intellectual" appears to be used here to canonize a high priesthood who are allowed to have and express opinions based on their acceptance in a private club.
Do you think having some training in a science (surely a person who presumes to talk about intellectuals and pseudo-intellectuals will not waste time on the bad joke of "understanding science") is more likely to be able to talk reasonably about policy, in other words in a field in which they have not trained? Have you never met a medical doctor outside a clinic? Docs are the most gullible retards alive, precisely because they buy into the lie of specialization, that you cannot form an intelligent opinion without an internship and that you must defer to experts.
but where is crowder
>Docs are the most gullible retards alive
>I've met them outside the clinic
Dr Tyrone Biggins
>Fanthony Antano
>He has the incomplete edition
>a pseudo-intellectual
i can understand if you're supremely butthurt about him criticizing your religion, but the guy was a professor at oxford and berkely and contributed a lot to evolutionary biology
WTF? Thoses glasses aren't nu-males I have the same glasses. Fuck you.
>when talking about politics NDT is a voice I listen too
First kill yourself. Then stop using appeals to authority. Then read about logical fallacies. Then suck a tailpipe.
Came here to say this.
Leaf with the pathetic bait again
>Hegel in that pick
My sides
>he hasn't updated his frames
LOL holy fuck, fashion is king when it comes to not being a numale, you fail at step 1
What the fuck you want me to do? I need a 7.5 glasses and thoses are the only one that support the glass.
Half these people aren't even intellectuals.
Dude those are prime tier problem nu-make glasses. Haha fuckin KEK.
>all these cuck faggots defending le black science meme
>b-but he has degree
So do all the commies "educating" your children you authority appealing niggers.
He is truly a fraud of a man
remove Stefan and you're fine m8
>Neil DeGrasse Tyson
>Michio Kaku
Why is Tesla on there? He is the epitome of an actual intellectual.
Does nobody on this board read books?
Does everyone on this board need an opinion spoon fed to them via youtube/Sup Forums because they're too lazy to to read?
Was he going to Africa?
contrarian as fuck
Tyson is fucking retarded though
>Stephen fucking Hawking
Fuck you and the leaf you blew in on
>George Carlin
but shapiro and oreilly are both pretty smart
>liberal Jew
choose both
>ignore all political speech
Stay golden, leafland.
Why is Luke Skywalker on this image
>brought to you by /lit/
no wonder
How is Yuri even a pseudo intellectual? All he did was share his experiences at the KGB, he never claimed to be an "intellectual" at all.
Only Yuri and Alex can be saved from this picture
shit taste confirmed. He's admittedly a whiny bitch who relied heavily on profanity, but that's stand up.
Also say what you want about jews but their comedians are alright
No standup 'comedian' is funny.
Fuck off, your wife's kids need looking after.
he's more redpilled nowadays
I agree with this, they are all peddlers
Not sure why Yuri is there?
I double + agree
does anyone really get anything out of these stand up specials? they only ever make me cringe
>"If god does exist i have no doubt that it's a woman, cause let's face it folks, no woman would fuck things up this bad"
-George Carlin
Whats wrong with HandsAndKnees Nintendo?
it's okay we know how you guys prefer Louis C.K. as you can probably relate to his material
>Anthony Fantano
>Sam Hyde
I don't understand why these two are here. One is a music reviewer and the other is a comedian.
These are sort of questionable but I'm not sure I'd call bullshit.
Carlin wasn't a Jew, he was pure Pikey.
>Carlin was born in Manhattan, New York.[4][5] He was the younger son of The Sun advertising manager Patrick John Carlin (1888-1945), an immigrant from County Donegal, Ireland, and secretary Mary Carlin (née Bearey; 1896-1984), who was an American of Irish ancestry
his whole thing was he was catholic tho...
>we don't like stand up comedians
>LOL I bet you like THAT stand up comedian
you are the one who laughs at the "funny" men
getting a phd in a science doesn't make you smart. publishing groundbreaking research is what makes you smart.
tyson has 151 citations which is fucking pitiful for a scientist. top scientists have over 5000 citations. in my field top guys are: JJ Collins, Chris Voigt, and Jay Keasling. Those guys have over 5,000 citations each.
add styxhexenhammer666 you fucking leaf