What do women do when they're not getting fucked by chads or preparing to get fucked by chads?
What do women do when they're not getting fucked by chads or preparing to get fucked by chads?
Thinking about getting fucked by chads or preparing to get fucked by chads.
Literally. Every item they own and action they do relate to it. Why do you think feminist dye their hair and wear makeup OR NOT. It has to do with reproduction of the human race. It's hardwired.
Convince "men" that everything is their fault.
And judging by pol (who blames men for everything), I'd say it's working
Either raising kids, or social signaling on social media. That's it.
>dat pic
What did Llana ever do to you?
Her only flaw is that she doesn't do ASMR videos.
However, if you are a beta, you'll just plug away at your keyboards and cry about Stacy and Chad and what the fuck ever else you call it. I'm married, happily, because I knew how to control my woman and keep her in check
>Inb4 you beat her, eh nigger?
No, and laughably no. Women are fucking stupid, regardless of what education she has. Women inherently need men to be strong and tell them what the fuck is really going on in the world. When you can tap into that primal circuitry without coming across as a controlling dick, well... you've got it made
>raising kids
Top kek. Also I'm mainly thinking of young childless women. I wanna learn how to relate to them to fuck them easily.
>Attention whore
>Promote leftists politics to take more money from white males
>And judging by pol (who blames men for everything)
Only beta cuck MGTOW fags.
Leave Lana alone
Fuck you, Lana Lokteff is based.
Some people can make just the perfect faces...does she practice that? Wtf she is absolutely perfect.
Does she have kids?
I will say though that she's not very photogenic when she's trying.
No clue, probably not yet. A bunch of older women in the Red Ice Radio circle have kids.
It's almost always this way. When women become media personalities they just go childless or 1 autistic kid later in their deep thirties.
...god forbid
Women were put on this earth to give birth to men, they aren't meant to do anything else nor are they able to do anything else.
This is why they need to be stripped of their human rights and controlled just like borders.
If men unlearn to control borders and women ... well ... look what's happening right now.
Well, that's a good thing though. It just means that mothers are mothers and don't want to be in the media shit
shitpost on Sup Forums
Cry that Chad left them
Explain lesbians then you idiot