Do you dare me to talk to her? I'm on the train for about half an hour

Do you dare me to talk to her? I'm on the train for about half an hour.

think she nose ur intentions

She's alright but has a hot voice and nice legs

Ask her to show feet user

if you can't talk to a girl about anything you're a faggot op,
just ask her about her phone or the train stops, make a joke smile and ask for a phone number if you feel like one of likes you,
girls find that exciting and if she refuses who cares at least you tried, you can do it op I believe in you

she has shoes

is that squidward

pic of legs plz

Do it, chances are she's just gonna laugh with her friend or they'll look at you like a fucking idiot.

That is such an unfortunate picture

Good luck that guy looks pretty swoll

Her stupid fucking friend are still standing there she needs to fuck off

Are you just standing right in front of them and taking pictures of them? What the fuck man

>Ungefragt Bilder von Personen machen
>Auf den Bildern zeigen, wo du dich befindest
Polizei ist am Telefon und überwacht den thread, du behinderter Hurensohn.

Go for it OP, but keep a safe distance.
Wouldn't want that beak to take an eye.

Just ask her, her friend will offer her a sense of security and you show confidence.

They told me to fuck off

Hey OP post more pictures, why don't you post more pictures? Did something happen?

Man, das wird ein verdammt peinlicher Gerichtstermin, meinst du nicht auch?

YEa i dont think id bother with that face

She just slap the fucking phone out of my hand, this was right before, dumb bitch

Lass sie halt in Ruhe, du Trottel.

Du solltest wirklich auf deinen Tonfall achten, glaube nicht dass der Richter deine Ausdrucksweise so gut finden wird.


I didn't do anything wrong I asked her friend to leave us alone for a second and they just started giggling so I got mad

Was geht sonst so in Waldkirch du faggot?

No she was annoying she was making me insecure, because women always start giggling and talking to their friends when they're uncomfortable I fucking hate that so I told her to leave dumb bitch

Sorry they were fucking stupid dumb

Lol found her Facebook page... She's 16 you fag...

Oh and BTW your name is Johannes, just dunno where around Waldkirch (Germany) you are exactly :D the wonders of the Internet...

Maybe you'd have had a better chance if you didn't shove the camera right in their face

And you're just goin to take it like a beta bitch and whine in Sup Forums?
Aggravated assault for a first offense is only a few nights in County jail at most.

They didn't say anything first so I thought they didn't see it

EXIF isn't magic faggot

The giggles are a test , you gotta get over by ignoring=alpha or deliver a joke or funny remark=gentleman, to show how you arent affected.

You don't even need exif with these pics...

that girl is probably a jew don't do it, the nose is a powerful indication

LOL yea like a 16 year old can have a face that beat up.

How is it even possible to get rejected by someone this ugly?

Need picture of OP


How fucked am I

I have a jew nose myself, EU guy
I am 6, 1 so can my height save me a little