I am starting to believe that milo pays these women to pretend to be stereotypical feminists and disrupt his speeches. he would have a lot to gain from it. there's no way this is real
I am starting to believe that milo pays these women to pretend to be stereotypical feminists and disrupt his speeches...
I think the same way. I think some are real some are fake
you can never be so sure about feminists.
never trust a jew.
I think she was nervous because she had no pants on
Feminists are already just pretending to begin with.
Why is it so hard to believe? They do this shit all the time.
Why do you think it's fake?
Have you ever been to a college campus? These people are everywhere and they think they're going to be looked
at as modern day Martin Luther Kings. He doesn't have to pay them, doing so would only make the entire tour look
And you really think he payed Triggypuff...
what did this slut do?
I saw the screeching banshee but missed out on this
Feminism is a subset of communism, an ideology that killed over 100 million people.
These people are capable of craziness beyond our imagination.
He is a kike.
Its sort of what they do
!!!!REMINDER!!!! !!!!REMINDER!!!!
Confirmed for not being in uni. They exist.
examples? i've only seen this happen at milo events.
occasionally you will see feminists at a protest(within a group of feminists) but that's different from this. I doubt a feminist would go to this event and act stereotypically feminist in front of an anti-feminist crowd and receive ridicule.
Or maybe because they're just *that* stupid.
Also, you can't escape me, stealth rare.
Started thinking of that too today after watching those videos.
Milo is a jewish plant..makes sense.
I went to college and never encountered these people. I think you anti-feminists think they are everywhere because you saw a few examples of crazy feminists on college campuses in youtube videos.
>You need some dick. You need some good dick in your life.
I bet milo pays all these protesters too
How much do you think Trump paid these people?
I think Trump does the same thing with his protesters.
They wouldn't have to pay every one of them, only their leaders. The pathetic underlings would have no idea..
They already think this retarded shit is actually helping their cause. Do you really think the groups that coordinate this shit believe it helps?
don't be surprised when it comes out that milo paid feminists to interrupt his events to gain notoriety. he was probably interrupted by a feminist once, and noticed that his idiotic audience eats up, so he started paying women to interrupt his events. This shit is fucking WWE, dude
noticed his idiotic audience eats it up*
what is cringeworthy is those people chanting "build a wall!"
I don't know where you went to school, but I would say I ran into trigglypuff-tier feminists at least once or twice a week in college.
You only need to pay a handful to get a crowd. It's quite easy to get a mob protest that small going. The kikes used to do at the most liberal university in America, which I attended.
In fact, I only learned about CIA and FBI using false protesters because the university was so far leftist that people had their own red-pill sort of understanding that their protests were being used for political engineering and false-flagging. People were far more hesitant to involve themselves in radical action because a lot of protests were false, tools for media spin and for honeypots to trap more radical elements, like anarchists and Occupy people who would be involved in arsons, breaking windows, and violence against police.
So, yes, it is not difficult to buy off a few compromised drug addict leftists who then recruit actual idealists to do what seems "ideal" while in reality the protests are bankrolled by the people being protested. The CIA did this with diaspora Cubans constantly.
The protesters who wear bernie pins while waving mexican flags were definitely paid by donald trump to make bernie supporters look bad.
I encountered people who looked like this and posted the stereotypical stuff on facebook, but not trigglypuff tier over the top fatties. There was a native american one who organized a campaign to oppose celebration of Columbus Day though. And a whole "prison divest" movement and "fossil fuels divest"
college liberals have been insane for a long time.
There is no need to pay them to act this way, remember this fine young specimen from a few years back?
>you call yourself christian
Is that really a liberal? It sounds like a christian who is butthurt at another christian he disagrees with.
I'm in college now in Commiefornia, this SJW is everywhere.
There was a hostile takeover on my campuses by these types of people, even in fucking Missouri.
Or this one
>paid by donald trump
What? More like paid by soros and those alike.
Playing both sides so they can control the new right wing.
this is some terrible redditor shilling, you're so obvious.
>hurr hes paying them, feminists and SJWs aren't actually real!!
>hes Jewish did you know! that means I'm right
>tfw they do it for free
It is real son. Women are crazy.
Well the ones who aren't married with kids happily are like this.
Most of them at least are real, people like that exist in depressingly large numbers on many college campuses.
He wouldn't waste shekels on paid protestors when real ones will make fools of themselves like clockwork.
>implying they aren't literally everywhere
My campus has a gender studies department filled to the brim with faggots, cucks, and cunts that are laughably similar to the protesters at Milo's speeches.
>I went to college
Well, as someone who is currently a student, I encounter them literally every day
wow two idiots
was the questioner right? is the alt-right full of virgins?
>Is that really a liberal?
Absolutely. If I recall correctly the guy speaking was talking about gays, and that sent the kid over the edge.
Some Sup Forumsack made a pretty slick song from the video too
>"Do you have anything to say about the fact that it seems like..."
>the fact
>seems like
of course it is, but shaming male virginity while simultaneously opposing marriage and monogamy is destructive to society. I don't even like Milo much and he misses the point being a faggot but it's very clear that shaming men for being virgins is extremely backwards and immoral
I'm a virgin but I'm not really alt-right.
>You dirty goyim have thrown at us
This has to be a meme
It is plausible though, but he doesn't have any hard proof. Tbqh I don't think we should put too much faith in a kike faggot, let him trigger fatties but don't let him in the fold completely
It's ok to be old user. I started college in 04 and never saw any of these types. I was out long before these types started showing up
mark, mark, mark
start going to meetings by organizations like: "women's center" "Black Women Association" "center for women's concerns" "progressive students association" "liberals club"
you'll see these people exist in their natural habitat
buddy, this shit happens in your country, my country, in the deep South, Canada, it would happen in Mexico but every time they try the cartel kidnaps the students.
you dont have to pay anyone to disrupt anti-feminist or conservative rallies, the liberals take care of it all on their own.
It's like trying to say the Ferguson/Baltimore/LA Riots were all paid protestors
i meant among a general college population. Of course you will find feminist clubs. i am not denying the existence of feminist clubs.
My university had one called "sister circle" which was only for women of color. I saw their posters, the memes were true.
Also tons of women in STEM shit in the engineering school. None as extreme as trigglypuff, the whole fat shaming thing is mostly exaggerated. But stereotypical SJW's exist, and mostly there's countless followers with dyed hair etc.
That said I do think Milo is a plant/distraction and this whole SJW vs anti-SJW war is a big circus to distract from things like the economy going to shit and potential world war
then don't say you never encounter these people. it's not like they walk around shouting bullshit feminist shit like some tourettes suffering mother fucker. they show up only to politically motivated events
wtf am i watching.
He even used to have a Jew-fro
I said it was plausible not that it was fact. I just don't think we should associate ourselves with a faggot, coal burning Jew too much
Breitbart could afford it. Certainly wouldnt be below the media to do it
No I got out of college not too long ago and they are that batshit crazy. I remember a tranny demanding that they hire someone on fulltime to deal with "trans rights"
I'm agnostic. Seriously wow almost made me a crusader.......almost.
alt right goyim praising my gay star child like sheep
While it's interesting to try to size up the SJWs psychologically, and they're all narcissistic to a degree, this woman in blue seems like a profoundly extreme case. Her facial expressions tell me that she is not in fact passionately wound up in a debate about gay or trans or whatever it happens to be. She doesn't even seem to register genuine disdain for anything that's going on. So she strikes me as someone who really wants to be famous more than anything and did it literally for the attention it would get her at that moment. I mean, she looks so happy that they're all looking at her.
The other possibility that would bear out her mannerisms is that it's some kind of YouTube video they're making where they thought they would go troll the Milo talk, but the could-be-cute one in the glasses doesn't seem to be laughing so she's either less of a narcissist or a better actor
>you dirty goyim
Cracks me up every single time.
>"All you goyim are alike"
Milo doesn't need to pay anyone. His entire career has been baiting this type of response. That's just what he does. He's literally touring US campuses and saying "feminism is cancer, islam sucks, trump 2016"
Do you really think he'd need to pay college SJWs to chimp out?
Many of them are so qt. Why are they so corrupted and mean Sup Forums? What happened to them? They could've been wives and mothers. Now look at them
Stay strong brother. I face the same struggle. Sometimes I get tempted to call myself "culturally Christian".
Are you familiar with Poe's law? It is impossible to distinguish parody and extremism.
Anyone got a good full-length picture of her pants?
They look absolutely ridiculous.
I live in the Bay Area and I've seen trigger warnings and idiotic feminist arguments through friends pages. They are out there older than college age and spreading
The girl with the yellow top had her tits fall out 4 times
Nice catch guys
Seriously, who dresses like this?
When did you go to College? Because this is super recent. I went to university for one year in '09, there was none of this. I went back in 2012 for 2 years, at the beginning it only existed in a small way. But it certainly grew and got mainstream by the time I finished last year.
Even though the postmodern shit taught in sociology department is the same as its always been its seriously in the last 3 years that it has caught on like it has across campuses.
any pics?
there's no shortage of radical leftists
I don't see why this radical would be an exception
Just look at the Trump protests to see that these people are real and exist in large numbers
wow, they're all ugly, fucking surprise
She did have rockin tits
Look at how they all dress. They all look ridiculous because they are idiots
yea thank goodness, it makes them easy to spot
kek. i love that video. The remix is gold. youtube.com
>Rockin tits
i think soros pays for trumps protesters
Shit like this makes me think Kent State was justified.
because our greatest allies Shlomo Silverstein and Oshoah Goldberg got ahold of their minds, and little by little, polluted them with destructive ideas.
Shoot that would be my dream job if these guys keep getting away with this shit.
Ehh Milo getting all pissy about that was kind of weak. He makes fun of feminist for being fat and gross all the time, the dude was making fun of the alt right for being virgins.
This nigger probably went to college in the early 2000s.
OP should go to Western University
I was wondering why they didn't get kicked out right away. They disrupted it 3 times
This is why the left will lose. Shit like this will make people stop taking them seriously
the cops were all niggers
they aint gonna do nuffin