Alcoholism thread

Alcoholism thread
I've been drunk for 5 days.

How the hell do people like you do it? Once i drink i'm hungover for a day, then I have no desire to drink for like 5 days at least. The hangover from a 5 day bender must be soul-crushing.

partying with young chicks is one thing but its these fucking degenerates having 5-10-20 standards every day after work and having literally anyone else in your living space just kys

It's progressive and it takes a long time to get here. I haven't had a hangover in years but I get crippling withdrawal when I stop.

If youre enough of an alcoholic you dont get hungover easily. I was drinking a 1/5 of vodka a day for like 8 days straight and never woke up hungover.

I'm the same way I drank an ungodly amount of alcohol when I was younger would get hammer every single night pretty much for 6 years. Then I got a job and I would only get drunk on Fridays be hungover all weekend. Now I barely drink it's been 2 weeks since my last drop. And I feel fine.

youre right. the withdrawals after that many days of being drunk are HUGE. anxiety, sweating, panic, heart racing. its awful.

I didn't drink a single drop since August 2015
am I in the right thread?

all the people here getting hangover
when all you have to do is drink 1/2 gallon water

Can you post the picture without the stupid nigger in it? Who the hell takes a creeptshot with their face in it...