Sup Forumsject: fagless social media

So facebook is apparently trying to gain the title of the most obnoxious service that ever was.

Now, this is just something we _could_ do;

>start a social media platform from scratch
>no RL identity
>no RL dependency on it
>users are able to use it both anonymously, pseudonymously, as well as just put their real identity if they choose to

I've already tried to do something similar a few years ago, I can (and will) start it up again.

For now I need a name, pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:

>start a social media platform from scratch

How about no

Why not?

kikeberg did if the movie is correct
also there would be plenty of users just from Sup Forums

that flag...

this fag...

>normies can't call it racist

try life without it, it's fine

All I need to invest is time, I could literally build this up and just moderate the natural traffic.

Yeah I can pretend to be one of the Bosnian arabs.

I haven't been using facebook for ages but due to work and social influence it's become a necessity.

I'm not in because of potential money or anything, but a shot to take down facebook. All the code will be open source and I'll write it as modular as possible - even write guides - as to let others have an opportunity at taking down the smelly giant.

Just trust him you dumb fucks.

two good suggestions for now

out-see, as in see out of your own perspective, which correlates with my intention of making a platform that'll prevent political polarization

alright, to avoid waiting for a name I'll use some kind of placeholder for application name on PaaS and just use a domain name later for the sake of an identity.

it's in php btw

I'll use a .tk tld so I need a name that'll fit well for


kek, I was thinking like leaning on people to hear conversations or on a gf
Also I imagine that to have success you'll need a good publicitary campaign

Call it GasBook goy

Out the Hook

But we'll pronounce it "GaussBook"

sounds good but how do I turn it into a good sounding identity and domain name? looks nice but is taken. Btw we could ask Sup Forums to make us a logo.

Well good luck to you sir.

If google with it's vast amount of money, power and influence couldn't do it then neither can you.

Google tried to force it on everyone and offered nothing new besides annoying mechanics



First time I tried to do this I had 15 000 visits and ~200 registered users in two months.

I made the thing to learn how HTTP works.

Do it up senpai. I'll join it.

google ws trying to make another facebook. that's like trying to get rid of stalin by pretending to be a better stalin than stalin. the left wingers can't get commiepoints for supporting not-stalin. neither can google.

I'm the cnspiracy theorist from the earlier thread.

I think if you bill it as a social media platform for organizing community defense, or perhaps something a little gentler, with the same implication, you could piggyback european dissatisfaction.

if you built in crypto-protected currency exchange, people might even be able to buy methods of self protection. swap tips. if you get my drift. I don't know about others, but that would get me to sign up.

fwiw there were 2k self protection apparatuses "unknowingly brought into europe" via turkey from a very specific source and they can't tell if it was done so for the benefit of germans of jihadis.

just a thought. keep in mind that hate speech is already illegal. how much more illegal is tip swapping, I wonder.

Do it I'll join

cool shades pupper

the internet doesn't need more 'social networks', it needs none.

the internet shouldn't be used for losers to spam narcissistic bullshit to strangers 24/7 as if its news.

what we need is pro free speech, zero accountability, anti-social media platforms.

something where people can post thoughts/ideas anonymously, with no link to an 'identity' to bias other reads.

something where old posts are constantly pruned and deleted and only the most active, current topics stay at the topic.

you know, something like fucking Sup Forums, that already exist. derp

call it chemo.

Are you suggesting I let gun runners arm the Yuropean nationalist groups through the site?

We seem to always talk about two different things.
I understand that you're heavy-set into a firm belief that conflicts are inevitable and the goal is to establish communications for the patriot parties;

but I'm talking about something else here. I'm talking about building such a platform that'll cancel out the polarization effect echo chambers such as facebook and reddit have.

I want to make a place where people can talk naturally, without persistent monikers.

Also I would very much like to teach people how harmful places like facebook are - mostly to avoid having to get drawn into facebook because a client wants facebook likes on their site and you can't get to the plugin without being registered as a developer on the facebook's system.

AFAIK the normies aren't annoyed enough by facebook to hop to something else.

With a different social network you need to carve into a niche or supply something of value that facebook wouldn't, such as a social network around illegal file sharing.

But good luck monetizing something like that.

Normies want a place to chat and share/find content between themselves and driving them away from kikes can only be good
The difference would be that unlike facebook, you could voice your opinion without fear of ruining your reputation IRL

Build in a unique ID like Sup Forums and allow people to post anonymously.

if anyone tries to false flag themselves then mods can step in and show them as the shills they are.

yeah but needing a government issued photo id to create an account is taking it too far. that sort of shit, mobile numbers and addresses should not be necessary in order to use a 3rd party social media website to talk to people you know. that is some fucked up, power mad world domination type shit.

>something where people can post thoughts/ideas anonymously, with no link to an 'identity' to bias other reads.

- 15 Jun 16: ETA of account handling. The basic idea is that you get an ID in the form of CURRENT timestamp which you can
use as a temporary(single use) identity, register as a continous identity, or even put a pseudonim or a real name on top of.

I like you. I like this. Very much. It sounds sinister but it fits perfectly. If I find a bastardization good enough this'll be a top pick.

Here's a screenshot of the first version of this I did. I had more but I can't find them.

Name it...


The Lögrétta ("law rock") was a rock in medieval Iceland where once a year the allthing (a feudal proto-parliament) assembled and discussed news, deliberated laws, settled feuds, and all sorts of jazz. Chieftains and farmers alike would attend, some would bring their whole families, and there was entertainment and markets.

The only real official in Iceland, the law speaker, would recite 1/3 of all of the laws by memory at the begginging of each assembly. And he would do so from the Lögrétta.

t. Icelandic historian

I think it is a perfect name, no?

The original version (and this one as well) doesn't even use e-mail for registration.

I would never suggest such a thing. that's ILLEGAL sir. however I also regret to inform you that hate speech is also ILLEGAL.

if you wnt to buld a social network, you will need to supply VALUE to the users. perhaps it is self defense.

perhaps the tool could communicate valuable information, such as realtime updated presence of muslims by their cell phone signals, or a map that specifies rate and site of specific crimes. I recall an app like this being made caled sketchy(something) before being outlawed for being racist here in america.

but if people could see the physical location of crimes committed in their community, it would invite discussion.

what I'm telling you is you need to supply VALUE to the users. free speech isn't a value because 1. it's ILLEGAL and 2. facebook already has free speech, to normies

maybe the crime map is more workable. but you need to isolate the value you provide and enhance it. when talking about nebulous women raped and cut up into little pieces somewhere far away, people will think liberal things.

if they see a map that shows that a woman was raped and then slap-chop'd right outside of her house, and then there's a very CONVENIENT discussion platform that links her to other people nearby, perhaps that's some value

you need to think about the value. not teaching. people don't like learning. give them value.

Just let only one identity per topic

But it makes me wonder if there will be tensions between identity-fags and anons and how it should be solved

>he wants to make Sup Forums


Sup Forums is too much of an echo chamber, as well as extremely polarizing.

There are board-oriented identities here.

identity fags can fuck off desu. with the way people work now on both the right and left you can get fired for sharing your beliefs openly. Having an user outlet on the site with unique ID's that change depending on the topic is good.

aaand you lost all my attention. it seems you wanna just create anonymouse facebook for normies to switch, but guess what, normies couldn't care less about the data facebook takes and spies on- as long as they get enough likes to compensate

user you're tapping into a force that twists and corrupts beyond normal comprehension. Once the normies invade, it isnt long before international jew gets its tentacles into your "project" at which point it becomes a whored out commodity much like post 2008 Facebook

>There are board-oriented identities here.
That's impossible to stop. Get a group of people and put them together and they eventually develop a culture

But then there would be no point in having an account, it wouldn't take userbase from facebook. I think you should be able to find Jim but at the same time have a way of seeing if you have general things in common

it could be anonymous with a karma system of some sort. praising islam would immediately and invisibly to the user, neuter karma, for example.

like it or not bosniak, in order for a social system to operate there need to be rules for promotion and rules for demotion. they can be incredibly SIMPLE and few, but they need to exist, otherwise liberalfags will take over.

I suggest a crime map of some sort.

another thing every product needs to take off is a CRITICAL USERBASE.

for facebook it was the harvard elite everyone wanted to copy.

the reason japan, korea and china heavily limit facebook was so that their critical domestic market cuold flourish.

you could make fearful people in europe your critical userbse that allos it to spread via its utility.

you can't go into this blind.

Alright, I'll have to do my own job for the next hour or so. I'll still be here to discuss things.

There's no need to bump this thread up, so unless it's below page 7 use sage to keep it from sliding better threads.

For now, let's see



Not if there's no money to be made. The initial concept should be focused around non-profitable values so they have to try real hard to skew the ideas.

I want to create a messageboard/microblog hybrid that lets people speak openly and honestly, all while keeping the idea of non-partisan and non-polarizing discussion alive.

Wouldn't be great if you could agree on something with a commie, or teach an anarchist and a socialist why a govt. needs to be balanced?

Or just share cat videos or porn with a couple of people who like the same things?

>praising islam would immediately and invisibly to the user, neuter karma, for example
China tier
Can't the (You)s be enough for the dopamine?

I do not intend on using software to skew discussion. That's exactly what I'm criticizing the giants for.

we'd be in a better position right now if we were china. chinese presidents don't praise the people who go into their country and kill hundreds of people.

you couldn't praise allah in a functioning right wing state. why would you create a social network in which you could praise allah?

You won't make a cent in adds

Were you the same Bosnian that emailed about the MakeAmericaDataAgain site?

>You won't make a cent in adds

Don't intend to. Ads aren't profitable for websites for ages now anyway. Although I do intend to keep NSFW content separated enough so that the general public can use the site.

Something like deviantart does perhaps.

suit yourself. you're retreading old territory here.

right wing thoughts are by necessity, nuanced, complicated, and take patience to learn. they are absolutely drowned out in a completely free speech scenario. they are so drowned out, that even when muslims are literally raping and blowing themselves up all around europe, right wing values STILL haven't taken hold.

the blind leading the blind is not a workable social model. right wingers are not stupid. they will only follow a social model that provides value. your free speech platform DENIES them the ablity to speak because they will get drowned out.

the smartest people I've ever known spoke very softly. if I didn't have the guts to tell someone to shut the fuck up and smack them every now and then, I wouldn't know the things I do, and I wouldn't be where I am.

civilization doesn't stand on arbitrary principles. it stands on GOOD. and if you aren't willing to make a stand for it, no one will follow you.

Yep. What stage are you at right now?

>why would you create a social network in which you could praise allah?
Because I want to praise Hitler and I won't be able to for coherency

>STILL haven't taken hold

Except they have. Some places are extremely delusional but others are not. The world is black or white.

This. I do not agree with either but I want to give you a platform to discuss both with people with differing opinions, where you won't be autosilenced by your identity.

Sort of "I disagree but I'll defend your right to say so" things.

Social media nah

Lets jam

>world isn't* black and white


? Which one do you think fits best?

Just remember OP, Facebook wasn't always the way it is. It was for people hooking up.

Summer launch m8, just been dealing with a family death

I like this idea of yours as per OP, had something similar in mind too, this is just what is needed

>It was for people hooking up
This. = Lets fuck

humans don't run on freedom and principles. they're wet little horny machines that work on incentive. you're not providing any. fair warning.

any political movement that succeeded that you admire I guarantee provided sex and money to its proponents

Do it like nyaa and make a site apart for NSFW you can link to
Or just don't since for that there are plenty of sites

Isn't his point to get people out of circlejerks?
Users from the left should make contact with users on the right while both sides get publicly penalized for shitposting


whats wrong?

Special treat for Sup Forumsentoomen: the whole thing will be JS-optional.

That is, it'll be backend-only unless you turn on JS functionality.

I run a personal sideproject and work on media-related things as a developer/consultant.

I have seven deadly sins written up and hanging on a wall right beside me.

Call it Unsafe-space

Better idea: create an SJW network. Literally bait all of them to the site with realistic SJW propaganda. Build essentially a database of them. Let it simmer, give it a little time to openly go further insane together. Collect this information and make each and everyone of them totally and fully unemployable and destroy their families and their current employment (for the 12 that actually have some sort of job.) Totally fuck their shit up.


Call it FaceFag or something, something that will make normies cry.

Whats wrong with Sup Forums?

I like this idea too, honeypot them kek

Ladies and gentlemen I believe we have our slogan.

Make it open-source javascript and get stallman's approval
Also make it accessable by w3m/lynx if you can

you're an idiot if you think the left wants to learn, or compromise.

at least I don't have to deal with this much longer. bury your head in the sand if you want. they'll suicide bomb you ad infinitum and you'll always have your hand outstretched in reconciliation with the left.

guns are being smuggled into europe by the thousands. you better hope those are european buyers and not jihadis. good luck shaking hands with a leftist while he watches you get gunned down

logretta doesn't sound very well but I like the concept, you should look into ancient greek forums for inspiration

I think that Lögrétta sounds the most professional.
But that's just my bias.

my rule of thumb is that if your name doesn't sound like it looks, or if it drops vowels for no apparent reason (looking at you tumblr) then it is a stupid name.

The main thing that made Facebook successful from the get-go was less the hooking up and more that it required a .edu email to sign up with (so no spammer/fake accounts). The hooking up was a side effect of it biting directly into college students.

I get where you're coming from, believe me I do;

but the concept is completely the opposite. To avoid having things go further insane we have to open communication.

Honest enemies are better friends than two strangers will ever be.

Fuck jboss

You forgot the most important rule about having a multibillion dollar company. You have to be a kike.

Get some people from lainchan's /diy/ to help.

what a shitty id--FLAG LOOK AT IT

>I haven't been using facebook for ages but due to work and social influence it's become a necessity.
so ur going to use the anonymous nazi pedo social network site for this?

Faml I fucking hate leftists and only hope they die, but the point here is making everyone use it, and maybe also shape their views with some common sense.
Before I came to Sup Forums I was a lot more moderate

Good lord, this is why I shouldn't browse pol when I'm droswly as fuck.

Lögrétta was the name of the assembly. Logberg was the name of the rock itself.

>Users from the left should make contact with users on the right

>Honest enemies are better friends than two strangers will ever be.

>Implying this will ever get popular

>implying implications



Mario gets it. We can prevent further insanity and spite.

We can both make the first step as well as "redpill" some of the ignorant leftists.

Dont make it political at all. That is how facebook failed.

I can't remember where, but one time I saw two Bosnian war vets discuss something on facebook. One was ours and the other was muslim.

The two men had more respect for each other than anyone else in the thread.

Due to the controversial nature of the platform and the sheer amount of political passion from both sides you'd be guaranteed to turn the open discussion into a middle ground at some point.

>>Implying this will ever get popular
I like that video.
You can bet those leftards went back home and slowly started to realize the guy's arguments made all sense and theirs were dumb.
It's just that they can't admit it, or they'd lose face and it would mean they protested for nothing

What tech stack are you even building this on?
>t. webdev

... OOP php with pdo-sql. Basically a better version of this pile of junk

Oooooooshit those trips of satan. I have to look at it now. Quick question: why not something node based?

>Luka zaduzen za gradnjenje nove viralne socijalne mreze
to brate Srbine!



I once spent a whole week writing a good system for something in node, only to realize that node is specifically designed for procedural callback circles of hell.

Vracam se starim projektima pojede me sto imam hrpu slobodnog vremena a ne radim nista korisno.

Nije lijepo ni lagan posao imati.