Why do conservashits and lolborgtarians believe corporations should govern us ?
They think they're being edgy and are triggering the libtards.
You clearly don't know shit about either cons or libertarians. Grow the fuck up Berniebro.
I have always thought we should be led by ourselves. Isn't that what being a Libertarian is?
What are called conservatives nowadays are hardline statists, so handing the management of the economy to state created and funded entities but but with no popular control makes sense to them. Any true Libertarians are opposed to corporations as state created entities who are violations of free market principles.
They're all massive KEKS who orgasm just at the thought of being taken advantage of by a big bull corporation
If you own stock, you become an owner though. This is why niggers and Bernouts are such faggots. Invest your money wisely and diversely, and as corporations become better off, you become better off.
Tell me more Americuck. Bet you're a nu-male.
>teachings of a currently embarrassed future billionaire
Nope. I'm just smart enough to realize all the greatest achievements of a nation weren't/aren't achieved by individualism
How does that spaceman drink his beer through his helmet?
No arguments. Typical nu-male. Be a man and get in the debate.
What's the practical difference between a corporation and a government? Especially one like the US which is largely made up, at this point, of unelected bureaucrats.
Libertarians are the most anti corporate people. They believe corporations should not use the state to project their power, meanwhile socialists want to combine state and corporation.
>It's literally impossible to improve my situation stop trying to tell me otherwise
Admit it, you're afraid to know that you have any responsibility for the outcomes of your life. You just want to pretend you never had a chance and the cards were stacked against you.
I was a faggot like you until I was 25, then I grabbed life by the balls. Turning 30 in a month and everything is awesome...
Except for Islam, which is why I'm on Sup Forums
Even Islam, the tides look like they could be turning in the Middle East. Nobody wants ISIS to take over in their country, so secular democracy is seeing bit of a popular resurgence, especially in Tunisia. I'm trying to maintain hope.
>mfw reading that post
Because they have forgotten that greed is a sin. They also worship the dollar (Thou shalt have no other gods before me)
Neocons successfully used niggers and religion to brainwash working class rednecks into supporting their corporate bullshit. It's why they're panicking about Trump
Why wouldn't you use "the love of money is the root of all evil"? It's way more appropriate and a harsher condemnation.
>no arguments
Nope, just one you don't like.
Of course I don't expect much from someone who watches that moron
> except for Islam
Liberals hate Islam too bro . Islamic people are some of the most right winged ideologically flawed people to exist
>liberals hate Islam
Write some arguments. Make examples. I'm here, waiting.
This post has been removed for violating hate speech laws in this user's country.
He's right about them being right wing, though.
Really leaf, are you this dumb.
I think it's highly likely that I could make hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.
But I not only think, I also know (because of statistics) that it is very very very unlikely that I'll become a billionaire. Don't be rediculous.
But really what you said has no meaning what so ever. My point is I don't want a corporation controlling me. Don't mistake that to mean I want a corrupt government either. I don't.
And guess what leaf, that has nothing to do with who I think I'll be. Please stop projecting your failure, naivety, and stupidity onto me.
No one does, but it's the Clinton's that have made a fortune pandering to corporations.
I already have. You simply chose to ignore them
>bla bla bla I'm a NEET but I'd make 6 figures for sure if I applied for a job
I don't see arguments to back your claims. You're an eunuch.
Tbqh bud, that's many companies fighting over me, and not just one government. It makes me feel wanted like a qt 15 year old girl. I have many companies as exes now.
>ignores everything I say and still continues to project his now obvious failures onto me
It's so disgusting talking to people an entire deviation below you. Continue to squirm faggot
I guess you just aren't made to see. Disappointing, I guess Roman genes are gone
That's not something people believe, that's something you just made up and put in their mouth.
>1 post by this user.
Every. Fucking. Time. Sup Forums.
Because one day, God willing, we can ALL be that rich!
>No matter how stupid or lazy we are
And don't you ever forget it, OP.
Tell me.
What do you mean with
>being taken advantage of by a big bull corporation
>My point is I don't want a corporation controlling me
Really, there are no arguments. I think the lower sigma is actually you.
>you don't like me saying
>They're all massive KEKS who orgasm just at the thought of being taken advantage of by a big bull corporation
>that is a valid argument and I will proceed to ad hominem because of your flag and my lack of argument.
Let me take this real slow for you kiddo
I said "I don't want corporations to control me"
Well look outside Italian, because you'll soon see cooperation safe in fact controlling us to an exstent that they shouldn't be
The fact that this is happening proves that the current system is broken. Therefore validating my reasonable claim that I don't want corporations to control me
Still, you're not backing this with any argument. You're not explaining anything. You just say 'i want dis because i want dis because i feel it'. You're a nigger. Your IQ is probably two standard deviations below the average.
What's the practical difference between a corporation and a government? Especially one like the US which is largely made up, at this point, of unelected bureaucrats.
Massive corporations and Big government go hand in hand.
you think they are antithesis to each-other but they are not, they are symbiotic.
The system we are in now is already run by Mega corporations, when you shovel power into the hands of the few and the unelected they are easy to buy, they then pass laws in support of their corporate masters.