London Ontario police putting arabic on their cars
Canada is fucked
London Ontario police putting arabic on their cars
....mistakes were made last election....
Why did Canadians vote for that soft faggot anyways? Can you not just look at him and realize he'd bend over for the first nonwhite person he found?
What I love more than all these anti-Canadian posts on Sup Forums...
Are talking with people about it in Canada, and looking at comments on government and news sites... Canada is PISSED.
If it gets actually viably worse (as in they actually try and enforce some bullshit hate-speech laws), then some people will lose their teeth and some people will eat lead, and the entire fucking place is going to go up in flames.
These were put on in 2012 and taken off London Police cars over a year ago user.
Keep posting this thread though, whatever entertains you.
>then some people will lose their teeth and some people will eat lead, and the entire fucking place is going to go up in flames.
Many Canadians are fucking retarded despite always claiming to be superior to the country they rely on for everything. A lot of them, no joke, voted for Trudeau because he wasn't Harper. They're fucking idiots. They were played like fiddles.
That have nothing to do with Trudeau, and everything to do with Ontario Liberal provincial government. The Province of Ontario is the Sweden of Canada. The gay pride police cruiser, the Arabic police cruisers, all the pictures of Trudeau at the Toronto Gay Pride Parade. Most Canadian SJWs come from Ontario.
>If it gets actually viably worse (as in they actually try and enforce some bullshit hate-speech laws), then some people will lose their teeth and some people will eat lead, and the entire fucking place is going to go up in flames.
Well it can't be that long, shit is already on fire.
I converted to Islam and married an 100% all natural pure QT 3.14 pure traditional virgin chaste wife and have had 10 Islamic babies who will grow up and create the 4th Caliphate(in Europe with London as it's capital)
How can whitey even compete? The fire rises. Upboat this if you agree
Because Imam Tredau(or however you spell his faggot ass name) promised to let people burn trees as much they please. They thought he was talking about pot, he was talking about Alberta.
Fucking fight back.
Canada does not belong to Mohammed's conquest.
>what happens when cucks let slimes take over
Never let the weak lead
Who else is going to jail but the muzzies?
Fuuuuck I'm going to western next school year. I took a year off school.
Yeah, right. Welcome to democracy, bitch
Hope the weed was worth it.
We arrest mostly Arabs here anyway so why is that bad?
The supervisor police SUV still has it on. And the military has some Arabic garbage written on the side of their APC