"Black people do not exist in Argentina, Brazil has that problem" - Argentine President, Carlos Menem, 1996

"Black people do not exist in Argentina, Brazil has that problem" - Argentine President, Carlos Menem, 1996

Can somebody tell me what he meant by this?

no idea, his english is mangled, and indecipherable

If whites of Argentina at least prove their superiority. At this time Brazilian cuck leftist president (Fernando Henrique Cardoso) was ten times better than this sandnigger cleptocrat. Anyway Argentina have a future if abandon leftism. Nothing can save Brazil, too many "problems".

Que não tem preto na Argentina, só no Brasil mesmo, e que isso é ruim.

Talvez se eu falar em macaquês você entenda.

It's truly hilarious what Argentians and Brazilians consider to be white

I saw a picture of them celebrating Oktoberfest in Southern Brazil I think it was. Literally every single person in the picture looked like your stereotypical latino mix.

>syrian rapefugee
>in position to talk shit about anybody

>a picture

Search for "Oktoberfest Blumenau" on google images.

I'm not a racial romanticist. But the idea that a European couple moves to south america and has a baby there, that kid mutates and turns into half black half indian hybrid is just ridiculous. You're pretty much ignoring genetics for "muh special white club"

With that said, yeah. the majority of people in Brazil are mixed.

>Oktoberfest Blumenau

We wuz Germans n shiett

C'mon man, like 70% of the people look Hispanic as fuck

>implying USA is white.

We don't see Menem as white. He is of Syrian descent, and people here called him "the Turk".

These people are Argentine whites.
Do not lump us with Brazil.

Argentina abolished slavery in 1812 and received more European immigrants than any country in the world after the USA (ahead of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc).

There is a sizeable Asian and mestizo minority but blacks are only 0.3% of the population.

I think Sup Forums has a problem discerning between 'hispanic' and the Aztec degenerates who make their way up here.

I'm sure there are definitely some white couples there. My family almost moved to Argentina. But when someone is like half Hispanic and half German and then calls themselves European it's just irritating. It's like people in Mexico who are Mestizos calling themselves Spaniards because 400 years ago their 5xgreat grandma got raped by a conquistador.

Well, you have a point I guess, but the event looks whiter in general.


should I move there?

is argentina corrupted by globalists

Hispanic, latino, whatever. The people in the picture I posted are probably like 12.5 - 25% native mix at least.

posteén ogts

Okay Deshawn

Argentina is being corrupted by illegal immigration, brown people from Bolivia and Peru keep flooding the country for gibs. It is white majority but it won't be in a couple of decades.

That being said, Patagonia is comfy as fuck and will be for a long time. Shitskins dislike the Subantarctic cold.


lol fucking stupid Spaniards couldn't keep their dick in their pants and just annihilate the native population like the Brits did. They had to go and breed with them so they think they're Europeans now.

The 'one drop' rule works the opposite in Argentina from how it does in the US. As long as you have a drop of white blood, you're white in Argentina. Obama would be considered super white.

>You will never live in Argentina and be revered by the local populace for being white


>dat Bavarian dress-up clothing
Kek Brazil never change
That is pretty hysterical

>Argentina is being corrupted by illegal immigration, brown people from Bolivia and Peru keep flooding the country for gibs
Argentina is being corrupted by Argentinians. Politicians here literally don't give a fuck and steal out in the open


Nice trolling m8

Here is the genetic clustering of the entire Argentine population, not segregated by race. Probably some of the mestizos try to pass off as white, but as you can see the majority of the population is indeed white.

I'd like to see the same genetic mapping for the USA, but I'm probably arguing with a Chicano troll anyway.

Can I come pls?

Uruguay is the better South American nation anyway.

>subantarctic cold
You have no idea what cold is. There isn't any city in Argentina that even gets a lasting snowpack. Any nigger in the us can deal with 0 celcius temps. Wake me up when you get truly cold weather (

Sure, burgerbros are always welcome

We call all arabs "Turk" in fact anyone who looks slightly arabic or turkish ends up with the nickname el turco "The turk"

Sometimes I don't know if this is trolling or if burgers are genuinely this retarded.

I literally worked with a guy who looked like that. I've never hated anyone more in my life.

My dick hurts.

Mr Argentine. Im the Op.

>truly cold weather

nice fallacy faggot, besides its all relative isn't it? One southern californian cuck's mid spring breeze is a North Dakotan chad thundersocks's winter squall.

That nigga was fucking Syrian, wasn't he?

One drop rule. How can Argentinians even compete?

U.S. Government is too much of a pussy to call them "mestizo". That would probably ignite all the SJWs, so they avoid using that word.

Where the hell did you get that image? I don't see it at all when I google image'd "oktoberfest blumenau"

The very first one is pretty white desu.

But I thought they were categorized as mestiço/mestizo in Brazil and Argentina respectively. In fact, most people would rather identify as mestiço/mulato in order to earn all the benefits they can possibly get from the government when it comes to university quotas. And the United States clusters Hispanics (even those who would fall under the category of "negro/mulato"), Middle Easterners, South Asians and the likes as White. 63% my monkey arse.

Trolling about, farming reactions. Although most of them are Southern Brazilians, there are people from all over the country who participate the event, also from Argentina and Uruguay. It's the second largest Oktoberfest in the world, second only to Germany, so yeah.

They used to be categorized as white when they were an insignificant portion. Now they actually are categorized as "Hispanic"

What's so hard to comprehend that brown skin is not white skin? There's nothing wrong with being brown but there is something wrong with being illogical.

The Government doesn't recognize "Hispanic" as a race, officially.

That's because Hispanic isn't a race, it's an ethnicity.


Daily reminder that Argentina is white

It's colloquially understood as such. And white is colloquially understood to mean "of European descent". People have perverted and manipulated the wording.


By denotation it might not be "a race", but ffs connotatively it's a race.

Go up to a fat cop and tell them you were just robbed by a "Hispanic male in his 30s". I bet you $50 they would picture a shitskin, and wouldn't ask "well what race was he".

people think the same of the US tbf. You guys define North Americans and Middle Easterners as white

I think you need to wake the fuck up and realize the 63% is a lie. The white population in the US is far below that and you're being replaced without even knowing it. They're clustering those minorities with the white population, some looking blatantly negro, just to make you think "hey, it's not that bad at all right?".

The former Marxist government we had in Brazil did the exact same thing to hide the real homicide rates among negroes, by clustering the mestiço population with the negro population in a failed attempt to make them look more victimized. Eventually people got tired of all the bullshit and therefore impeachment. Your government will try to fool you in any way they can, and you're facing a threat in the US you're not even aware of.

meant to say North Africans kek

Most of our South American immigrants are Native Americans. They should be labeled as such.

>I think you need to wake the fuck up

I'm already awake. I tell all the American shitposters this every day. The problem being people here live in there white states so they don't believe me when I say we're way worse off than anywhere else.

Using the term Hispanic is a derogatory manner only proves the United State's involvement in keeping South America a shit hole. CIA agents probably told all those beaners they were "Spanish" too.

It's the same problem in Brazil, but possibly to a much lower extent, due to university quotas. I know a load of people who got the benefits by identifying as mestiços, despite looking obviously white. All you have to do is claim Native American ancestry or say one of your great-grandparents is black and you identify with the African culture. Even easier with white women when they get a tan, put on contacts/curl and dye their hair black so they can claim the benefits, and that happens a lot.

This whole demographics system is a fraud in nearly every country.

>i-i-it's not that we are cherrypicking images or something!
>We are white believe us!
>The astonishing majority of the population doesn't matter, just look at these pics!!!
>Argentinians are pure european!!!
>Still a shithole
Really makes you think...

Almost no FUCKING one over 6ft. I'm not obsessed with height but it's hillarious.

Oh please I had 5 friends who I thought were white and turned out to be hispanic. Quite a few of them look no different than whites they just call themselves Mexican. Chill out people. Hispanbros are bros.

I've been saying this for a long time on Sup Forums

People can't pull their head out of their ass. It's the same for the Europeans. They think because it hasn't hit their village in some far off corner of the country, that it's not happening elsewhere. They think if we just run from the problem and live in ignorant bliss that it's not an issue.

By the time it finally hits them it will be SA and we'll be outnumbered 20 to 1.

According to the UN we are the most developed South American country ahead of Portugal and half of Europe too.

Why do Spaniards hate Argentina?

We literally sheltered millions of Spaniards while you were slaughtering yourselves in a Civil War. Then we sent you boatloads of food aid while you were starving under Franco.

Thousands of Spaniard immigrants still find their way down here to this day searching for work, escaping the 21% unemployment rate you have in Spain (fucking kek), and you still come here badmouthing us with some sort of inferiority complex.

Really makes you think...

is that a picture of the gorilla that got shot?

Argentina and Uruguay are the whitest countries in the Americas.