Do sheep really believe that this guy is anti-establishment? He has donated millions to both Dems and Repubs. He is as establishment as it gets.
Do sheep really believe that this guy is anti-establishment? He has donated millions to both Dems and Repubs...
Sometimes it's easier knowing your enemies by giving them money.
Because he lies?
Sometimes it's easier beating your opponent by losing.
I don't care. I hate progressives so much that I want to shove trump down their throats.
>t. Leaf
>Person doing the buying is more corrupt than the person being bought
Spoken like a true Cuckadian
God speed. To save us all.
>Implying we care that he's establishment
It's how the Jews maintain power, user. That's why Trump wins this election. The shekel is tremendously influential over the uninitiated. I would take the shekel giver as boss over the shekel taker any day.
>He has donated millions
I don't really care everyone hates him and I hate everyone
I agree. He is turning Canada from the peace keepers of the world to a cucknation.
You're talking to teenager and a few stunted adult losers all of whom are in the phase where they so desperately want to belong to something.
Nobody here cares about reality.
Come back in November. You'll never talk sense into these kids, but you can certainly laugh at them after their drubbing by the cryptkeeper's girlfriend.
You would know that, wouldn't you?
For real shill, take good advice from a leaf when a leaf rarely dispenses good advice. Your shilling would be better done on Cuckbook.
Learn to read, you shill. I'm not talking about corruptness. I'm talking about long-standing individuals in political campaigns.
That was before he went into the political race. He's a businessman that knows the business, that knows just how corrupt the system is. That's the whole appeal of Trump, that he's been through it, and is done with it.
Receiving donations makes you establishment. Giving donations does not
About a million and a half since 1989 according to records, but yeah close enough.
True, it makes you a political crony.
I don't think you know what establishment means.
Then why are they spending so much energy to defame him and stop him?
The answer is, he has been in the room with them when they talked about the NWO. He was there when they said they are literally making a Satanic empire here on Earth. He realizes they killed his friends on 9/11 in the two towers.
He is a threat and he wants revenge for what they have done, he knows what they want to do and it makes him angry.
Angry enough to do whatever it takes to stop them.
Wait, could it be possible that "establishment" is not an actual concrete term with defined limits?
I think just the amount of backlash he gets from CNN is proof enough he's anti-establishment.
He's charismatic as fuck, and part of doing business is getting along with people and what better way to make money than by giving what is pennies to you to the people in charge of regulating the marketplaces.
In any case, he's an outsider candidate. He's getting support from establishment figures only recently and very reluctantly. He won't be controlled by special interests. He says he's going to build a wall and make better trade deals, and going by his business record he'll do it under budget and ahead of schedule.
His interests are corporate interests. He wants to try and remove the water restrictions placed on corporate farms in California. Those restrictions have relieved the drought immensely. They don't even grow things for America, they grow almonds for the Chinese and hay for the Arabs.
You tell 'em, goyim.
He may have been an outsider when he sought political office in 1999, but since then he's been a politician. Pretty active since 2011 CPAC too. Other politicians begged him for his endorsement for Christ's sake... don't fool yourself.
>Do sheep really believe that this guy is anti-establishment?
Sup Forums does because they are blue pilled normies who watch Alex Jones.
>ignoring the hundreds of billions of gallons that can't be accessed because of a type of sardine.
all that matters to the elite, to the establishment, to jews is (1) mass unchecked immigration (2) war in the middle east (3) aggresion toward russia
and the most important is mass immigration
>t. Non-Californian
Yeehaw cleetus you dun sure showed me! And I done red the news and followed conservative talk radio for dun over a year!
who fucking cares, he's the new establishment, get over it
I'm a Californian and I'm tired of all the shit you cucks give us.
>California recovering from drought thanks to restrictions on corporate farms
>hurr durr it's the fishes fault California is is a drought
I don't think you know what establishment means
you have some sort of argument and nobody will take you seriously because of your avatarfagging
This, fuckers like OP are missing the point of Trump.
How the fuck is he establishment? Because he donated money? That's not how it works. You have to be part of the inner circle, not just some rich dude throwing money into the ring.
He isn't establishment. He is not even a politician. Somehow people forget this. The real establishment hates him. Look at the RNC and their combined efforts to stop him. He doesn't even have puppet policies. He is his own man, with his own ideas. Nothing is going to phase him. He doesn't want your money. He doesn't care.
If anything, Jeb and Bernie proved how money is not as influential when it comes to candidates. You can't make a natural cuck seem appealing no matter how many millions you spend on ads.
>B-but he was doing it for dem buildings..
Really makes you think
Wow OP you really opened my eyes
I'm gonna vote for Ben Carson now
Don't care. He's anti-SJW and anti-cuckery. He doesn't back down from crybullies. He will engage them with their own tactics and crush them. He's the inevitable market correction to the climate of intimidation the left has been forcing on the country for decades.
He will always have my support for this. We can't have a national political conversation until all sides are allowed to speak, and Trump is the only one willing to fight for us.
>He has donated millions to both Dems and Repubs.
[citation needed]
He loves Israel, He loves the fed, he loves power. He will make a great american trai... uh president.
I used to eat mcdonalds all the time, probably since I was a toddler.
Then I stopped.
I stopped drinking soda, too.
Lost a lot of weight.
That's what Trump has done with politicians.
Listen, Mr. Viking, it's called a metaphor.
Trump used to roll with politicians, before this country start swirling down the drain, and now he's done with that shit and doing it himself.
Now he's a brick of salt.
Don't raid me.
I don't think YOU know what it means
Still not making any sense dude
Literally cannot be a presidential candidate without those attributes
Accept those as a given, and focus instead on his other policies and stances. They differ considerably from the competition
And his support for Israel notwithstanding, you can still send powerful messages to the Israeli government like Obama did multiple times in his presidency. To be honest I was surprised he had it in him.