Well that didn't last long.
Oh wow, a whopping 1.5 point Clinton lead. When they've thrown everything at Trump, and Donald has yet to hit Clinton on her most damning of issues. Shut the fuck up, Shillbot.
Come on, who wants the guy that can't even be on his own TV show to be leader, as opposed to the women that forgave her cheating husband for being bad ass president?
How can Sup Forums even recover?
It's over, I am now a #CruzMissile.
makes you think
Damn you're right. Just look at that collapse of a 10 point lead
Fuck, guess I'm a #cruzmissile now
LOL! That's rich considering how excited you all were when Trump have that .5 lead not to long ago. Now you're signing a different tune.
trump is a waste
Once Bernie endorses Hillary it's over.
I mean, what did people expect from the man with multiple bankruptcies?
WTF? I hate Trump now
I want more fucking polls. Why are there barely any new polls lately?
>day after day media bashes Trump
>Hillary is almost bruise and scratch free, she a good goy dindunuffin
Really makes you ??
Meh, Trump is still in the game if he doesn't make a pick Palin as VP -tier blunder
You're right, no one's ever attacked Hillary.
Dearie Me!!
Guess I'm a #cuckold now!!
>that perfectly symmetrical think at the end that is supposed to represent jack shit in terms of meaningful data
Fuck off.
fucking kek, I'm saving that one
That took place during a terrible period economically and in terms of foreign policy (Iranian revolution and hostage crisis). Unless a crash or a major terrorist attack happens between now and November, there's no way Trump will be able to pull off anything better than a narrow win.
Do you fucking live in the year 2016, retard?
The economy is still pretty sluggish, and there have been terrorist attacks.
>terrible period economically and in terms of foreign policy
like today
inb4 Syria war wasn't caused by Obama/Clinton
inb4 economy is still good (why is Sanders going strong into June)
>But muh Reagan vs. Carter!
>narrow win
>he's barely started
>the june/july terrorist attacks haven't even happened yet
shiggy my diggy, someone SS this post, this summer europe will be on fire, between 6 and seven major attacks with at least 250 dead
this will boost trumps numbers like you've never seen before mother fucker
There's been terrorist attacks all over the world. We dont need to wait for one to happen here again.
and the debates havent even happened
>terrorist attacks happening in idontgiveashitistan
also in belgium
Conversation I was having with a normie the other day, about the European situation.
>"But the parallels aren't relevant because that's WHAT I WANT"
Obama's approval ratings are relatively high in spite of the economy not being fully recovered and ISIS running rampant. Unless something happens to reverse that trend, Obama is going to become an invaluable asset on the campaign trail for Hillary. I still think Trump can win, but I really am hoping a happening occurs in the US (the average American doesn't give a fuck what happens in Europe) because otherwise this race is going to be far too close for comfort.
>Hillary hasn't even gotten her nomination bump yet
Is Trump going to get completely blown out? And the debates... my god. He's terrified of debating fucking Bernie because he knows he'll be exposed, he's going to be torn apart against Hillary when the whole nation knows he's a fraud with no clue what he's doing
Trump said Hillary's husband is a pedophile rapist, how much more damning can it get?
I don't think Obama is going to be much of an asset. He's going to give a few speeches here and there, but he can't campaign for Hillary.
>Obama's approval ratings are relatively high
Yeah. I dont think that's accurate in any way.
Get a life
But user if I don't approve of Obama I'm a racist!
Lol, what the fuck?
ITS 2016
trumps ratings jumped every time a major incident happened in yorope, like france, because it proved him right
With hillary in charge, idontgiveashitistan is gonna move here.
With Trump, you can actually not give a shit.
Obama has the media in his pocket
If he was Bush there would be a story a day about all the death and destruction he has caused in Syria.
But no, all he gets is fawning and soft ball questions like "how does it feel to be the most special president ever?"
Sure thing
>trusting any polls at this point
I didn't even think the Trump lead would last because polls right now are changing constantly.
>Hillary hasn't even got the nomination yet
>Trump is still trying to unify
>Debates haven't started
>neither have a VP yet
They actually are. He's above 50%.
>hovering at 50%
>half the country hates him
>good ratings
jesus have we sunk so low
And that's probably with niggers.
Where did they get these statistics?
WTF....I'm #withher now
>"But the parallels aren't relevant because that's WHAT I WANT"
Why are you putting your own words in quotes? That's not how you use quotes.
Gallup is a polling company lad.
He's normally in the 40s, but somehow he cracked over 50%. A lot of presidents have worse numbers.
>. A lot of presidents have worse numbers.
No. No they do not.
Damn, it's ova. i'm now #FrenchRevolution
After reading this post I am now a #cruzmissile
>1 trumpshekel has been sent to your account for your post
i am now a #cruzmissle
When was this poll?
I bet a majority of people didn't even participate in, or even know about this poll?
>we've had worse numbers
nigga I've been homeless before and right now I'm poor working two jobs, that don't mean I feel good about my life at the moment, I'm getting my CDLs right now I'm getting the fuck out
50% is shit, almost every president has had been numbers faggot
OP I can understand wanting to talk politics but Jesus Christ it's June.
You should know that A LOT can happen in just a few months, this is just the pregame still.
When Sanders drops it won't be nearly that close
That's it, I'm an #Arson4Carson now.
>pollsters realized they were polling too many whites
>gone back to polling spics and niggers mostly
like pottery
Gallup polling is conducted randomly. Not even an obama supporter, but it's a private company which conducts 1000 surveys per day, both via landline and cell phone.
>increasingly nervous man
>what are statistics
By that link, Truman, Ford, Nixon, and Dubya have worse numbers on average than Obama does right now.
agreed, trump will go up 5-10%
>doesn't even sample 150 million people
>be white supremacist
>be retarded
never fails
Black people make up like 12% of the population. Even a 100% approval rating among them wouldn't get you close to 51%.
51% is pretty high for such a politically divided country. It's 1 point behind where Reagan left office. A little behind Bill Clinton, but Bill had the benefit of the tech boom boosting the economy. And both Bushes left with lower ratings than Obama has now. Going back to at least a few presidents right before Reagan were also lower.
The fact that there are combinations which have Clinton getting 370+ electoral votes make this graph just as irrelevant as the faggots trying to claim Trump can flip California.
Ah, I thought it was an open poll where people could vote at will. I bet the numbers would come up very differently if it wasn't conducted at random.
Well I was not included in that poll so it's totally inaccurate! Plus, it didn't show my side winning!
>statistics for random survey conducts
Yeah, okay
Obama had 365 against McCain.
I agree, but I doubt a poll like that would receive much press from sources besides conservative media like Drudge.
Are you actually this retarded?
Truman gave half of to the soviets
Ford was a do nothing cartaker
Nixon was a crook
And dubya is widely seen a being incompetent and the cause of most of modern Americas problems.
Nixon had very high approval prior to the Watergate scandal blowing up.
Hillary isn't king nigger.
Well sure, I'm just saying that there were plenty of presidents that had worse numbers leaving office (which is true) than Obama currently does.
Beginning of the end for Donald Duck
Damn, really makes you think. I think I'm #withher now.
> Using SAS or minitab or SPSS
> not using R or python
That's is I'm now a #christiecreme
Yo WTF I'm Muslim now
Damn, I used to be a Trumper but now I'd #killforHill
RIP white America
Im going to stock up on brown paint now.
That isn't nor will it ever be as big as King nigger
Really makes you think.
It's 10x bigger. Obama couldn't go around saying "vote for me so I can be the first black president" or accusing everybody who disagreed with him of being racist. The woman card is much more powerful than the race card
Eh, Trump supporters were going to shoot up the place regardless.
rly maek u nigers