Sup Forums how do I quit pornography? It makes me feel like degenerate scum, yet I can't seem to stop viewing it for more than one day. I've literally been destroying my brain with this garbage since I was 12 years old... Is the only answer to turn myself over to Jesus? I'm also trying to quit alcohol too. I definitely ruined a good relationship because of porn and booze... It made me a weak beta that couldn't earn respect. I wanna be a man. What do?
Sup Forums how do I quit pornography? It makes me feel like degenerate scum...
Bumping for advices
1. make a fuck doll.
2. fuck doll.
3. ????
4. profit!
Monitoring this thread
That would not solve my problem...
Do noporn, go the fuck outside everyday, dont fuckinng stay in your home cunt
Go to war and earn your purple wings, you'll never need pron again.
Im Jesus and I don't recommend going to church. Study me if you would but remember thats still just bias accounts at the end of the day.
On quitting porn. Don't try to quit forever, just try to quit for 7 days. If you can not jack off for a week you'll realise your capable of keeping yourself under some level of control.
I didn't jack it for 33 days over the Christmas/ny period coz I was pretty busy and able to refrain. but in the last week i jacked it 3 times.
Same applies to drinking. try going without for a week or a month first. I drink fairly regularly but I took 3 months off once coz it was getting me in trouble
Nice. Thanks, Jesus. Also, why no church?
Also might sound like i'm talking shit, but I legit didn't jack off for 33 days, feel good man