PREDICTION: Reddit is going to undergo a massive red pilling that will kickstart the cultural purge of political...

PREDICTION: Reddit is going to undergo a massive red pilling that will kickstart the cultural purge of political correctness.

Reddit has undoubtedly been a vehicle for exponentially growing trends. The alt-right will be a trend that reddit evetually latches onto. Reddit may be degenerate cultural backwash, but this is something that will most likely happen so we should prepare for it accordingly.

Reddit seems to have a knack for picking up on trends that are just starting to break out of the underground. It then takes those trends, puts them into overdrive, and rapidly accelerates them into the mainstream. We have seen this happen with memes for years. With memes most of the time they are beaten half to death on reddit then go to die on facebook and other normie media.

Aside from memes reddit also picks up on social trends in the same way. It adopts a contrarian position then brings it to the mainstream. A couple examples of this could be Kony2012, Bernie, the weird fetishization of pop science, etc.


Within reddit there seems to have been a rise in red pilled comments. A year ago they were all Bernie cucks. But more frequently, complete rejections of leftist dogma are upvoted. Before it was hard to tell if reddit was pro or anti SJW. Now there is a rejection and outright mocking of SJW and political correctness. The SJW administration has tried to keep a lid on this trend. About a year ago they banned a handful of subreddits such as r/fatpeoplehate, deeming them too offensive. There was some outrage and discussion about free speech but most of reddit seemed to accept the censorship. The community's acceptance of petty censorship has given the admins the power to enact outright political censorship. r/the_donald's mod team was allegedly hijacked by admin shills. A handful of subreddits have been banned or quarentined for having right wing opinions. I believe the biggest one was r/european, which was quarantined for talking about the migrant crisis.

But increasingly, every act of censorship is rallying free speech even more. There are now a multitude of active right wing subreddits popping up. The discussions from banned subreddits just reappears elsewhere on the site. Right wing youtube commentators have been creeping higher on the front page lately.

Honestly if the "alt-right" become any more exposed the left will have little to no regret killing each and everyone of them.

We have a cause we'd die for. Can you say the same?

The more admins try to stomp this out, the more the just add fuel to the fire. This is going to hit a critical mass. We dont know what, but something is going to trigger reddit to swifty embrace a red pilled opinion. This will inevitably spill over to normie media. At this point the left will be in full blown panic mode. Mainstream media will be powerless to stop the flow of red pilled ideas. When this happens, it will be a whole different ball game. We will be in the midst of massive shift in the overton window. The shift in society's rules for public discourse will open the door for red pilling the masses. This is why we need to watch closely for when it starts to happen. While the left is scratching their heads trying to figure out how they lost control of the narrative, we will be ready to strike again. 2016 will be seen as the beginning of the end for the Cultural Marxism that has been a cancer on the western world for far too long.

You confuse redpill with rejecting SJW. People generally find it easier to reject then accept. SJW are idiots, and it's easy to see.

>Honestly if the "alt-right" become any more exposed the left will have little to no regret killing each and everyone of them.
>We have a cause we'd die for. Can you say the same?
You've been playing too much Skyrim

>Dying for any type of "cause"

>We have a cause we'd die for. Can you say the same?

No. But, I'd be more than happy to help your commie ass die for your cause.

My ancestors are smiling upon me, globalist. Can you say the same?

> leftist
> capable of being a warrior

blah blah blah dude WOW nobody FUCKIN cares about your stupid fucking 250 word essay you wrote for Politics 101 at community college. If you think heavyhanded overt racist overtones will EVER "break into the mainstream" then you're a retard fucko.

I think the two go hand in hand. Political correctness has suppressed empercism for decades. SJWs are just a symptom of late state PC. It could not get more absurd so it started collapsing on itself. A culture that rejects SJW and PC is one that is open to accepting facts regardless of who they offend. Once PC is rejected, red pilling naturally follows

*teleports behind you*

Fuck off

I will not let my ancestors' land being ravaged by globalism and aculturalism.

You have already lost.

Except for the fact that they're still Leddit. All they are is an older version of 9gag that developed an understanding of advertising and crowdsourcing.

They will always be the mainstream that takes our handmedowns, nothing new or original ever comes from them.

Realize that in the US reddit is fucking HUGE, and has direct effect on the real world. Bernie would not have had a drop of the success he's had without reddit. I fucking hate the site, but its ability to influence social trends is undeniable. The point of my post is just to point out that reddit may be trending right wing (still cucked atm). If reddit goes full or partially right wing, a mainstream jump in alt-right popularity would inevitably follow

Heavy handed shit like "Kill all the X people!" will never have mass appeal beyond the very short run.

What will have mass appeal is awkward questions like:

Why can't whites have exclusive countries? What do they Elite want, a bunch of cheap labor or something?

When you talk online you can't just shut down free speech by starting a physical fight.

That means that many people on your side get to rage out all by themselves with no target to swing at.

That means that many of them will start think about why whites are not allowed to have exclusive communities.

They will do some soul searching because they were never racist like the scary white people in the history books. They will wonder why they should suffer for crimes they did not commit.

This always makes me wonder if rabid leftism as a tightly controlled, organized, agenda-driven force is not just a long-con straw man to set up a totalitarian state.

I mean, what better way to convince people that totalitarianism is the only way than to flood them with insanely leftist shit for decades until it reaches its boiling point and the people demand the iron fist?
>believing it to be their own idea

I have a feeling that the higher eschelons of leftist thought are kept on a leash by right-wing power players. Similar to how Wahabbism was carefully developed in the Arab world by British machinations.

Remember, many of the most powerful people in America during WWII were Nazi sympathizers.

That being said, I'd rather live in a nationalist/fascist society than a liberal leftist one, so the point is moot for me. Although there are extremes I'd rather not see happen.

So? That has nothing to do with my post. Sure reddit lacks originality, but it has still in many instances been a channel that connects the mainstream with internet countercultures. Reddit picking up on right wing counterculture should be grabbing our attention.

Here is my prediction. The anti-reddit rhetoric will accelerate as new subreddits pop up to ruin whatever subcultures they were created for. People from disparate hobbies will collectively realize that the faggots who are watering down the discussion are from one website. Reddit will lose traffic more and more as it becomes uncool to be associated with the site. Enough redditors will see the writing on the wall and move elsewhere. Eventually, all redditors will herd to the next nu-male, stale meme cesspit that pops up and will pretend to have hated reddit the whole time.

Even the nu males will want a little dose of reality now and then. They love thems some fantasy (how else will they get a dominant woman in their lives,) but many will develop a marketable skill and get sick of paying for the welfare gravy train.

Nothing like taxes and bills to pay to red pill a normie. Even a nu male normie falls to that one.

Agreed. But I think thats on a longer timeline. Reddit has quite a bit of staying power right now because a shit load of vidya have dedicated reddit communities.

We're legion lol *types in captcha and hits submit*

>Reddit has a knack for picking up trends
You mean Reddit has a knack for stealing our OC and acting like they created it

The Reddit that quarantined r/European? That Reddit? Pray tell us, how would any amount of red pills work unless you shove it up their collective asses?

I still don't understand reddit's format. How the fuck do you even read threads on there? The comments are just all over the place.

>I would die for nigger dick

That's a good summarization of what the left stands for.

You dont get it. You cant be mainstream and part of the counter at the same time. Its like saying your a pimp and a prostitute at the same time. They follow us because they are nothin more than shills. It is for that reason they deserve nothing but our contempt for being sellouts that whored themselves to normie business.


reddit has passed the even horizon, they will hurdle endlessly towards cuckdom.

I'm pretty sure theyve gone through the cuckularity and then some to the nth degree multiple times.

>overt racist overtones will EVER "break into the mainstream" then you're a retard fucko.
Even in the 80-90's it was casual, go back to Korean War, WW2, even Canada had Jap internment camps and refused to take jew refugees

Legit triggered Reddit thinks they invented words like dank meme and shitposting

The left did it in the 60s. This is a reversal of that. The counterculture of the 60s was entirely leftists. They became mainstream and took over academia, government, and media. At some point it stops being a counterculture, and just becomes mainstream topics.

If there was a way to kick admins into overdrive so ultra petty shit was getting banned then that would be enough.

>kickstarting something
They wish they were like this place in the golden days, they have the nerve to call themselves "the frontpage of the internet" despite the modern internet culture was brewed and shaped here.
Unless you do something triggering, in that case expect a group of redditors cussing you.

>shitposting since 2008 with other shitposters influences millions and millions of people around the world every day

Feels good man

Getting cucked isnt a cause, leaf.

Just make Hitler cool. The rest they will do themselves.


/r/the_donald would have been banned 6 months ago if this was gonna happen

When you say it like that, almost makes me feel like spending my teenage years in this place wasn't actually worthless.
Man, we had fun.

soon on reddit

Anti-racism is a relatively new thing and it's cracks are already beginning to show. The egalitarian narrative just isn't cohesive enough for the sham of multiculturalism to work. Even excluding race realist talking points, there are too many glaring flaws for people not to notice.

Coward. The only way to immortality is through dying heroically enough that they sing your praises for all time.

It already is.
You've already lost because the chain of events is already in motion and it's too big to stop.
You're on the wrong side of history now.
It's time for a new age! :)

The counter culture was far left dumbass thats why theres no more hippie communes like the ones that popped up around the 60s. Most of the democrat politicans were centrist compared to today and not willing to go that full retard.

Go back to your circlejerk echochamber faggot.

The western world has followed a leftist agenda since the 60s. Sorry if youre too cucked to see to see that

Yeah, it's not like that was ever in the mainstream before so I can see your point.


The others that responded are stupid enough to believe that racism is the dominant concept that is being countered by political correctness. Racism will not surge into mass media but there will certainly be a backlash against sentimentalism and sensitivity towards marginalized groups that has altered a sound sense of equality and respect for the migration of hate from one camp to another. It'll have worse effects on those that hail the coming of "red-pilling" than actual liberals as most liberals already recognize the adverse effects of neo-liberalism. They are just entirely misrepresented, as such is this board malinformed about liberals and liberals malinformed about conservatives.

tons of posts on /r/all lately have been from /r/the_donald .

A lot of people browse /r/all