White Shooters-

White Shooters-

I use to buy into the 'creepy white mass shooters XD' may may. Even when I did though, I still saw that it accounted for much less death than nigger killings.

Now though I find out that whites make up for 64% of the mass shooters, about our population (in b4 someone says whites are actually 70% of us population)

So I fell for the ebin may mays

Is there any way to refute this, or is it too smeared into the public consciousness.

Cause I see the "Creepy White School Shooter" may may non stop.

Is it too late to change people's minds?

Other urls found in this thread:


There's a thin line between genius and madness.

change peoples minds about what?

columbine was done by 2 white males that lived in suburbia and are the most infamous school shooter of all time in north america, and even really started the trend of school shooting as we know it.

Ya, and while you're at it how do we change where the battle of waterloo took place?

It's a good thing, chicks like bad boys.

Do they count gang shootings in which 3 or 4 people were killed in these stats? Fuck, last weekend in Chicago alone 60 blacks were shot and killed by other blacks.

cool story bro, but get your autistic brain back on track

im not talking about columbine

im talking about these mass shootings in general, not one specific incident

FACT is 64% of mass shooters are white

population of whites is 62%

% of nigger shootings is 16

percent of nigz


neither are strongly overrepresented

yet media memes this white boy mass shooter may may to the ends of the earth

but you're probably just some white, self hating, nigger dick sucking faggot

get fucked, leaf poster

Why is it bad that 64% of the mass shootings are committed by 70% of the population?

Funnily enough, Asians are significantly overrepresented in school shootings in the US.

>We're a board of Peace.

Do you really need an explination? The elites have declared war on whitey for some reason. It's probably because they want us to chimp out and kill all the brown people again.

its not, it would actually means whites are under represented.

but tis just not accurate. we're not 70%, we're 62.

still means the nogs are more over represented than us though,but not by a degree that really matters

the fact is though a given white kid isnt more likely to do a mass shooting than a black kid. they're almost equal

yet the media makes this to be a white boy thing

That's because Jews hate White people.

I posted it before and I'll post it again.

i dont know if that was some atempt at a zinger or a shot at what i said, but it has shit to do with anything

get fucked faggot

because when blacks do school shootings it's just reported as gang violence since they usually only manage to shoot 1-2 people and don't ring up high scores

60? Stop pulling bullshit out if your ass.

I'll just leave this here....

>Elliot Rodger
>Chris dorner
>Washington DC sniper
>San Bernardino
>that nigger in Kansas city recently

>the media is full of shit


And that chart your are never allowed to see...


It's good. These useful idiots are installing fear in non whites hearts especially in class rooms. No more jumping whitey or he might come and shoot ya.

What they do is horrible don't get me wrong but people need to fear us too.

"Creepy White School Shooter" meme is just a bunch of niggers on kikebook

Mass shooting just proves that whites are better than blacks once again. What is the best score for black mass shooters anyway?

White people go on a mass shooting in some school every now and then.

Niggers go on mass shootings every weekend and it isn't news because it's normal.

shit's bad, user


>Now though I find out that whites make up for 64% of the mass shooters

Yeah that is right, mostly whites commit mass shooting.
But look at shooting/homicides overall or just crime rates, why people are going with this
>'creepy white mass shooters XD' may may
But no one is complaining about niggers committing most of the crimes? (Including murders)
It's just that most media are controlled by whites/jews and the fact is most of them are self hating whites/want to show that not only black people are bad.


Onision is such a faggot.


Numbers go left to roght, top to bottom. The last digit of your post number is the one that banged your girlfriend if you roll 0 you're uncucked

>Do they count gang shootings in which 3 or 4 people were killed in these stats?
No. When you account for those, it's overwhelmingly black.
Yet here's this meme thread again.

t. fucking leaf.

Then I'm going to stay here and call everyone a faggot.

What are you gonna do about it?

One way to shill that shilling is to repeat with gratuitously complete repetition, in a false frame of pretended disapproval, how much you hate the shilling, and want that shilling to stop, and hey you guys does anyone have any ideas about how we can stop that shilling?

>Whites are not 70% of the population.
Non-Hispanic whites compose 63.7% of the population, but add Hispanic whites (which equates to 53% of Hispanics), then that bumps us up to around 72.4%.

>Chris Dorner
The uncornerable Judge Fudge was just taking out the trash.

Forgot sauce.

>be American
>be 63% white

Whats the high score for whites?

>Mass shooting refers to an incident involving multiple victims of gun violence
We already know blacks are disproportionately responsible for homicide in the US thanks to the FBI. Even if 100% of mass shootings were white, they would still be a tiny drop in the bucket.

Hispanics aren't considered white by most people. When people say white, that's not what they mean. Which is why they differentiate them.

>Instant unjustified aggression
>"get fucked, leaf poster"
>leaf meme used without any purpose
Sure looks like summer around here now. I would advise any "newfriends" around here to lurk more before trying to shitpost.

There's no black school shooters because they chimp and get expelled long before they shoot anyone.

Getting quietly angry enough to kill people is like the calling card of Northern Europeans, no acting out, no throwing tantrums, just get more and more angry until the leveled required for serious violence is reached and then violence happens.

Not saying its a good thing or a bad thing, just a difference.

Nogs chimp out at the first opportunity but is generally a low intensity sort of thing rioting looting and small generally personal fights. Angry nog at school punches whoever is making him angry very quickly and gets tossed out.

Spics tend to take everything extremely personally and make it all an assult on manhood and a matter of "respect" then tend to respond in a calculated and vicious way targeted specifically at who they feel has earned it.

Whites internalize shit and hope it goes away, when it doesn't they keep internalizing it and getting angrier, but not doing anything to express that anger, losing ones temper in white culture is seen as a sign of weakness or inferiority, control of emotions is very important. Whites tend to just keep a shit list of everyone they feel has slighted them and brood over it, and then eventually if an arbitrary and personal level of frustration and anger is reached, they snap and start shooting/stabbing/bombing/kidnapping/whatevering in a premeditated, methodical way.

Chink are klingons who I do not understand, but as much as I can tell they are all psychopaths who displace anger on vulnerable unrelated targets.

Basically every white man you have ever wronged is planning to murder you, as a means of satisfying his anger, in 99.99% of cases the threshold is never reached and the malicious scheming satisfies the desire for revenge, but when whitey hits his limit the results tend to make the news.

nobody will notice this


>FACT is 64% of mass shooters are white
Give us the fucking definition of mass shooting.

Where I come from, mass means 3 people involved (4 counting the perpetrator). Gangs are included.
If you include injuries and not just 3+ fatalities, the scenery is predominantly black.

It is just whiteys have better aim overall

mention black gang shootings and drivebys


Harris and Klebold - jewish ancestry
Holmes - jewish ancestry
Rodgers - jewish ancestry
Lanza - jewish ancestry
Oregon shooter - half black
Virginia tech shooter - ching chong

White Hispanic (someone of complete Spaniard/Portuguese descent) isn't contradictory. If Italians are white, so are they.

>columbine was done by 2 white males

Whose parents celebrated passover

Most of the "mass shooters" are actually Jews.

Why do white shootings make mass media attention while the hourly black gang shootings are ignored?

Is this an American thing?

Don't "school" shooting happen more frequently in black neighborhoods?

>FACT is 64% of mass shooters are white

Be very very careful of "white crime" statistics.....

For a very very long time it was just a total joke.....

They called everyone white just to try to make black crime look much better. For a very very long time the included Latinos in with whites to make withe crimes numbers look 4X worse...

Pic very related....

Dindu nuffins.

Pretty sure one of the kids was a jew, along with adama lanza and I couple of the other supposedly white mass shooters


Even the ATF is finally getting a clue....

School shootings and the like are seen as an attack on innocents, and as such both abhorrent and newsworthy.

Thugs shooting thugs over thug things, is not seen as important because they are not seen as a positive force in society its like wild dogs fighting each other, no one cares if one wild dog kills another.

>FACT is 64% of mass shooters are white

The New York Times would disagree with you.


Whites are just better at everything we do, even mass shootings.

We're just too OP, that's why the Jews try to nerf us.

Whites get the media attention to perpetuate this notion that every white kid is a gun away from being a school shooter. Meanwhile you won't hear about 69 people dying in Chicago over Memorial day weekend, and the regular shootings that are caused by gang violence.

I'm Italian. Am I white?

no, I'm a wog too

Why would you think we're white?

This is not an official form.
In my country a form asking race would be illegal

>not white
I was curious as per what Amerifags think.

>my opinion on my whiteness
I don't know. I do not identify as Northern European for sure. But I do not have a wog-like complexion.
But my land has been occupied by Austrians for ages. And we are all tall, blond hair, blue eyes... not me specifically, but the majority is.
When abroad, I get mistaken for Norwegian or Finnish.

Define mass shooters.
Is it only the successful ones? Do can't related shootings count?

What are any of these groups definitions of a mass shooting? gang members get shot in large groups all the time. Nigs are just such terrible shots that 7 people will walk away with slight injuries.

The UCLA shootings were done to distract the media and the public from Dan "The Big Dick @ Nick" Schneider's exploits. News about him was finally trending over the weekend thanks to Sup Forums's investigative work and leaking personal emails. Looks like he's powerful enough that Viacom stepped in to help shield him from the media

seriously kill yourself you autistic fucking loser. No one cares.

im here year round, and in a different scenario you would have OWNED me by saying i waste all my time here sitting in my mothers basement

suck a dick or move to canada

>hating on The Uncornerable Dorner
fuck off


Nice Analysis, where did you get your degree in Armchair Psychology, Internet University?

Eddy didn't earn a nickname yet it seems.

>white people

Yeah sure, thing schlomo

fuck off Hans

got proof theyre all jewish?

Do your own research fag, but it's on the Wikipedia page for fucks sake

Cant tell from the nose?

>Three-fourths of those whose race could be identified were black.

Feels pretty good being white now.

1,2 are half-jewish at most, 3,4 indeed.
No, it is not enough. Frogeaters can have very big noses as well, so what? What emphasizes the jews along with nose: dark (sometimes curly) hair and eyes of a sick madman. Even when they smile, you feel something suspicious. Of course there are exceptions, but they are always mixed.