It sure is summer in here. Show your knowledge of dank memes & Sup Forums culture ITT to show you are not a newfag or a JIDF shill.
Prove you are not a new fag
Other urls found in this thread:
I've been here long enough to know the IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF meme.
And that Aids Skrillex did the shooting at that university.
Holy shit I haven't seen this picture in a while
I made a picture during the Zimmerman trial of all the major players imposed over that pic of the feminst hoard attacking the guy who showed his pecker at a slut walk. I haven't been able to find that pic in a few years. Anyone have it?
Bitch I am about as ancient as they come
Long enough to have witnessed the Sandy Hook "switch tactics, cuckhold porn" posts.
been here since 2000
I ran the early Trump generals when the apprentice started
shit was cash man
pudi pudi xd
When I first came here this board was called 7 steps of cuckolding wayyy back then
I've been on this board when it was still about origami then I took a break and now it's all politics.
Wtf happened!?
Can't simmer the zimmer
>mfw I'm a newfag but doing my best
I've actually been here since 2011. I've seen some shit.
I remember when Zyklon Ben was still a libertarian
Been here since 1998
pillar of defense sleep overs
With this slew of "tumblr raid" threads from the underages, this thread came in quite a timely manner.
I know what pic-related is actually from.
Anybody joining from Sup Forumsharbor to post-Sup Forumsharbor is a newfag, sorry laddy.
Never admit that you're a newfag, never post redditfrog, and most of all, lurk until you have sufficiently assimilated (~1-2 years)
Cuck amiright rolflmfao Pay debnts lullers
Started lurking around the time Based God and absolutely disgusting were big memes, started posting streetview threads about a year later
>this triggers new fags
This image
Only oldfags will remember
See, I'm not convinced it was aids scrilex. Looked a little like him, but the hair line isn't right.
Please be bait
OP is a candy ass, and this thread is for rudypoos.
>not praising eldermeme KEK
Fuck me, have we been here that long?
I fucking hate roody poos
Still waiting /l/ to come back. Maybe snacks can be the mod on that board
Newfag detected
Nice try son.
Still not convinced.
I have one of these
I'm actually kind of happy I found Sup Forums. It desensitized the shit out of me. Beheadings, torture, explosions, fucking everything is a cakewalk now.
heh heh Yeah! I totally know where its from h haah hah...
We remember MLK...
I remember when we cared more about the Jews than the muslims.
Looks like the JIDF have won boys
boxxy is queen of /b
Calling jaffa
Pooper the loli
Question: At which point does one move out of the newfag stage? I guess I'm rather new, but I've lurked for a long time. I'm a holocaust denier and everything.
Fuck yourself meta twat.
What do I win, folks?
Pretty disappointed in this shemitah.
Im a newfag. Although i like Sup Forums already 10 times better than that shit hole reddit
4+ years
When there was an MK Ultra thread hanging about every day.
Y'all faggots are normies now.
I honestly don't remember any Sup Forums or /new/ memes that aren't still in use, or at least none come to my mind.
Shut up, leaf.
I am a newfag and I'm proud of it. I'm not a virgin that spends all my time on some shitty Nazi forum. I've been here for a few hours and you guys really do like to circlejerk.
>Go and look at the puddi puddi video
>It's full of people genuinely nostalgiaing over it
>mfw the definition of shitty newfag memes is now 6 years old and considered ancient
The time difference between puddi puddi and now is the same as the time difference between basically when Sup Forums was created and when puddi puddi was posted. That blows my mind.
i was apart of the rekoning
Who cares Sup Forums is literally shit at least before it was tolerable.
I came here a handful of years ago. My first time here I was so disgusted with what I saw that I turned 360 degrees and walked away from the computer
Been here since that Amanda T.O..D.D slur killed herself.
Holy shit they filtered her name.
You're probably a newfag wanting to steal our dank memes and fun times, I'm not telling you shit burger.
Go back 2 red dit
Haven't seen this picture in a while
amanda tod.d
Old Fag detected
I posted the banana all over 2*chan during pol harbor.