Dey took our jerbs!
Dey took our jerbs!
wow really makes you think
>you should be paid low wages because businessmen demand it
>if you disagree you are a redneck
I remember when the left was pro labor.
Anybody noticing a large amount of low-tier shitposting from Scandanavia recently? And not the usual Sweden cuckposting, this is more like Canada mixed with Brazil rancid garbage.
They took our Jeb?
>$22+ billion in illegal remittances per year
He wasn't exactly wrong desu
what did he mean by this?
Get a better job than, immigration only for shitty lower wages jobs. That is why Iceland have Poles cleaning our toilets.
We've now moved on from that argument, and the current argument is that my country is not Arabia so Arabs have no right to colonise it.
The print the money you use every day. They create it as a loan and give it to a huge bank usually to loan out for a fee.
As long as they have that power, you are going to settle for shit wages or no job.
Wake up as many people as you can.
>I remember when the left was pro labor.
They're pro-welfare now. They want low wages and low employment to maximize corporation profits; this is being subsidized by tax payers to give welfare to the rest.
The burden of workers keep getting heavier and heavier.
Most of the SJWs are actually part of the lumpenproletariat.
shit is gonna go down very soon
>get a better job
every job was well paid in the past
you could afford to send your kids to college on a janitor's salary in the 60s.
Your ideology is elitist and disgusting and against the working and middle class whites who are having their wages lowered all in the name of "diversity"
I believe the left turned against labor when labor finally stopped demanding a communist revolution
They actually liked the high wages in the west in the post war period so they became impossible to radicalize.
>Dey took our genetic diversity!
i love the rednecks on southpark
Even niggers don't want them here.
>Our jobs were taken from us and given to them
Eh, it makes sense... Lots of these people really only wanted their revolution. They didn't want to "fix" capitalism at all.
I consider myself pretty leftist, but really I just want worker protection, universal healthcare, somewhat affordable education and rent control and crap like that. I'm not against capitalism, I just want it to work for everyone. Like it mostly does now, but there's corruption and incompetence in the government. I guess it's radical by Sup Forums standards, but it's just common sense to me.
The financial sector truly seems to have taken control of everything...
The "degeneracy" and decay of western culture is another issue. I don't see how corporatism and laissez-faire capitalism helps with that. Maybe far-right fascism could, but that's its own thing.