ITT: Complete fuckups
I had faith in you
ITT: Complete fuckups
Cristina literally did nothing wrong
Remember when PRO shit on the K's for doing the exact same? No wonder this country is garbage even the guy that was suppose to change the corruption shitstain in our politics is also another fucker that shits on the country and its people.
what did macross do?
>I had faith in you
He looks like a cunning kike rat face.
First Lady's insanely hot, I'd hatefuck her really rough for a few hours then I might regain my faith
I remember getting extremely hyped watching his old interviews when he said that the immigrants were ruining the country and that homeless people should be put in jail for eating garbage because it's not theirs. And then he wins and does literally nothing.
Because he is
What a fucking idiot. Some of us here on Sup Forums tried to warn the others but you were too busy with the 'finally white' meme to pay attention. Lost faith in this shithole a long time ago and it's never coming back.
I was hyped about him finally getting rid of socialism and the absolute cancer that is peronism. I now realize he's incredibily incompetent and he'll keep fucking everything up
>tfw he's our dubya
Should be fun to watch though
What are you faggots complaining?
I seriously doubt immigrants are anything of an issue in Argentina. It's not like you're a Denmark or Canada that everyone wants to move to
If you live close to Bolivia and Paraguay then even Nigeria looks like a good place to go.
They're not real immigrants when they're come from countries that are already so culturally similar to yours.
They aren't
I think he is talking from a 90's interview. Argentina was basically flooded by Bolitas and Paraguas that came had their children, work here and basically send their children to school and even college for free, also they flood us for medical attention as well (something that still keeps happening).
Now we are on a different time but there are still a lot of immigrants though the flux must be negative or really low.
>absolute cancer
I will never defend them but Peron did a lot of things right and that outright hatred is why this country never went to a process of industrialization despite having everything in our favor. For guys like you the UTN would have been closed only because it was created by Peron.
Kek, Brazilian upper-middle class was literally praising Macri a few months ago, saying that Macri had already fixed Argentina and it was on the path to become a great power again.
>Peron did a lot of things right
Of course. I'm talking about current peronism
Macri is doing good work with the shit country and doomed economy he recieived, ignore this retard
I'm sick of this fucking excuse, sure the country was a mess, but it's been six months already and what has he done?
Yeah and his shaddy bussiness should be ignored because it is "for the good of the country" despite he being against the same maneuver he is currently making when it was a different government the one that was making it.
This fucker may not be as bad as the K's but he surely isn't a solution, mr I have 18M in fiscal paradise.
Man the "Argentina is white" meme exists for a reason. Buenos Aires used to be almost completely white, and from central Argentina to the south, mostly the same. The idea people has that this has always been a fucking Mexico or something is so extremely wrong. Everyone gets so caring with white South Africans because they understand their suffering and blah blah blah, but no one feels the same towards Argentina, because everyone thinks that this country has always been like this. Argentina is similar to how all white countries will look in the future if the immigration trends remain like now.
tl;dr everyone should feel for Argentina
> they're come from countries that are already so culturally similar to yours.
They are like fucking Austrialian abbos but 100 times worse.
>that Evo
So they're no different from Argentinians? Cool
Argentina in the 60s/70s/80s was LITERALLY whiter than the US. I know you fall for all the Sup Forums memes, but it indeed was a white country, at least the big cities were. About 90% Italian, german and spaniard, and 10% mestizos.
Bolivia and Paraguay are native-south american countries. The large majority of their population is native/indian. They commit a lot more of crime, they're uglier and shorter, and more disrespectful/uncultured in general.
Now you go to Buenos Aires and it's such a shit-hole. You see brown everywhere and crime everywhere. The fact that a country was not a big player in world wars or international media does not mean it is a shitty 3rd world country. Argentina was (and even still is a little) fairly nice. Life quality is not necessarily about who has the biggest truck and TV set.
You need to leaf
Your flag looks like the Windows 95 logo
Why do I bother to give an elaborate response to a fucking leaf.
Don't worry pal, by the time fabulous Trudeau you voted is done with your country the canadian dollar will be worth less than Argentine peso, and you will have to do the obligatory morning prayers.
To be fair, 6 months is nothing economically. It took our president about 2 years to fix things. 2012 we had 2% growth, last year it was 6.5%, one of the highest in the world. It takes time to undo fuckups
You from Argentina?
If there was such a substantial number of white people in Argentina that were supposedly supposed to keep the country on its feet, then maybe they didn't do their job right
While I agree with you there are red flags that can't be ignored.
For example this deal he is making to bring not registered money back to the country is fucking bullshit. When the previous government did it he was against it. Now it turns out he had 18M in a foreign account and will bring it back to the country, in the fucking Bahamas and not paying taxes. MEANWHILE I had to pay taxes on all the assets I hold in the country which includes money as well, I play by the law and the rules of the country and pay my due taxes and now this fucker is opening the floodgates for the ones that SHIT on the country and its people and decided "Nah I am above taxes and the law, Fuck argentina!" and decided to place their fortunes in fiscal heavens.
Fuck him, fuck them and fuck everyone that think this isn't fucking bullshit.
A new state does not fall out of the sky in the days. Anyone who tells you anything as such is a liar.
t. Adolf Hitler
2 dominicans here
PLD are corrupt people
Danilo didnt do shit, we have 6.5% but in prices
Everything is expensive as shit now
Fuck you pld shill
I'd place it abroad too if their was currency manipulation and super high inflation. That happened here around 2002, peso shot from avout 15 for a dollar to around 60. My dad immediately moved it out waited for things to stabilize. Granted, it should definitely not be tax free. I understand why he would do it though, because of the relatively unstable dollar market, with the "real" exchange rate and the actual, black market one.
Indeed, he must be a PLD shill. I lived in 7 different countries and I've never seen so much corruption like I do here.
What are you doing here?
Are you in bavaro?
Hardly. He's better than all the others though. I do hate Leonel, but Danilo is a 100x better than Abinder, Moreno, Decamps, and all those other retards. Never has the PRD, and by extension the PRM who are the same people, done anything right. If you were actually involved in the economy you would see that inflation is extremely low too, stop talking out of your ass. They definitely are corrupt, but I'll swallow it if it means I can keep making money in a stable country.
Yeah that still doesn't make it ok. I can understand someone stealing bread out of hunger that doesn't mean it is ok.
This is a slap on the people that bite the bullet and play by the rules and thought their current president was actually someone of values that would benefit the ones that didn't shit on the country, and what did we get? Money for the big pools of the agricultural industries and now a giant tax cut for the motherfuckers that decided to evade taxes.
Also have in mind that I don't complain about the raising of the bills and other utilities and other policies (that economically were unavoidable) because while they hurt it were for the good the country and the long run, but this shit? Nah this is for himself and his friend, this fucker is not better than the K's he is just not as bad as them.
You don't seem to get it. Argentina went through the same that's happening to the other white countries now. You all are following the same path, voting for pro immigration with a passion. I hope that no other white countries have the same fate as ours, as I assure you it'is a grim one.
>implying you wouldnt have done the same if you could
You're just butthurt you didnt have the assets to move your money outside. Yes, the rich have privileges if you thought a rich president wouldnt do shit to benefit him and his rich friends youre a fucking retard.
Peron didn't have off shore accounts. Peron was a NATIONALIST.
Did Argentina used to be richer too or is that also a meme?
Having another defacto president would kill argentina. We don't have the economy to shit on the world. We need buisnessmen with buisness conections on the gubmint cause thats the way the world spins. When a guy with sufficient power and the economy to back him up with vouches for nationalism it would be time to support him.
Not a meme, but that was about a century ago.
Much like the US, Argentina was seen as a potential emerging superpower back in the early XX century.
Things didn't go so well, though.
You are thinking of the 1800's. We were wealthy as country in the early 1900's but with the commodity prices falling WW we got stuck between 3rd world and 1st world.
The fact that we never went through a successful industrialization process (despite having everything in our favor after the end of WW2) is evidence that we are a complete fuck up country.
Hey fuck you, I voted to get a better president not to get a "not so dirty" president.
>Hey fuck you, I voted to get a better president not to get a "not so dirty" president.
So you're a shitty judge of character/intent
Then you're a retard my friend.
>thinking a guy running for president doesnt have a few skeletons on his closet
>having faith in anything that comes from this shithole
How comparable is Argentinas standard of living compared to Spain? Does Uruguay or Chile have a higher standard of living?
>leaf trying so hard
This is what makes you canuckians so lame when compared to australians. Australians are funny and have style. Your banter is just sad and depressing, like a guy fucking his vaccuum cleaner to try what's like to get blowed.
>We need buisnessmen
Yeah, right now Prat Gay is practically bending over and spreading his asscheeks and begging for that sweet freedom bux abroad. Too bad that this was such as shithole for 12 years that literally no foreign businessman wants anything to do with this country anymore. Cristina did quite a number on us
>not hat old videla
>suddely hat young videla
*no hat
It depend what part of the country we are talking about. If you go to the North you will find terrible levels of poverty. Argentina is basically 3 countries into 1. Buenos Aires (city) and the suburbs of it, which basically has like 1/4 of our entire population is one country which variate from 1st world to 3rd world shithole. Then you have the big cities, like Cordoba, Mendoza and most capitals of each province which basically are like Buenos Aires and its suburbs but on a much smaller scale and then the rest of the country not included in it which is basically still living with 3rd world standards outside of touristic zones.
If you live in a city and have money, the standards of living are pretty high.
Guilty as charge, maybe I was mesmerized by the idea of a fellow engineer being the president and MAYBE he wouldn't be a giant piece of shit like all our former presidents.
Found the problem.
He's like Trump, boludon. Nobody wants to pay taxes to shitty governments that don't work. Don't be bitter that you didn't have that power. Both our countries have weakened economies from leftists, and it's gonna take guys like that that understand business to fix it.
What is the problem licenciado? Couldn't handle calculus and algebra and went for something easier?
>Muh engineering degree, muhfugga
>This indicates an engineer’s confusion and lack of understanding. When confronted with something he cannot understand or respond to an engineer mumbles “muh engineering degree” or “muh money” this is usually followed by wasting money on chinese cartoons porn figurines or getting berated by his wife before she goes to cuck him.
Hey don't talk about my chinese figurines! They have nothing to do with this!
Again I am not against his economic policies just that this fucking sucks for those that play by the rules because we believe in living as an example and not to act like animals and shit on everyone else but ourselves.
>civil engineer
wew lad
Also as note, why are most engineers weeaboos? I mean literal ones, shit getting out of college hiding my powerlevel was hard but some went full weeaboos without shame.
Don't compare Jewricio Jewcri with based Trump, burger.
>He's like Trump
Macri's a worthless ant next to the Emperor.
If you have to put your faith in others beside yourself.....
>Being and engineer and a weaboo is a thing????
I thought i was the only one! I do hide my powerlevel tho
Is not that uncommon I have found, though I also hide my powerlevel at all cost with only some random manga (and usually Vagabond or Real or Slam Dunk and nothing with tits or asses though I do have a lot of those as well) showing up when I have people at home, but I met and made some friends during college that holly damn are the definition of weeaboo.
I know about the economy, the dollar is going up everyday, prices are going up
What are the demographics like now? Is it just the cities that are fucked or is it all over?
Es tan malo este? Crei que los Argentinos le gustaban
una vela