Was he talking about us?
Was he talking about us?
Yes, Trudeau used to browse Sup Forums
>canada let this clown become PM
when's the mass suicide scheduled for?
>ur not man enough!!! to agree with me!
gah i wish he would just go away
That's not real
Its fake you dip
Ottawa is full of self loathing rich white racist cucks.
Why is the Canadian prime minister campaigning for a candidate in the American elections.
can you blame me for not knowing it's fake?
is this something that faggot wouldn't say?
I just cant believe this cunt was elected.
>>first the syrian rapefugees
>>then the black firefighters
>>now this???
It's not real. He's a cuck but he's still PM so he can't comment on foreign elections
I'm black but every time I see or hear anti-white bullshit, it makes me furious.
No because there are actually a large base of based faggots in /lgbt/. /femgen/ is completely nationalist and anti nigger. Id never let a shit dick pierce my ass.
Trudeau is reddit tier
No, he's admitting that he has syphilis.
Well, it really takes balls to vote towards the endangerment of an entire nation.
I like how this is the excuse whenever anyone falls for blatantly fake bait
maybe you're the problem user
>man enough to vote for a woman
Maybe she's just a shit candidate
>can you blame me for not knowing it's fake?
yes. fucking look it up, faggot. Jesus Christ this will be the downfall of Sup Forums
One say he's going to get assaulted in public and it will be hilarious.
>voting for someone based only on their gender
>not man enough
the faggiest argument invented by lesbians
is he even trying anymore?
>sad white males
Does he even see the racism sexism? Wtf?
>Voting for someone based on Gender
>Not because of their policies
I swear, this chucklefuck needs to be beaten over the head with a rusty pipe.
>voting for someone based exclusively on their gender, without regard for actual policies or the content of her character
please shut the fuck up forever justin do it for everyone
>they don't even care about helping their retarded cause anymore, they'll just make passive-aggressive comments that make them look like cunts
I didn't think I could ever find him any more repulsive. Who talks about 'white males' like that while being a fucking white male?
>fucking look it up, faggot
literally nigger tier response there
it not muh responsebillity to edukate u white boi
>had my chance when he came to my small town
I blew it. Hopefully his Muslim pets turn on him.
But I ain't no white male, so what am I according to Weedman Sup Forums ?
the leader of Canada is racist?
>Sup Forums falls for this shit literally every day
Fucker knows he needs her to be able to do shit.
Wow really makes you think.
What if black guys dont want to vote for shillary?
>can you blame me for being retarded?
I sure can senpai
Kill yourself. Sorry man, that's too degenerate.
Audience member: Miss Rand, do you believe there is going to be a day where there’s going to be a female in the White House as President? And, how do you feel about that?
AR: I wouldn’t vote for her.
{Audience laughter}
PD: Why not?
AR: For many reasons. I’ve written an article about that in my former magazine. You’ll have to find out my reasons there. The magazine is The Objectivist.
Audience member: Would you not vote for a woman even if she was better qualified than many men?
AR: If it would have fallen that low, I might.
Audience member: That low? I think you have a very low opinion of women.
AR: Let me answer this. It is not to a woman’s personal interest to rule man. It puts her in a very unhappy position. I don’t believe any good woman would want that position.
PD: So, you’re essentially against leadership positions for women, then?
AR: No. Oh, no. The President is not the only leadership position. There’s senators and congressmen…
PD: And, that’s alright for you if they run and be elected?
AR: Oh, certainly, and I’d vote for them. Wait a moment. A Commander in Chief of the army, a woman, I think it is unspeakable.
{Commercial break}
Audience member: Miss Rand, I’d like to ask you your opinion of Golda Meir.
AR: My opinion of Golda Meir? Oh, I think she’s a very unhappy woman. She was a good leader. I don’t agree with her philosophy. She’s a socialist. And, I think Begin is much better.
Because he is from the same NWO agenda, it is really that simple. You may ask why SJW/feminists/LGBT hate christians, but love muslims. The answer will be the same: they have one master - the devil.
>gah i wish he would just go away
And you surprised why americans are such a bunch of cucks.
In russia we would say "Fucking retard. I wish he would die."
Who the fuck even says the word "GAH". Only teenage girls and pussies use that.
>look at his twitter for the first time
>he has to tweet everything twice
My sides. Do people in Quebec genuinely pretend they can't speak English? Like they see an English thing and ignore it to look for the French version?
Why do people make these fake tweets? Justin does a lot of stupid crap, but at least hate him for real shit he does.
If blacks go against the pack they are labeled Uncle Toms and considered White by Nigger standards.
This guy gets it. He's just another useful idiot for the people pushing this global agenda. Same thing is happening across the western world.
I don't mind the whole refugee thing in the first place since I believe in the screening process, but he was such a dipshit child about it.
>25000 refugees by the end of the year
>Okay, but we need some t-
My apologies for 1944 and 1945, as well as the latest mess we're in. Let it be know that everyday US citizens don't represent the will of our controlled government.
"I voted for someone because they have a vagina but I'm not a sexist :^)"
-t. Cuck
Would you guys rather build an additional wall on the Canadian border or just invade and annex their country?
It is when you're the bitch making excuses
Why not take care of your own problems first?
60% white and falling, better get cracking.
You really want more Democrates?
Seems your PM is working on that "White" problem as well, don't talk too fast now Leaf.
>One guy on Sup Forums
>All of America
Just like how all Russians are corrupt tracksuit wearing drunkards, right Vlad?
Is this real?
>to look for the French version
Actually, if they don't see a French translation above (not below) the English, they call up the Mounties to start arresting whoever put up the sign
Leafs mock Bongladeshis for their TV licenses and knife-control, but this francophone bs is no different
deutschbru knows whats up
We should have finished the invasion back in 1812
No you're the nigger. If you suspect something or have doubts do some basic research you lazy coon.
Should I go dig up Henry Clay and rile up some troops from Kentucky to try to take Upper Canada again?
Shame your ancestors were too busy dying or surrendering to redcoats and pine-coons for success to be an option.
>make your opponents simultaneously look menacing and pathetic
Is there a name for this tactic?
Did you forget the part where your lake """""navy""""" was btfo? You think burning down the White House and destroying priceless treasures was a "victory" you pseudo-Anglo frog cocksuckers? Because a typhoon followed and killed your limey asses.
I'll reiterate - we should have finished the Canadian campaign with utter unconditional surrender and annexation, just as we should have finished the Mexican campaign in 1847/48.
>be a man
>support a movement that denies manliness even exists and tries to make that claim a truth.
wew lad
He would totaly vote his elbow on her face
how is that weed working out for you... oh wait its still illegal over in leafland but here in colorado its not damn sucks to be you. Looks like you got conned by a snake oil salesmen into electing a cuck.
Hey if you want me to build you a monorail ill do it for a fair price.
Please fuck off, sandniggers are slightly less disgusting than trannies.
Now that Justin "L'Herbe" Trudeau has banned cishet white males from the Canadian "Military" you could probably take over the whole country with a few thousand hicks from the Appalachians
yeah hes a real man, man enough to destroy his country from within. man enough to not fight a fire and let shit burn. man enough to import shitskins into this country to fertilize the wombs of the white females. man enough to convert to niggerlam. man enough to bankrupt his shithole of a country even more. WHAT A MAN ...WHAT A FAGGOT IS MORE LIKE IT.
no, it might just been a prank bro
why not just attack him back as a racist? knowing him we would get a press conference with his apology
>a leaf
Are you implying thats not true?
Hes right though if it was real
None of you faggots do something
All you do is watch how your country degenerates, like a true cuckold.
Not even online activism anymore like back in the day. That's the reason it will never stop and you faggots deserve it (germany, sweden and france).