Uhhh...who was frodo's dad?

uhhh...who was frodo's dad?

dildo saggins

Nacho Baggins

Cuckold Baggins

Drogo Baggins

Tyrone Baggins

smaugo draggins

beeeeeergly saaaandeeeeers

I would kill my fucking manlet parents if they named me this.

He was conceived via the force

Lil Black Sambo Baggins

diplo baggins

Frodo Sagbag

twice removed on my mother's SYDE

> Frodo's parents Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck
Now I'm trying to imagine a Hobbit taking Daenerys from behind violently

mr baggins

> In The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Westron was presented as having been completely translated into English. This had certain important implications: first of all, proper names with derivations somewhat evident to speakers of Westron had been 'translated', to preserve the effect. Thus, names like "Baggins", "Bagshot Row", "Peregrin", "Rivendell", etc. are presented as not the actual names. For example, Meriadoc Brandybuck's actual name is supposed to have been Kalimac Brandagamba, short Kali (meaning jolly, merry). 'Meriadoc', short 'Merry', is designed to maintain the reference to merriness contained in the original name. Likewise Peregrin Took's actual name was Razanur Tûc, short Razar (name of a small apple). 'Peregrin', short 'Pippin' contained both the actual meaning of the full name (traveller, stranger) and the reference to an apple. Sam Gamgee (shortened from Samwise Gammidgy) was actually named Ban Galpsi, short for Banazîr Galbasi. The ending of the 'true' Hobbit name Bilbo was also changed: in Westron it was Bilba, but Tolkien changed this to -o because -a is usually a female ending in English, whereas it was a male ending in Westron.
> Tolkien states that Frodo’s name in the fictional language of Westron was Maura Labingi

I never understood Tolkien's need to do this.

really and truly the most autistic man to ever live

>this guy managed to breed and I haven't yet

>I never understood Tolkien's need to do this.
Language geek. Arguably the whole point of Middle-earth was for a place to play about with language.
Maybe not the most, but there's still a likelihood.


Truly there is no more powerful weapon in the hands of mankind than the dedication of an autist.

Tolkien's legendarium was created with the only purpose to give "historical" background to his made-up languages.

Look at him, localising names like he's 4kids or something.


I actually think less of LotR after reading this

Froggo Baggins

these are the correct answers

you don't know how right you are but they'll never be recognized for it

That's because you're a faggot

I only came into this thread to Kalimacpost and here I find that I have been preceded. I feel a curious mixture of disappointment and elation.



>Hobbit names were shortened

dindu nuffin

He was a philologist who had always had a fascination with European mythology and the languages that surrounded them. The sole point of his legendarium was to give his created languages a backstory. He actually seem to joke with himself in the book, like in the houses of healing episode, with the old lady who just won't shut the fuck up.

"One thing also is short, time for speech. Have you athelas?'

'I do not know, I am sure, lord,' she answered, 'at least not by that name. I will go and ask of the herb-master; he knows all the old names.'

'It is also called kingsfoil,' said Aragorn; 'and maybe you know it by that name, for so the country-folk call it....'

'Oh that!' said Ioreth. 'Well, if your lordship had named it at first I could have told you. No, we have none of it, I am sure. Why, I have never heard that it had any great virtue; and indeed I have often said to my sisters when we came upon it growing in the woods: "kingsfoil" I said, "'tis a strange name, and I wonder why 'tis called so; for if I were a king, I would have plants more bright in my garden". Still it smells sweet when bruised, does it not? If sweet is the right word: wholesome, maybe, is nearer.'

'Wholesome verily,' said Aragorn. 'And now, dame, if you love the Lord Faramir, run as quick as your tongue and get me kingsfoil, if there is a leaf in the City.'

'And if not,' said Gandalf, 'I will ride to Lossarnach with Ioreth behind me, and she shall take me to the woods, but not to her sisters. And Shadowfax shall show her the meaning of haste."

Dildo Faggins

Sticky Spoogens

Thank you

>Frodo's parents Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck had been killed in a boating accident when Frodo was 12
>Frodo subsequently spent the next nine years living with his maternal family, the Brandybucks in Brandy Hall.
>At the age of 21 he was adopted by his cousin Bilbo, who brought him to live at Bag End.

>boating accidents
>smeagol is his dad

this must be why he refused to take a ship to mordor

I love the story of the fake etymology he had for the word 'hobbit'. He didn't let himself use the word hob for little person (like hobgoblin) because it entered English too late, instead took the Old English words for hole 'hol' and builder 'byldan' and compounded them. The he slightly shifted the meaning to hole-dweller since building holes is a weird phrasing and submitted his fake word 'holbytla' to the Oxford English Dictionary with the definition hole-dweller, all just to justify having the race be called hobbits in English in his fantasy-cum-European pseudohistory.

That sounds pretty autistic, and it definitely is, but it can always be worse. At some point after that, someone else came along and realized that his definition he'd submitted was inaccurate and changed it back to hole-builder... What kind of no-fun-allowed cunt nugget of a power autist must that guy have been to have been spending his time looking over the Old English words in the Oxford English Dictionary and then submitting an update just to fuck with J.R.R. Tolkien's retroactive hobbit justification just because it wasn't a literal enough usage?

He sprouted from the ground

Truly he used his autistic powers to create the most detailed secondary world ever seen.

Drogo Baggins. He was supposed to have a small part in The Hobbit movies, but Jackson liked the actor so much he gave him a bigger role instead the role of Alfrid


Druggo baggins.

Bilbo's sister's husband.

Brodo Faggins.

>ywn see sil, hobbit, and lotr done in the actual languages of middle earth
>all the elvish languages
>orkish and black speech
just kill me now

dildo toboggan

Not even UTV stalker can even scratch the surface of this level of autism

It was a different time user

frodo daddins

Brodo Faggins