
Standard Christianity Theology and Questions Thread
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Isn't Christian Moralism and Self-Censoring Puritanism the origin of Political Correctness?

Jesus literally told his followers that those who call a brother "foolish" would be sent to the eternal fires, yet here we are calling each other niggers every day

when you call someone a fool with anger, you commit murder in your heart, and when you lust after a women, you commit adultery in your heart, the main point is that every one is guilty of sin, and deserving of Hell, but Jesus will save some us

St. Paul called the Galatians stupid in the Bible, and I doubt he was sent to hell

No, the origin of political correctness is 1960's US academia wanting to sound less like communism, so using race and gender as dividers instead of class.

Checking in for the alchemists, OP. let's all take a moment to realise that all around us is part of the grandest work to ever exist, and we should all feel utterly blessed to have ever been a part of such a masterpiece.

you can call someone foolish rghteously, but not in anger, once someone is saved, they cannot lose their salvation, but he was judging righteously

i dont think alchemy is biblical, but i might be wrong

>you call someone a fool with anger, you commit murder in your heart, and when you lust after a women, you commit adultery in your heart,

Seems to be like Jesus is committing the fallacy of false equivalence


It's likely not. I'm not destined for Heaven, and I don't mind.

well we are still supposed to be alert of things, you know spiritual warfare and all.

Is God anymore real than santa, pixies, or genies?

If yes, explain.

If no, then why do you waste your time with him?

there is no reason to assume that calling someone a fool with anger is equivalent to commiting murder in your heart if any definition of any of those concepts

The following statements are examples of false equivalence:

"They're both soft, cuddly pets. There's no difference between a cat and a dog."

"We all bleed red. We're all no different from each other."

* in any definition of any of those concepts


>commiting murder in your heart

is an absurdist concept

Jesus fails to understand that words are not just abstractions, but that they carry REAL concepts

God is real, and has revealed himself to everyone in a way that everyone can be certain enough to be held without excuse on Judgement day

God looks at your heart, the point of Jesus saying this was to show the Jews that it was impossible to keep the law, and why everyone is deserving of their condemnation.

Note that the idea of a "Judgement day" is also outright suicidal

How real is consciousness, chaos theory or astronomically-applied mathematics?

They're not physically tangible, and don't always give the same observed results because their environments are constantly changing. Are they extant, according to the scientific method?

> revealed himself to everyone in a way that everyone can be certain

How so?

what i am saying is that noone is gonna be held accountable to a God you do not know, but one everyone knows exists.

That doesn't answer the question.

Read Romans chapter 1

It was impossible to keep the law because he twisted it into a joke, into an absurd contradiction

That is like me saying that because you don't like muslims, laws against genocide are impossible to keep, even when no genocide whatsoever was committed

Also, the idea that this "heart" is just silly. Don't liking a person does not mean that there is a secret dimension inside of you where you actually killed him and that God is looking into that bizarre micro world to know what you really did, even when you DIDN'T!

Logic and Reason are transcendent from the mind of God

Thats your opinion

The idea that one is somehow accountable to a God is just as bizarre, and reeks with masochism


I am thinking about converting to Roman Catholicism. I have a few questions.
1. Would I need to like the Pope?
2. As a Roman Catholic, would I need to defer to the Pope for moral authority?
3. Upon converting, do I need to confess all of my sins immediately or do I start with a clean slate?

Read Harry Potter. Is the city of London, which is talked about in the book, proof that wizards are real?

There's nothing Christian about Christ-chan.

That is my opinion, but that is also logic

Disliking Muslims is NOT equivalent of Genocide

Which adds to my idea that liberalism is actually hyper-christianity

I can't avoid noticing that liberals think that if you don't want muslims invading your homeland, it means that you wanna kill every single muslim man, woman and child

Such demented outlook of life can only be justified until this bizarre christian framework where the border between feelings and actions does not exist

im a reformed Baptist, so i cant give you my blessing to do that but i would be glad to tell you how you can be saved.

I was rather hoping you'd figure it out yourself, but okay.

God is as intangible and unpredictable a feature as chaos theory, and not one that can be accurately measured. I am not sure that God exists, but can deduce logically that it does by witnessing the form of everything that exists. It has order, intelligence, purpose and connection.

Intelligence is created only by intelligence.

Not say evolution isn't real. I mean the REAL intelligence. The code behind life that allows mathematical predictions and structure.

the Bible is not a good comparison to Harry Potter

Well, what is your standard of proof?

If we are here to debate, what kind of logical proof do we need so that things stop being "my opinion" and you come to realize that Christian Moralism is extremely twisted and the root of a whole set of modern social problems?

What logical debate can we have? under what parameters will you accept logical proof?

You are regurgitating the propaganda found on creationist websites.

If there needs to be an intelligent creator to create everything, who created the creator?

Your argument can be debunked by a 2nd grader.

No it is your opinion, because without God you cant account for Objective morality or Objective truth,

A friend of mine has convinced me that Orthodox and Roman Catholicism are the only Christianity denominations that date back to the first century. Why would I want to join a religion that started in the 17th century?

> Intelligence is created only by intelligence.


Randomly selected events can also create organized structures

Also your declaration is fallacious, as it creates an endless loop: If only intelligence can create intelligence, then intelligence can't exist, as it requires itself to have been created a priori to exist

Logic presupposes truth, truth presuposes knowledge, and knowledge presuposes God

Then Christianity is the root of Liberal Moral Relativism?

>The code behind life that allows mathematical predictions and structure.


You know mathematics can't be manipulated, right? It has always existed. No one can make 1+1=2.

God didn't create math.

My bad.

I meant 1+1=3

> knowledge presuposes God

That is an unguaranteed jump of logic

>You are regurgitating the propaganda found on creationist websites.

No, they think it works that way for living beings, which is not what i'm saying.

>If there needs to be an intelligent creator to create everything, who created the creator?

There are a number of arguments for this. One is that there can be such a thing as an encreated creator. With a powerful enough being, I suppose that's perfectly possible. I choose to think that time is cyclical, anyway. All cosmological pattern seems to point that way, anyway.

>Your argument can be debunked by a 2nd grader.

You asked a question, and I answered it. Don't be a prick just because you don't like, or choose to glibly misinterpret, the answer.

When you have matter, the laws of nature (result of mathematics), and time, every possible design would have eventually come to be because of probability.


The sun was created on the Fourth day...

There was a time when we believed in Santa too, but as you get older common sense and logic should come into play..

The Catholic church was courupted by a heretical group called the palagians, who taught things that are unbiblical, so the reformation was necessary, but going to church wont get you to heaven, you need to be spiritually born again? you need to ask God to grant you a changed mind (repentance), and you need to put your trust in Jesus Christ Alone, this is what you need to do to be saved.

>Randomly selected events can also create organized structures

But the underlying patterns of existence cannot be randomly created. Unless you think that events can create the fact of gravitational force or the rules governing the speed of light.

>as it creates an endless loop

A lot of what we observe both spiritually and scientifically tend to imply a loop. Which is why I advocate for cyclical time, or at least a spiral.


You never answered my question quite frankly.

God is just as likely to exist as pixies and genies.

>It has always existed

Do you realise that scientifically, this is an impossibility?

I have a question, aimed mainly at practicing Catholics. You see, I'm what you would probably call a heretic. I lost faith in God at a pretty young age and never gained it back. However, I think that people desire religious rituals. It puts them at ease and and reduces stress. Humans naturally desire religious ritual. To that end, I've been considering attending Mass at my local cathedral. Now, I really don't know what the fuck I'm doing or what would be expected of me. Any advice?


can you account for the laws of Logic in your world view?

The idea of salvation, with the implicated destruction of the World and Apocalypse, renders civilizational projects pointless, and turns life into a paranoid nightmare where every action, even those needed for the civilizational project to survive, can damn you forever

Christian Moralism is fuel for Leftism

The Hebrew word means he improved on.

If you don't like the answers, there's nothing I can do about that. I likely can't convince a muslim that Allah isn't perfect, either.

as an atheist can you use logic to prove that logic is valid

Why do some verses remain in the Bible when Christian biblical scholars agree they are later insertions? Prime example being "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone".

We observe that a lot of numeric patterns are cyclical, by the very raw rules of mathematics

such cycles don't need an upper intelligence to exist

we are created in the image of God, so when we create and imitate, we imitate him, and this Glorifies him, "Be ye imitators of God"

You just declared that objective morality only exists within a religious framework, which is exactly one of the justifications of the left for their moral relativism

They came to exist the very same way that your God came to exist

>such cycles don't need an upper intelligence to exist

No, but they contain their own solution, without having a discernible creation point, if they are cyclical. That's what i'm getting at. If the universe works like that, then God would be...within..the machine.

you Got an article or something on that, i know the last part of mark was an insertion, but the original autographs are what were inspired by God.

I am not an atheist. I just don't follow the illogical Abrahamic scripture.

No point trying to use a logical argument to try and discredit logic

how can you say that Objectivive morality exists without one, it is just everyones opinion

What you just wrote has nothing to do with the problem of salvation

Never mind, that if we were really created to the image of God, salvation would be even more pointless, as we already would be perfect!

So logic is a manmade thing?

Why can't the machine be independent of God?

Why do you have this need to randomly insert "God" into random processed that may as well be self-sustaining?


what do you believe then?

we were created in his image, we are not God ourselves. and we are all born with a sinful nature, that makes us hate and rebellious to God, which is why we need to be saved

Because even if they don't have a discernible creation point, there must be some intelligence in the mix somewhere down the line. It's precisely because we're NOT dealing with random processes. We're dealing with structured processes, ordered ones.

That's not to say that "God" is anything like the theistic one. Just to say that there is an underlying intelligence to universal workings.

Sincere opinions, mind you

Your God-dependent morality is unworkable for non-self-deluding intelligent beings that DON'T claim being the special snowflakes that just happen to have the RIGHT interpretation of absurdist quotes from a book written by a bunch of desert tribes

Your God-dependent morality depends on extreme delusion of grandeur, and thus is nothing more than an insincere, self-deluded, self-aggrandized opinion

Is God a manmade thing to you?

and thats your opinion


> because we're NOT dealing with random processes

How do you know?

99.99999999999999999 % of the Universe is extremely hostile to Life, and you would die in seconds there

Life seems more like an extremely random chance than anything else

> which is why we need to be saved

As I pointed out before, the whole "salvation" thing is just christian paranoid nihilism


Do shitposts count as constructive?

and you know this with absolute certainty?

Just as the "objective morality" that you presume of God... is actually your opinion!!

then why do the laws of logic NEED to be?

Why are christians so obsessed with inserting God into the process that created the laws of the Universe?

Why can't they develop from the same process that they assume created God?

>How do you know?

Because mathematics isn't random. 1+1 always gives the same answer.

The universe is hostile to OUR form of life, sure. But it's not random. We can see WHY we live in an area of the universe that isn't hostile, after all.

Will you start to lick assholes because you are not 100 % certain that after death there won't be a God that will rape your mouth unless you licked enough assholes during your life?

To assume that Hell exists is just as paranoid as that!!

Deus Vult

im not saying that beacause logic and morality exists, i am saying because God exists, Logic and objective morality exist, when someone tries to deny God they know exists, their worldview leads to absurdity, where they cant know anything to be true

Yes thank you for all the murder and death it pleases my god greatly.

Dude...there is nothing weird or unnatural about religion. It's been around for tens of thousands of years and serves obvious purpose. It's been around longer than human settlements. Do you scoff at those too?

well no because thats not in the Bible

That static mathematic functions (like 1+1) are not random DOES NOT IMPLY that random probabilitistic functions don't exist

Why would god let natural disasters happen? Sounds like an asshole, trying to test people's faith by killing innocent people.

we live in a fallen world,

I've not murdered anyone, or caused the death of another. I'm not quire sure what you're getting at.

If something has probability, it is not truly random. Just subject to a wider range of outcomes that we can process.

The fact that an insane paranoid delusion is part of the Bible does not make it more likely that it exists than the asshole-Hell I talked about


Salvation-based Apocalyptic religions are civilizationally destructive tho

Question for all you Christians...

How do you feel about Chick tracts? Do they have any ounce of truth in them? Pic related (it's funny because it's true).

>civilizationally destructive

Except we can point to many instances of civilizations have been purely built around them. So that's not true.