Got sausage chips n curry sauce lads

got sausage chips n curry sauce lads

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Looks like a turd...


Waiter there’s poo in my meal

just got done with my brek

Fuck yeah!

Mmmm black pudding
Wish you could get it here in the states.


That's shit on fries kek

Mmmm creamy LOGs


No, that's British food.

For breakfast on a Sunday morning? Hardcore.

Are you trying to summon those Andy log faggots?

You can't get black pudding in the states? How... How do you cope?

Get that rp shit outta here

What the fuck OP






It’s hard. I have to seize the opportunity whenever I return to the Motherland, roughly once a year.

That’s literally a shit

This justifies letting tons of 3rd world rejects in your country? This is a reason to keep them out.

>british food

Yeah...uh..hate to tell you.

inB4 hamburgers

I'm hungover and now I crave chips hop

That looks fucking rancid OP

ok i misread it as gravy

>curry sauce




This is not the greggs on the highstreet or the pub, or the highstreet itself this is Sup Forums you retard.
Hell, even using the world in everyday context is still seen as highly pretentious.

Where's the hash browns you scruffy bastard

Kinder eggs and now Black pudding it's a travesty.
American food culture is a melting pot of different countries why can't you have black pudding I feel bad for you son.
What about haggis?, you should have haggis or white pudding?

consider taking the turban off
shave the fucking stache off, and beard
pluck the middle of those caterpillars
and consider a nose job
you look like a mexican who just popped MDMA and thinks he's mohamed.

Curry is now as British as it is Indian tbf.

Who took a fucking dump on your fries dude?
Holy shit.
All these Log Threads, I never thought anyone would go this far.

>thinks using 'lads' is pretentious

never mind that shit

Loose the tomatoes, add tattie scones and it's champion.

man this chick is such a degenerate autist but shes also kind of cute

okay maybe I meant the opposite.
who cares.
'lads' is literally a shit word.
no lifeform has ever truly enjoyed being addressed as a FUCKING 'Lad'.

Oooft, you fucking slag!


Think we may be confused as to the pretense here. Curry is currently one of the most enjoyed foods in Britain. It is not of British origin, although some curry dishes were created in Britain.

Now if you enjoy pasta...


why put curry on sausage
at least put it on fish

I'm not OP but where I'm from it's just a way of addressing people. Everybody refers to each other as lads. Must be a regional thing.

Not op I have curry and peas on my fish it's beautiful.

Logging in.

Not "lad", but one of the lads!! Eyyyy! Duh-duh duh dut, duh-duh duh dut, duh-dudehdhuhdut, duh-duh duh dut!

Fucktarded twat


The word Curry was invented by the British for a meal using curry powder. We've been eating the stuff since before we colonised India and long before we dropped the US for not being worth it.

Yorkshire master race?

You can't compare curry to that green/yellowish shite they serve at a chip shop


>one of the lads!
yeh, that one's worse than being called a lad

The Chinese: A great bunch of lads!

Some times they put rasins in the curry sauce.


Derbyshire master-master race.

>Beans on a fry up.

People like you should be made to sign the sex offenders register. You sick fuck, go and kill yourself.

is this a rebLog?


it's normal to add in beans you autistic person

gotta admit, beans can provide that extra moisture that's required if you slightly overcooked the TATTIE SCONES!

Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire is scab country.

Has tha' nowt moist?

Not Derbyshire m8.

Man arrested for beaning minors in local Caffè.

>master-master race
>thinking it even qualifies as just a master-race
enjoying the local haram butcher?

Wtf do you eat for breakfast on a Sunday morning? I usually have chips and curry cos I been drinking since Friday

Fuck off yank
I'm no even British I'm Scottish
You'd hate our food even more

>mahmooud from derbyshire signs in Sup Forums
>we master race in derbyshire guys

hows masjid going anyway?

worst poutine I ever seen

tfw you will never have a gf

British curry sauce is not the same as anywhere else
Therefore it's British food you fucktard

In Derbyshire?? I haven't seen a non anglo-saxon in about 2 years.

Accept my apologies user I've just looked for my kebab from last night and the box is empty I'm pretty Shure I never ate it.
There's something spiritual about walking three miles home form night club while eating a kebab, I think I pissed my naibours car.
It's cameraed up so guess I'll find out soon enough

Not sure if this is the evolution of street shitters or the evolution of logposting

Listen to Playing in my rain by Young Cappi #np on #SoundCloud

Englishfag I can honestly say Scottish food is better than English food.
Gf is Scottish and drinks like a tramp

Do you mean Derby? Because the rest of the county is just fields and tea rooms.

>not getting gravy

Did you enjoy a Burns supper recently? Accompanied with several glasses of Bells mixed with Irn-Bru?


link for pic related pls

the yanks will never know the ecstasy of eating that dish , i love mine with loads of salt and vinegar...
fuck I'm hungry , off to the chippy , c u later lads

Want a scot's cocktail? Late into a house party, go around picking up peoples not quite empties and drop that into a plastic bag (a classic one, with either red or blue stripes, you know?). Add to this a half-bottle of buckfast, and a quart of famous grouse, then two tins of special brew. Peflection!

piss off

It's 11 o'clock on a fucking Sunday, and you're having chippy?

Literally shit on fries


Enjoy gastric ulcers

chips you heathen fat yank...grrrrrrrrrr

my lunch

and my dinner

Fags go to my bread, spoodgerman is even there

Scottish, Irish or English = British

Hint - It's the island you're on

Also Haggis was invented in England

looks fucking lovely

Scottish, Irish and English are countries.

British is a political union of countries.

oh ffs not this again, OK here we go.

I was born in Scotland. It is one of the nations that makes up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The country I'm from = UK
The land I'm from = Britain
I'm fine with people referring to me as a Scot, Scottish (not Scotch, that's a drink) or British.
And of course the obligatory
England = my city

I dont understand the appeal of soggy fries

Please tell me you aren’t this retarded

There are McDonalds in every town and city for you're kind. We call them teenage containment zones.

I'm not this retarded (read the disclaimer)

Enjoy your early heart attack.

Brit Vegan FAGGOT here but even I can totally confirm the brilliance of OP's dinner.