I have heard a lot of controversy around if ADHD is real. What about other disorders what is real and what is fake?
Is ADHD real?
No, it's not real. It's people not taking responsibility for themselves and covering with a bullshit medical catch-all diagnosis.
Personally I highly doubt it. Not every young person is well suited for studious behavior day in and day out, but the school system is hardly a natural environment, from an evolutionary standpoint.
But my dad's girlfriend is adamant that her son has it!
I mean why else would he, a thirteen year old, eat lead fishing sinkers and get bad grades in school?
Don't count on it
Is it just a way for doctors to jew-out and get some money for the pills?
Yeah it is, grossly over diagnosed just like autism but it exists.
What is reality?
You can say ADHD isn't real it's the parents fault but you can say the same thing about almost every mental illness anyone gets, ever.
The real question is should it be a medicinal prescription disorder.
Disorder also means it's not really an illness but just a habitual problem.
The problem is parents and schools. Kids don't get enough time to play, and it's even reflected in educations levels. how boys are 2 grades behind girls in middle of middle school because they want to be running around and doing other stuff.
that's adhd.
my dad got tested for it and was in like 99th percentile of having adhd. he gets adderall and doesn't use it all, so i just sell the pills to kids who cram for exams
autism isn't a disorder, it's literally a way of thinking and functioning that is seen by most as a natural way for the brain to function.
your confusing autism for the ebin may may.
Nooooooo, why would Doctor Goldberg prescribe a medicine Billy doesn't need? Certainly it is not the parent's fault Billy is a little shit and acts retarded
i have so yeah its real.people hype it up to much though.All it really does is make you more hyper and makes it harder to sleep
Yes ADHD is in fact real but its by no means a crutch and easily grown out of with both medication and therapy to correct the disorder.
No it's not but being a teen with a script for speed is kind of rad.
>ASD isn't a disorder
What's the 'D' stand for then nigger
AIDS-DHD is real.
I find ADHD is a sign of a creative kid and a lot of parents agree. It's a intelligent child that isn't challenged or able to express themselves.
Its real. My mother and father, both of whom were doctors, went to several psychologists, pyschatrists and they determined that I had ADHD. In addition to medication, they got me an IEP and did helped me with behavioral and dialectal therapy. It helped me a lot, actually, and I'm very thankful for it.
Some of the symptoms lessen with age, if not disappear entirely in some cases.
However, a lot of parents and educators are fucking lazy, and would rather turn to chemical parenting and pump their kiddo full of fucking stimulants and anti-psychotics rather than actually doing their job.
Dude. That describes the entire pharma business. It's run like software companies sortof.
If it wasn't for Adderall and Xanax I would have fucking blown my brains in grad school. They're god-sends.
its a euphemism White people use for "poor parenting".
"Oh, he's autistic"
> His parents never said the word "no" to him in case it hurt his feelings
.... thats just parents saying their child is special. that doesn't affect reality that ADHD is a disorder that can be fixed
>can't live without drugs
fucking degenerate
I knew a kid in college who was given an extra 2 hours on exams and an extra week for assignments because he knew a crooked doctor who wrote a note to the school.
So theres that motivation too.
ADHD is simply the next step in evolution.
We are incessantly inundated with a barrage of information. ADHD is the ability to accept and process the info
For mental disorders, I think it comes down to what exactly the symptoms are.
ADHD "symptoms" are shit that probably everyone experiences from time to time, especially kinds that are particularly rambunctious getting stuck in a place they don't want to be though (school). It's not a disorder, it's a completely normal set of behavioral tendencies that ultimately mean nothing.
Then take schizophrenia. A disorder that debilitates someone to the point of loss of motor skills, ability to identify reality, and creates cognitive dissonance to the point where you genuinely believe your thoughts are not your own. That is a mental disorder.
What is prescription medication? your grandpa is a degenerate?
Pretty real. Im diagnosed for a similar trouble (Asperger) And im glad I have my pills. Contrairly to the ones I had before, They have about no side effect.
Second that. Vyvanse are fucking great.
No its not.
t. Person who was """diagnosed""" with it
Doesn't a disorder mean that it can't be cured. Only inhibited.
Won't deny that
I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult after a car accident. I never knew. I can say that, at least for me, adderall changed my life in a good way. I still believe, however, that we may be too quick to conclude kids are ADHD and dope them up just to keep them quiet.
Real or not, playing your disorder cards right can net serious bux.
Yeah that fucking shit even exists in medical school. They get DOUBLE time those fucking mother fucks.
Absolutely true. I agree 100% all of my past research with ADHD that it is heavily over diagnosed and it seems your parents went through the actual process of a correct diagnosis following... im assuming DSM IV since your older?
Vyvanse too. Had concerta before.
No, it just means it doesn't affect a known specific part of the body unlike a disease.
what "you" think is not science guy
Prove it.
That shit grinds my gears so god damn hard. I understand how they have to do it highschool but they do that shit at my university too. If you cant complete the class like the rest of the students you dont deserve to pass. Should we just start giving retards degrees cuz they cant do it like a normal person?
ADHD is the next step in human evolution
they are proto-ubermensch
Yep at least 1/5 of the students at my law school have 'accommodations' written by some greedy M.D,Ph.D or Psy.D. Fucking ridiculous.
adhd is real. I rmemeber fondly (jk it was fuckign horrible), being in day detention and being so unable to focus on my classwork, or even to sit still in my chair.
it may not be a full fledged disorder, but it is a real problem that CAN be coped with and addressed.
I dotn agree with medication, but ill be damned if a few years on medication, and my own desire to be off of it, didn't teach me what my full potential was, and how to cope with and identify my issues.
short term treatment is good. therapy is good. but to allow it to leak into adulthood, and to not learn about yourself is pure degeneracy.
it used to be about studying god. we left that behind. honestly, we need to go back to teaching people that theres a lot fo shit internally that will try to fuck you up, and its up to you to address and identify when and how to push it down and better yourself.
>9 years of Ritalin
>lifetime of sports and studying
I prefer sports and studying to being fucked up on drugs that screw with your heart.
its led me to know when shti is unhealthy, and to know what I can control.
>a lot of controversy around if ADHD is real
No. This scene from The Sopranos sums it up well:
Its a very political disease because its so stupidly hard to diagnose. Its like a cough really, suddenly you cough and then a doctor diagnoses you with lung cancer
Hello OP, and yes it is real.
The majority of people who get meds for it don't have it.
I have it and I am not diagnosed and have no desire to be diagnosed. I maintain a 4.8 GPA with heavy math and science load in college, I did it by taking Nootropics and treating my ADD myself.
I know plenty of people diagnosed as kids, and they took meds for it, and it fucked them up. Ritalin makes you short and stunts growth, Adderall makes you a drug addict.
Nootropics are great, and if I didn't have any calculus classes I would do ok without it.
ADHD is incredibly real. I have it. I do not take medication for it anymore because I have mastered it.
It can literally be seen in brain scans, So anyone telling you it is a lie is a fucking tin foil hate retard that thinks Obama is a good president.
I didn't hear of ADD until i was an adult and it's only been adults that I know that are "diagnosed" with it. They're hyperactive and can't focus on anything, while at the same time can't stop talking or distracting anyone around them. They say once they have their meds they can focus and do their job, but it's a really shitty job. These same people drinks lots of coffee and Monster energy drinks.
Idk, I'm 25+ and I'm trying to get a diagnosis since I space out a lot sometimes.
I mostly check out 15+ all of the characteristics too; I'm unsure if this list has valid criterion
ADHD is a kid showing a sign of life as a young child. Teachers are told to teach in a way that benefits women over men, so kids naturally get restless.
How? By throwing a bunch of those on the floor and saying a number straight out of randomness?
I have adhd and am well adjusted with a high IQ and purposely don't medicate myself for it.
Too weak man.
>Sup Forums says its not real
>99% of actual doctors think it's real
Let's ask the expert
> im assuming DSM IV since your older?
I was also diagnosed with Aspergers, but now my current psychologist states that I probably had PDD-NOS due to the atypical symptoms I exhibited during development after review.
Crazy how much things are changing within 20 years.
look up ADHD DSM-V and follow protocol. concentration is a learned skill so it could just be you dont like to concentrate dont diagnose yourself
No. It isn't a coincidence that ADD became a thing when corporal punishment was outlawed.
>Got diagnosed.
>Parents saod "Fuck no, he's not getting put on medication."
>Learn to solve a rubix cube.
>Solve cube absentmindedly in classes while following the lesson.
>No longer distracted.
>Fuck yeah rubix cubes.
Fuck Ritalin. Seriously, fuck that stuff. I watched it fuck up so many of my classmates.
Almost everything in the DSM is bullshit. Psychiatrists effectively vote on what is and what is not a disease/disorder.
Most of the lower level stuff is complete bullshit. Like I was diagnosed with ADD but it's just because I space out a little more than the normal guy. Its mostly a meme disease. However the upper level stuff is actually a problem because these people literally have the attention span of a goldfish and just act fucking retraded but when they do focus they are perfectly fine. It's mostly just over diagnosed so the pharmaceutical field can get more shekels
ADHD faggot here, I can confirm.
I mean, there are lots of conclusions you could say came out of barring corporal punishment. Personally I do not like the idea of others punishing MY child.
I'm in the same boat, tested off medicine as a kid at 131 and 129. They doped me up anyway. Now that i am grown up I have my wife deal with all the shit I can't like paying bills and stuff. I don't take any medication, i do great at work (network engineering)
the one thing I couldn't do too well was college, I take one class online at a time. I pass lots of cert tests though through hyperfocused studying
My parents did biofeedback therapy on a computer.
Basically after putting electrodes on my head, I'd focus on keeping an airplane flying at ground level.
Basically it was designed as a form of passive concentration and focus.
I used to imagine flying a plane along the great plains in order to concentrate.
I stopped giving the DSM any credence when they rebranded Gender Identity Disorder
It's real. But it's often misdiagnosed. Same with alot of other "syndromes" and "disorders".
True Story Time
>Oldfag (born in late 60's)
>Always super active and restless
>Had hard time sitting still K-2
>While in 2nd grade school nurse refers my mother to a specialist.
>Dr gives my Mom medicine to stop my hyperactivity (now blanketed into ADHD)
>Mom hates how the drugs makes me act (I'm real calm now, but no longer curious or constantly asking why)
>Tells Dr and Dr said I need to be on at least 3 months
>Mom stops that shit after about another week
>She changes my diet (basically no more sugar,candy) and surroundings
>I go back to normal at first, then want to fight everybody, then finally start calming down
>Years later I earn several scholarships in HS
>Attend Uni and now, after many moons, own an engineering business
In all honestly, if it wasn't for my Mother I'd probably been another ADHD or Autistic adult.
>stilla book on mental disorders
hows that insecurity and buttmadedness doing for ya?
99% of doctors aren't psychs. Most docs will never question what a psych tells them because it's not their area of expertise. Docs get through med school by memorizing or cheating, there isn't time to sit and question everything that's shoved down their throats. They can ponder the validity of their science once they're earning six figure salaries.
My experience is mainly with autism, so I'll comment on that as an example of "real and fake" disorders. I have several family members diagnosed as autistic, and was actually diagnosed as autistic myself at one point, though they later changed the diagnosis. I currently work in public schools with kids with special needs, including ADHD and autism.
Autism is diagnosed with a checklist of behaviors and personality traits. Last I checked 3/5 items was autism, 2/5 was not. This means that there is literally no single thing that all people with autism have in common other than being weird enough to get referred to someone who can diagnose stuff like autism. Additionally, many of the elements on the checklist are subjective; this is part of why one of the five or so doctors who did various tests on me when I was a kid made a diagnosis of autism while the others did not. So while autism exists in the sense that these behaviors exist and are positively correlated with each other, it does not exist in the sense of being a cohesive syndrome with a universal cause or universal symptoms.
Basically, autism is a description, specifically a description of behavior, and rather a vague description at that. It is not a diagnosis in the sense of identifying cause. It's almost certain that there are several genetic and environmental causes of autism which are not at all related to each other, and which interact in complex ways when multiple causes are present in the same individual.
It's my impression that most psychological issues are diagnosed in similar ways and therefore represent similarly descriptive diagnoses as opposed to the more causal diagnoses we expect from medicine. Psychopathy, for example, is infamously ill-defined, and actually defined in contradictory ways by different specialists in different countries.
tl;dr mental disorders are merely descriptions of behavior
>being on Sup Forums past 25
getting off the medicine definitely didn't save you from become a giant loser
What kind of person born in the 60's is on Sup Forums? Fucking LOSER
eh I am an engineer with ADHD what the fuck are you talking about? You don't "get" ADHD or autism you are born with it. Unless you are a vaxer.
you sir are a fucking fool.
look at all that click bait on the side of your site...
I've actually had to debate this before... long story short because your an air breathing retard....
thats not actually what Dr E. said
German-English translation was very poor in the initial story which was changed to many different versions of the claim
Dr. E actually said that the influence of genetic dispositions of ADHD were overestimated.
He was commenting on how vastly over diagnosed the disorder became.
get out with your garbage
I got medicated for general anxiety order after I tried to jump off a bridge, but it was really just adhd medication. I just stopped being able to think while I was on it. Had to drop all of my classes. It was like I had to put in 5 times the effort just to carry a thought through to the end.
>"general" anxiety
>tried to jump off a bridge
I was diagnosed with it as a child after I kept being that annoying kid distrupting class in grade 2.
My parents sat me down and explained what the doctors said I had.
My family was poor so they explained that I would be put on medication and have to see more doctors unless I behaved.
They were willing to do it but it would spell the end of all the nice little luxuries we enjoyed.
So it was stop acting like a retard or you're never going to a theme park again.
I never saw a doctor about it again.
So personally I believe ADHD don't real, it's used because "You're a shitty parent" isn't a diagnosis apparently.
If ADHD is real; I'm glad it's been put on the Autism spectrum. My girlfriend believes she has it as a doctor said she did when she was 12, she got medicated but didn't like the whole 'being a normal functional person' side effect they had as it cramped her style of being the LOLroflcopter XD XD so randumb kid.
About twice a week she'll fully sperg out about some minor thing like being unable to find a sock or that she forgot to buy avacados to eat whole.
Whenever she does this I'll pull her up it usually goes:
>Babe, stop sperging out and calm down.
>Stop being mean, it's my ADHD
>I've been diagnosed with that meme disorder too remember? And I'm not acting like I'm Autistic.
>REEEEEEEEEEEEE it's not a meme you Trump loving faggot
This is the point that I'll take off my shirt and walk around the house pumping my fists while chanting "BUILD A WALL" like a retard for 5 minutes.
>male academic performance collapses
>all of a sudden it's realized that almost all the males have a mental illness which explains this away and saves the teachers/parents from having to take responsibility for it
Nah it's totally real, just look at how their performance improves when they're properly medicated it's not like completely normal people perform better at academics when they're on amphetamines or anything.
Where else can you get similar interactions to those Sup Forums provides?
DSM is literally a dozen friends voting by raising hands whether or not something is real. Sometimes their spouses contribute, because, you know, that's science, that's just like how organic chemistry works.
You'd be surprised. There are a lot of 30 and 40-somethings on Sup Forums. It's just too much fun.
Now fuck off, leaf.
My spiraling depression stems mainly from anxiety. I probably should have mentioned that in quotations.
>You don't "get" ADHD or autism you are born with it. Unless you are a vaxer.
I have all the symptoms of ADHD, never took the pills i got. I blame my porn and drug addiction though. It's tough, but it's so easy not to study when I can just jack it or smoke the day away. I'm barely scraping by, but eh.
It doesn't seem so general if you were going to jump off a bridge. Is that really what general anxiety is?
I hope your child dies of fucking polio.
ADHD is totally real, but I think doctors use it as a blanket to get kids to calm down in school with tons of drugs.
I personally know I had ADHD and Still have it. I couldn't concentrate to save my life on anything, my college gpa was a fucking 2.1 at a community college. I hated myself because unlike everyone else I just couldn't concentrate.
I saw a doctor and got some medication, that i used very rarely after i became a adult. It helped me so much I transferred to a university and just graduated with a 3.6 gpa.
It feels amazing knowing that i can focus
It's the 90s version of trannies. It was the fad disorder of the day that was "cool" if you had it and a built-in excuse for your parents.
95% of cases aren't real, they just need discipline, counseling, and good parenting. Not medication or acceptance of shitty behavior.
That's just what my prescription said. Also, stopped me from being able to come, but that is a different issue altogether.
It's real. However, it's WAY over diagnosed in children IMO. Most kids who get branded as ADHD OR ADD is due to difficulties in school. Parents just want an easy way to control their kids so they just shove pills in their mouths to help them focus and calm down (if they are hyperactive).
its real but not as prevalent as people make it out to be. They tried to get me hoped up on the medications when i was 4 years old, dad told em to fuck off i was a kid, most of the times its a crutch for educators trying to explain how they cant control a child for more then 3 minuets.
It's real, but only on the east coast.
I wouldn't ever give it to kids.
At that point in their lives I think there are options to change the manner in which you teach them the simple things they need to know.
was diagnosed with adhd around age 8 or some shit. i jsu wanted to go play in the fucking woods with a bbgun because school didnt engage me. im 25 now with a job and fairly certain its bullshit. its jsut for parents to keep their children medicated and under control. How is giving your children amphetamines even legal?
ADHD is very real, it's a chemical issue in the brain with the dopamine receptors not working. There are variants of it, my wife has it and I have seen first hand it's effects. The reason most young adults with ADHD end up taking substances is they don't work the same way as they would on the brain as a normal functioning one. Almost reversing the effect, things that would make you ping off of walls would infact bring them to a level of focus instead of hyper-focusing that assists them. To imply otherwise it's ludicrous, I genuinelly can't tell if the people in this thread are just meme level replies with;
>it aint real lol
There's hard empirical science behind this. I'm not saying there aren't people who are in fact just slack cunts who lack discipline but it is a very real thing.
I was diagnosed with it as a child and I outgrew it
I'm one of the most chill people you will ever meet
I was roudy as a child and tried not to take the pills as much as I could
I don't think you can just grow out of some mental disability like that
>started Ritalin at 17
>went from a possibly retarded lazy slug to a driven as fuck academic god
Dunno, but the meds do work.