Why is it that every time I go to a punk show there are people wearing shirts and waving flags with a hammer and sickle...

Why is it that every time I go to a punk show there are people wearing shirts and waving flags with a hammer and sickle on them. Ironically its the same people who scream and birch at police. How can they hate police but love communism? Communism is a police state. They literally police thought. Please explain this to me

By your post I can tell that you don't understand what is comunism as well as what is punk. So I cannot answer you, because you wouldn't understand the answer.
Just go with: "they be mad" and don't bother about things you don't know nothing about.

because it seems to be the ultimate antifacist statement. those wearing it dont realise that it‘s all potayto/potuhto (kek how the fuck do you write this). this is why the smarter guys mostly left for the traditional skinhead way, and most older punks are de facto stupid scumfucs

I cannot even fathom the level of autism OP exhibits.

I understand communism. Its supposed to be no government but some how every time they try it forms a government where even though everyone is supposed to be equal government officials are rich and everyone else is poor

Fuck skinheads too. Sharp and Nazis

Well, communism is beautiful, in the theory. But it will never fly, because people are people and there's always gonna be someone who wants more, and that simple fact destroys communism in every single instance of it.
Shit, I want more, I could never be communist; the simple idea is abhorrent to me.

So why do so many people support an unattainable goal? It doesn't work

traditional, my friend, is exactly NOT sharp and not nazi. the two latter ones are indeed of the same aforementioned numb mindset.
but at least they take pride in working, which punks either do not, or if, it makes them phonies.

Nazi punks fuck off

adolf‘s dubs checked kek

That's the problem, they like the theory, but they pretty much forget or ignore the fact that the theory only sparked awful, just fucking awful, autoritarian states and governments.

Which is a double mess, when you realize that the punk movement is anti- so many shit, including authoritarianism. And communist punks are probably not very smart, confuse, or visionary beyond all reason (their ideal is a daydream) because the only communist examples that exist ends up being all horribly authoritarian.
The irony is just too delicious. You are allowed to laugh of this people. They be mad.

But most punks I meet now are all about communism. I just don't get it. I find it hilarious but sad at the same time

Because these people are dumb, they can't explain you even the basics of one of those. They just copy what the next person is wearing/doing/screaming

>I find it hilarious but sad at the same time
It is. That's why this is so fucking weird. Most are anti-government in different ways, but their idea of replacement will suck, and they would be anti their new government as well. Unless they are hypocrite, and want to be in charge, which would spark a new form of anti-movement against their government, and they would hate it.
Economics and politics, Jesus fucking Christ. What a mess.

Because punks are stupid and should be kicked hard many times in head

Communism is theoretically defined as the form of society were the nation state and hence the police slowly cease to exist, because among truly equals there is no conflict that has to be mediated.

Practically yes communism is a police state (like pretty much every state more or less). Not sure what ops poblem is.

My problem is fuck communism and God loves dead commies

Lefties aren't the most intelligent of people.


in Czechoslovakia the punks, skinheads and metalheads had one enemy and that were commies. They were mocked and bullied by the police because of hair and clothing, they didnt want to fit to this and tried to fought it. Nowadays when i see a punk with a soviet flag, its not the thing that he believes in this crap, its just a form of rebelion, provocating skinheads etc etc. Its just a kid trying to be rebellious. If he lived in the times of normalisation he would be scared shitless. Also austrian leftist faggots dont know how it went wrong because they never experienced this kind of regime. Plus by the topic of the flag i would gladly make those faggots swallow that fucking flag down the throat cuz its the same as they got nazi flags. Many of them trying to be radical and ANTI but they are just uneducated hypocritical fags. The irony is when you are going in a punk event, they in a paranoid way are checking your opinions your clothing. When you dont agree at one point your thrown from the community. So leftist elitist gestapo manners? Fuck that

RAC would be better if every singer didn't use the same troglodyte voice.

Because capitalism is inherently authoritarian.
It creates a strictly hierarchical, highly regimented society with a de facto caste system where power and freedom are concentrated in the hands of a few people and the state apparatus becomes a slave to the rich rather than an extension of the people's will.

Similar things happened in every instance where people tried to implement communism. You can't reach an ideal, much less one as utopian as true communism. It's not like we can control every nook and cranny of a system. What we can do is Rebell against the parts of the system we think is wrong. If the system itself starts degrading, let it crumble, and from the ashes build something again to repeat the cycle.

>If the system itself starts degrading
>Rebell against the parts of the system we think is wrong

Congratulations, you've just figured out why so many punks are communists.

So they want to replace one faulty system that will end up in authoritarianism with another faulty system that will do the same. Grand.