Nobody Likes Trump or His Supporters

The whole world thinks you're morons.

So I guess that makes you "right" in your tiny minds.

Well, you're not. You're still morons.


> the bane of Europe Merkel
> faggot with a mission Trudeau
> gulags and food lines were great Corbyn
> whites fuck off/help us whites Mugabe
> be kind to muslim or they'll fucking kill you Khan
>lick ya toes Francis
>everyone from assbackwards middle east
>Tsipras ahahaha, pay denbts faggot
>blacks can never achieve anything president of murrica Obama

Great selection, really, all the more reason to vote Trump

commies and islamists are against him. Good. I hate those motherfuckers anyway

Damn...i guess im a #Hillbilly now

All those against people put together aren't equal to one Putin.

Can't say I have any respect at all for any of the people on the against side. They are all sorry excuses for humans and have contributed to ruining the entire world. They deserve to be cooked inside of a brazen bull.

Add louis farrakhan to that list...

not even joking.

>still thinks he can be stumped
this needs updating though

>ISIS apologists dislike Trump and you should too!
Solid argument

If those are the people against Trump he must be doing something right.

Not long ago nobody liked faggots or niggers. Now look.

I literally hate everyone on the left column.







Appeal to popularity fallacy.

doesn't matter he's still going to win

Just quick advice.

ALWAYS do the oposite of what Roussef say. Not sure about the others on the against list, but i assume they are on the same boat.

surprise most of those are from corrupt countries
and or retarded millennials who vote for communist faggots

>nobody likes you

Not everyone is a useful idiot and communist you know, we're not all indoctrinated.

>brazilian president
Top kek

>against Trump
>Hassan Nasrallah
>Hezbollah Leader

I like where this meme is headed

Even Trump of the East hates Trump

>Left: 0/44 people I respect
>Right: 1/3 people I respect

Trump it is then.