Sandy Hook

Any major shooting has some conspiracy theories following it.

For the most part though, people seem to generally believe at least some of the official story given surrounding the people in the bottom half o the picture.

Yet Sandy Hook conspiracy theories seem to gained a lot of traction.

Why is that?

What was different about Sandy Hook?

Other urls found in this thread:

>What are the problems with Sandy Hook?
Where do I begin?!

anywhere is fine

Wolfgang Halbig, many videos with him.
Based German immigrant who moved to the US when he was 12

In his adult life he worked in different careers

He was a school safety administrator
He was an assistant principal
He was a state trooper

By the time Sandy Hook happened he was already retired.

But his professional life gave him insight into some of the holes surrounding the Sandy hook incident

This video is him talking to a crowd somewhere in New England I think, based on the accents.

Also James Tracy, a professor at FAU who recently got fired for not shutting up about Sandy Hook. He's got some videos worth checking out. His blog is called Memory Hole

With something like Columbine not everyone agrees on their motives or the implications of the shooting but most people agree it happened and that Eric and Dylan were the perps.
Stuff like details got clouded and stories got twisted to serve many different agendas and other petty shit.

Sandy Hook is a different animal.
Everything surrounding it is fishy as fuck.

For example, every parent who had a kid killed there moved in between 2009-2011
Every parent who had a kid who died there is gone.

That itself doesn't prove shit. That's just a flavor of what you'll see if you look into it, which I advise you to do

Most of the media spree mass shootings of the last 15 years were false flags or carried out by people under the influence of advanced hypnotic programs. Pic related. Here's a good documentary on this.

We are fucked, boys. Stay focused on your shit. Keep your head on straight. Never let internet crap take away from your real life.

Doesn't take a genius to see the obvious bullshit in the Sandy Hook story

I'm not even a gunfag, I just know bullshit when I smell it

>"if there were big conspiracies shouldn't we have seen evidence by now? The government are still people and people are prone to make mistakes"

To faggots who say shot like this I point to sandy hook. So many obvious fuck ups right there in our face. I sometimes wonder if they did some of it on purpose just to fuck with us "yeah this is fake, but good luck ever getting anyone to believe you >:) "

Newtown has a lot of shady shit going on.
People there keep winning the lottery with scratch offs. People win thousands of dollars.
It keeps happening. Thousands at a time.

The mainstream school safety expert who wrote the post-Columbine protocols, German-born Wolfgang Halbig, committing to a lawsuit?
I don't know, OP, it is all so very mysterious.

There's medication that can help you. Unfortunately, you'll believe it's part of a mind control program.


>I just know bullshit when I smell it

Damn dude, you sound smart as hell. Can you tell me more?


>just know
fuck off

The report stating that he committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head twice made the narrative suspicious for me.

Normies can't understand the concept of a real shut-in so they just assume he never actually existed.

Columbine 100% happened because we have video evidence of the shooters planning and gearing up for the attack, and we have photographic evidence of them lying dead by self inflicted gunshot wounds to the head.
Sandy Hook literally has no evidence at all, no photos, no nothing, no pics of the bodies being moved out, no evidence of Lanza planning and no evidence really of him existing at all, and a lot of town-members saying they knew nothing of the kid or his mom.
Also, many of the parents of columbine victims sued SOMEONE after the event, either the school or the parents of the goof troop. No one from Sandy Hook ever sued anyone except the NRA, which they were gunning for since the beginning.
Basically there's a whole slew of fishy shit that no on wants to talk about.

The difference is that Cho is higher up on the leaderboards than Lanza.

Dat boy on the middle right. He dindu nuffun. He was a good boy just trying to get home with his skittles.

I can understand it. Years before this happened I went through a phase of putting up blankets in front of my windows in my room.

I believe Lanza existed. When they were looking for a patsy in the general area who could better than Lanza. The guy was a weirdo, though I do sympathize with some I what he says.

I thought Adam Lanza was a child? Like in his teens. Now it says he was 20 years old on wikipedia.

You heard wrong. I remember being surprised the day they released his info because I expected it to be some teenager again and it wasn't.

The biggest conspiracy theory is that Sup Forums never talks about or questions the teachers, janitor, and nurse who were injured or saw Lanza shooting.

Im glad i can come on Sup Forums once in a while and see what seems to be a legitimate argument. Its the sole reason i wade through all the shitposts. Thank you user

>For example, every parent who had a kid killed there moved in between 2009-2011
>Every parent who had a kid who died there is gone.

[citation needed]

>steals their high score
Nigga you always try and live up to the legends. This guy just managed to beat them

No problem mate, nice dubs btw.
There's only one picture of anything even coming close to a "body" and that's a very dubious picture of a body bag zipped up all the way, compare that to the pictures of the bleeding student trying to climb out of the window during Columbine.

>lot of town-members saying they knew nothing of the kid or his mom.

Do you know everyone in your town?

1, would love a source on a lot of these claims, this is a very interesting topic

2. more interesting to me however is why in the last couple weeks have sandy hook threads been popping up very regularly?

I understand all the shills motivations on all the obvious shill posts and i've seen this one enough to know it doesn't sit right with me.

but for the life of me I can't figure out a why

Where are pics for any other shooting though?

>What was different about Sandy Hook?

Internet conspiracy retards weren't as big of a thing when those other shootings happened (save Elliot). This one happened in the day and age of


These fuckers call conspiracy and false flag on every single that that happens ever now.

>[citation needed]

Watch this three hour unedited Youtube rant from a guy who sounds like Steve Irkel user!

The pic related isn't an actual CNBC story if you read the text. It's a press release of some kind, possibly a user blog on CNBC. I had great lulz using the yahoo news blogging feature to create fake stories back in the day..

Robbie Parker, in this video, tells me everything I need to know about sandy hook, the media, and the government. Oh, and the fact he conveniently "relocated" to the mountains of Oregon (or Washington, can't remember), all the way across the continent, never to be seen in the public eye again. Or to avoid it.

Or was it the fact that Newton, CT received up to 50 million dollars for demolition of the school. 50 million. To demolish an elementary school.


Look up the current families whereabouts, if you can even find anything at all. Find out for yourself it doesn't add up. Sandy hook was my first red pill.

i think people want to believe it never happened because they dont want to imagine all those little children actually being mercilessly gunned down


Not that guy, but my town only has 150 people in it so ya I definitely would recognize a new face

fucking shills in this thread. Don't let them slide it.


Port Arthur was more suspicious.

>Guy with IQ of 60 and diagnosed mental age of 13 gets rifle and starts shooting shit up
>goes into cafe, gets out rifle, starts firing from the hip at people
>as he leaves he's fired 29 bullets, killed 12 and injured 10 more.
>this happened in 15-30 seconds, of note the majority of his shots ended with headshots, and multiple people confused .223 being discharged in a closed environment "inches from their heads" as firecrackers
>multiple people in the cafe and outside of it were ASIO officials
>he left the cafe, exchanged his old magazine for a new one, and did not rack the bolt even though he had just shot many civilians (this implies he was counting his shots and left one in the chamber on purpose, something special operatives are trained to do so they can still fire while reloading)

>later on in the siege, he had absolutely excellent awareness of the events around him (even though it was in the dead of night and police were deliberately attempting to hide themselves)
>he was pinpointing the locations of tactical operations police, along with pointing out the locations of police snipers at least once
>no device was ever found explaining his ability to essentially locate people in the cover of darkness

>once he was arrested he was put into solitary detention and not let out, repeatedly told by police as to the benefit of him confessing
>he was given small meals but was locked inside a cell away from the media almost always
>the released interrogation film was simply just the detectives repeatedly telling him he should confess
>he confessed afterwards, the trial was completely shut, and Howard's gun laws were passed shortly afterwards
>he has been locked inside a prison ever since, and has only been photographed twice
>any mention of a possible conspiracy is laughed off by the media
>asking for discussion on gun laws will get you labeled as some freak who likes to see people get shot

Maybe not, but it feels like a conspiracy.

Every other shooting we have photos.

With Dandy hook we have jack fuckin shit.

And during columbine cameras weren't nearly as widespread as now, and even then we had pictures of bodies and the shooters in action.

Don't let the thread slide.


It's hard to believe such a stunt could be possible and never get cleared up. If it's true then we are incredibly far gone into dystopia and nothing would be certain. 100x more severe than immigration, leftism, e.t.c.

But you know, so hard to believe, since it would mean admitting you don't really have a clue about anything.


I watched the news cycle when it was going on. The family members couldn't get their story straight so I knew something was off, the day after the shooting the aunt implied the mother was some sort of a prepped that had weapons in case of an economic meltdown, but I guess that seemed too forward so when she wants interviewed again she said it was purely for recreational use or something. The kids reactions, were weird as well, and a second shooting being confirmed and then unconfirmed. Maybe they thought the narrative would be enough to push the envelope for gun legislation, but at this point it seems the slow drip of 'mass shootings' is only making both sides of the issue more set in their ways.

The one thing pic related (globalist a) don't understand is that


That picture doesn't say anything.

Alex Jones!


I seriously WISH someone would pay me to tell you you're an idiot. I WISH. I fucking WISH. Where do I sign up for that job?

I don't blame you. Black Gay prostitutes are expensive. What would you do if you didn't have the BBC to suck on?

Clapistan at it's finest

Are we sure this fag is even American?
I read his comment in a smug Britbong voice.

I read in the same voice as the FUCKING WHITE MALE guy, he types like a rabid leftist straight from reddit

OKC with Timothy McVeigh was a false flag too to discredit white Christian conservatives.

There's some pretty good documentaries on youtube about it. There was even video footage of a second person, yet they never pursued him. Seems suspicious.

Then McVeigh was put to death only 6 years later when Death Row inmates usually sit for about 20 years before execution.

Shills! The JIDF are paying you to call me a shill!

nothing? i'm talking point 2, i can source my own shit

>2nd person
Terry Nichols?

Don't think it was false because he wasn't portrayed to be a loser.

So is anyone gonna pull the trigger on Sandy Hook? Are we that far gone or nah?


This chick gets around

What a wild coincidence

Dunno but 20min after this thread we got a hollow earth thread.

Reasons to shill SH
1. If SH false, to lump with far right and conspiracy theory.

2. If SH legitimate, to spread confusion and doubt.


How about all the interviews McVeigh gave? I guess the government got to him in all those

Do you guys think Bataclan was a false flag too? I remember watching a perfectly fine interview with survivors and it has like 80% dislikes because of truthers.

French don't exist, so Bataclan never happened

We have video and pictures from that.

>people can't lie on camera


Every time insee that kids stupid ugly fucking face i just want to remove it
Goddamn hes fucking ugly

but hasn't this specific thread been popping up a lot recently?

honestly worries me, between your thoughts and my concerns that something might be coming...

No, body pics and I have 2 degrees of separation from the swedish girl that got shot, that's a lot of conspirators centered around me. And it was in the middle of Paris. You are sliding or a little bit of a clumsy thinker.

But the US isn't like shit third world countries, crime scene pictures and evidence are rarely released, only when someone is on trial like James Holmes or there is a leak like that Nikki Katsorus car crash.

So I guess he was never in the military and never had the expertise to build bombs and wasn't influenced by Turner Diaries

>A government-engineered school shooting elaborately staged by actors

You're off your fucking rocker if you believe this. What would the goal be? To ban guns? And for what? Is the government trying to disarm you so you won't shoot back when they forcibly take over... uh, their own country?

>all these videos going over victims' family's reactions with a fine tooth comb to prove their behavior is odd and it must all be an act
Of course their behavior is fucking odd. Put someone on national television whose child son or daughter just got slaughtered and they're probably going to be acting a little unexpected.

As for the suing thing, chalk that up as a testament to the average retarded American mindset that you deserve to get paid for your pain and suffering. People are just fucking stupid, especially Americans. I know this, being American myself.

>but there are no pictures of bodies!
Good. The public doesn't need to see that shit because no one needs to prove shit to anyone about what happened. The less details the better because the copy-cat potential shooters watch the news too.

>implying a false flag operation wouldn't recruit someone from the military with those specializations

Holy shit you guys click on this user's posts and scroll up, certified fucking shill. Scary shit.

What would come from shilling SH on Sup Forums in preparation of some other happening.
Is this real? Media operates like this?
So sick and sickening.

Great evidence. Let me guess, you'll resort to MAH MKULTRA

I guess you think Richard Reid and other attempted bombers are US trained. Oh wait, they were never in the military.

$0.03 has been deposited into your account.

>You're Off your fucking rocker if you believe this. What would the goal be? To ban guns? And for what? Is the government trying to disarm you so you won't shoot back when they forcibly take over... uh, their own country?

It would for sure not be the first time the government has engineered an event or withheld information to aim for a higher goal

>Of course their behavior is fucking odd. Put someone on national television whose child son or daughter just got slaughtered and they're probably going to be acting a little unexpected.

Explain the laughing and the smug looks

>But Copy Cat Killers

They Released the Columbine Bodies not that long after the fact and there are no true copy cat killers


Implying he had the knowledge to setup bombs like Eric and Dylan did Get a fucking grip

i don't know man, you explain why in the last couple weeks it's been SH all over

>It would for sure not be the first time the government has engineered an event or withheld information to aim for a higher goal

Such as?

>asking for evidence that cannot be provided or is unobtainable

board sliding shill tactics 101

Why are you trying to suppress the truth? Why are you so evil? Why do you justify the US government killing its own innocent citizens?

The biggest question is what was the motive? Lanza had zero motive to do what he did, all shooters have a motive.

operation northwoods, sinking of the lisuthania (sorry it's late for spelling)

those are just off the top of my head.

the sinking of the ship is what got us into viet nam and all evidence points to it being staged or greatly exaggerated to get us into war.

Operation Northwoods, for instance. There's plenty if you actually pay attention to the world.

fucking Google it.

Threads propagate naturally, especially spooky interesting ones

this guy is a fucking shill. click his ID look at his posts. it's actually really scary.

forget the spelling, sorry it's bed time. i meant gulf of tonkin, not lusithania

>Why are you trying to suppress the truth?

Truth that you can't provide?

>Why do you justify the US government killing its own innocent citizens?

Do you whine about cops killing blacks kids too?

Do you cry out about race war and not think what that means, especially if it's government led?

He saw human society as unnatural an viewed his act as a favor before they got old enough to become destroyed by it.

See: His call discussing the effect putting the ape in a human environment and the natural consequences of it plus his various posts on the subject under the smiggles username.

He basically became obsessed with this worldview since it's literally all he focused on.


There he goes again

Got any other words than that?

Of course you have no proof for anything, you even admit it

Nato false flags (gladio etc)
Regime changeh (libya,egypt,tunisia, remember when assad was a devilish dictator and syrian civil war was a people's revolution?)
Pentagon funded identity politics

>literally cant prove anything
>thinks his argument has merit

Pretty sure I heard he was upset his mom spent more time with the kids than with him or something


Don't try using reason here. Tin foilers are beyond reason. They think only with their imaginations.

>Provided proof
>Chooses to still be a fucking shill
>Neck yourself

Sandy Hook was more documented and studied than previous mass shootings.

and fyi shill might be time to open a history book, assuming you are in the US. i misquoted a war by about 40 years and you didn't even notice


What proof? This is about Sandy Hook

The fag even said this

>asking for evidence that cannot be provided or is unobtainable

>thinking this means shit
>grandpa dies
>me and brothers literally standing outside cracking jokes and acting as if everything is normal
>then hearse rolls up and we remember why we are here
Its possible you know.