Think about it....
Think about it
I did, and came to the conclusion that America is a racist place
>doubled the stock market
The stock market for the Work Industry?
I like how they gave Snowbama a fucking 7th grader's haircut
hmm... really makes you think.
Be less of a nigger. Obama makes "W" look like Teddy Roosevelt.
>okkepy democracys
Really makes you think
Did he bet all our assets on black and doubled our stock market like that? and especially about how the president doesn't create jobs unless they're government jobs
Loving this "job growth" meme using bullshit statistics
Le pulled out my ass bait statistics maymay
>doubled the stock market
What did he mean by this?
>the President creates private sector jobs
I know this is a troll post, but come on.
>he doubled the stock market
So why didn't he pass a law to triple it? Typical lazy nigger.
also sage
He would be called out for using fake stats.
>doubled the stock market
The fuck does that even mean?
I only think of black people as black if they act like niggers
I know obama is black, but I don't think of him as black, I only think of him as the POTUS
obama is white....
also, obama imprisoned another 20 million nonviolent drug offenders..
he ruins the lives of talented ppl to protect idiots from themselves
>print trillions of dollars and redefine unemployment
wow what a genius
It's inflated by QE
thanks fed
What does "doubled the stock market" even mean? I minored in Econ and still can't parse that statement.
>Obama saved the economy by boosting Wall Street and the banks that crashed the economy to begin with!
>OMG these evil white Republicans only care about Wall Street and the banks that crashed the economy to begin with!!!!!
Love that libtard doublethink.
How does a President create private sector jobs?
>The deep recession wiped out primarily high-wage and middle-wage jobs. Yet the strongest employment growth during the sluggish recovery has been in low-wage work, at places like strip malls and fast-food restaurants.
>doubled the stock market
You mean he made the 1% richer
After presiding over massive job losses in the first place, not fixing any of the problems that caused the job losses, and having still not gotten us back down to where we were before the losses?
By building better infrastructure, subsiding newer businesses, giving out loans, programs like paying half a wage for a few workers, etc.
White Obama gives off an even stronger gay vibe than Trudeau
Those jobs created went to immigrants while Americans got laid off.
wow... rly made me think...
he's half white, so what the fuck ever
*sneaks in*
Spotted the commie.
rely maeg me tink
Spotted the ice cream lover.
>doubled the stock market
>took over in 2008
top fucking kek
Congrats on doing nothing the economy wasn't going to do by itself anyway.
>315 million population
>147 are unemployed
>Obamas unemployment figure: 4.6%
Really makes you think
But Obama acts like a nigger when he isn't reading from a teleprompter.
What if a white cishet GOP president lost benghazi, covered for his political buddies, and proceeded to write legislation to maintain monopolies and sell-out American domestic interests to big business, and then write ANOTHER separate piece of legislation to keep himself in office if the country doesn't go the way he personally likes.
Oh right, he'd be compared to worse than Hitler.
Obama has done pretty much everything GWB had done, but worse and more overt, and libcunts can't stop sucking his dick for frivolous reasons like gay marriage
What if a white president promised to make healthcare available to everyone, but really he cut a deal with insurance companies and just passed a law that made it illegal not to have healthcare?
Oh, that's right, Australians would laugh at him and say "haha Americans are retarded", instead of worshipping the BBC.
This desu. Artificially generating higher returns for boomer scum at the expense of subsequent generations of investors.
Not me, I'm ready to start killing them.
Not even being edgy, I want them all to suffer until they perish.
>double stock market
>Double the stock market
Had nothing to do with Obama
>Created 9.2 Million jons
Definitely had nothing to do with Obama
It's pathetic that liberals need to take credit for things done primarily by wealthy corporate barons, all of whom never vote Democrat.
>doubled the stock market
and it's all artificial growth, printing money doesn't create wealth, he just put the blinders back on the shit show
Then Democrats would hate him?
Maybe partially, but it was more of a backlash from the shit flung by the left during the bush years(deserved or not).
we would still hate him.
it would be like having another bush for 8 years.
we all have shit jobs still and the nigger problem is out of control
Doubled the loses.
>creating job
You mean destroying good jobs and creating 7.50 $/h jobs
This is no job creation, this is more like creating slavery