There is absolutely no reason why the age of consent shouldn't be lowered to 14. Prove me wrong

There is absolutely no reason why the age of consent shouldn't be lowered to 14. Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

Here in Brasil It is 14

Well here in Sweden its 15 so yeh op..


Go away judge Roy.

It's 11yr old in the Vatican.

Look it up. The Sick fucks

Is it okay for a 40 year old man to fuck a 14 year old boy everyday?

12 is enough.

Here Japan is 13

Girl's mouth in OP s pic looks like a fuckin dolphin's

Lower consent makes it weirder to be a virgin at later ages. They should raise it to 25 so its more normal to still be wizardly.

also i am pretty sure no one wants to deal with 14 year old shit

14 year olds aren't mentally mature enough.... But then again neither are 18 year olds or even 21 year olds.

I'm with ya OP.

It already is.
Oh, wait, you're from a retard country/state. Yeah, sucks to be you.

Because it still counts as rape no matter how many times they "consent"

dude 14 year old me couldn't even get a girl to save his life. also i am pretty sure a lot of old ladies would be fuckin 14 yearold boys.

Yeah, well, no. It's 18...

not if it's legal you moron

>Yeah, well, no. It's 18..
not in Italy, you moron

it will happen when the world governments crash and we can fuck anything legally

Go back to Tumblr you fuck stick and complain about the world more

I pray for that day

World Government eh?


Sex with anybody older than 13 should be illegal due to it causing widespread cancer.

there is something wrong when you see 18-year olds being immature enough to make irrational and retarded decisions in their lives. if you think 14-year olds are mentally mature, then you apparently have the mind of an underage person too.
I don't have anything against finding younger chicks hot but one just can't deny that at that age, you can't make proper thought-out life decisions, especially since many adult males would want to exploit the trust of younger girls

thats not true

kys op you just want to manipulate little girls because youre to much of a beta to attract women with experience.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

well i am pretty sure all 14 year olds are stupid.

Here in Sweden it's 10.


>China, niggerland, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil
>Implying any of those countries aren't absolute garbage-tier

Every year past puberty increases cancer risk to offspring.
Here let Hank explain it to you

Pretty sure women of any age are stupid

ost of us are atheists so

Well, at least their kids seem to be able to make important decisions much earlier than most of the USfags.

oh shit. god damn

Over here in the UK it's 16.

No, it's not. See

If sex with anybody over 13 was illegal, cancer would cease to exist in 45 years.
You're welcome.

So the rest of the world I guess is just the United Empire of Earth

but what if your late bloomer

there should be NO age of consent, just good education, judges and laws. Build the society over love, not prohibition.

It's pretty obvious that 14 yo are more intelligent than 18 yo.

Here on Mars it's 1 day old.


16 is correct

because it should be lowered to 12 instead


but it's already 14 in italy, germany, and a dozen other places

Every year past puberty you wait to have sex doubles the cancer risk to your future child.
Cancer doesn't give a shit when you bloom.

Everyone should be able to give consent the moment they hit puberty. It's up to society to teach their children to not give consent to just anyone. Higher AoCs just mean parents are uncomfortable talking about dirty dirty stuff to their children.

What about people who mature early now?
Shouldn't they be allowed to choose their own lover before 16?

What cult are you trying to start.

Every organization, be it religion, fraternity or abstinence club is about fucking as many girls as you can. The sicker ones want the younger ones...which typically mean a religion.

>There is absolutely no reason why the age of consent shouldn't be lowered to 14. Prove me wrong

highschool graduation rates + teen pregnancy

I grew up in the 80's in a large rust belt town, and almost all, and I mean like 80%, of all the 14 year old girls were running around wreckin' shop like your average 22 year old college whore. It was just the norm, and they all grew up into perfectly fine and well adjusted adults. America needs to get over this puritanical infantalization of teenage girls. They're more mature than you think.


>teen pregnancy
... yeah, rampant in germany or italy...
educate children. condoms should not be taken orally (and all those head-desk stupid stories)

Nobody has to be a late bloomer.
Consuming fluoride in tap water causes precocious puberty through pineal calcification.
If you want to hit puberty earlier, fortify your diet with a dab of toothpaste once or twice a week!

no i am just more... pragmatic. Nothing to do with cults or anything "dark" young friend, as you grow older you will see good in evil, and otherwise sometimes evil in something that is clean and good.

A good example might be weapons, the solution is not to Prohibit weapons, is the person that uses the weapon who should be thought to be smarter.

There is NOTHING wrong with being in love with a young girl. Is society that makes it wrong, and for example, i would never do it because we are social beings, and when you do something like that you break the "normal development" of a person...which is not good... you are grabbing a 12 year old and using it as a sexual object... that person wont grow normally. That is why is a crime, not because there is something "wrong".

is 100% natural to fell things, even sexual things for minors. Even those that fell sexual needs for babies. All of that is written in your genes, in your brain, older as your species.

The problem is we live in a society and there are rules... that is why i said education should be the norm, not prohibition. That is the only organization i am talking about, a better and more smart and natural society.


>ITT: people confusing the need to actually *recieve* consent with the ability to fuck everything that moves.

Need to increase at earlier ages.
If you want cancer-free grandchildren then adopt a kid from the youngest couple possible.

If you wanna look at it more objectively, the only two logical right answers are as different as day and night:

A.: Make the age of consent on a per-person basis by making someone legal to fuck when they begin puberty. This is because puberty is literally when the body becomes equipped to have sex for its intended purpose of bearing a child. This is the most objective marker because it's a definitive biological stage for the express purpose of being able to having sex. However, this is how it's done in Middle Eastern mudslime countries and they're not really known for making good decisions, so there's that.


B. Make the age of consent at 25, which is about when the brain fully develops in most people. The whole rationale for age of consent is that it's supposed to mark when a person should be mature enough to handle having sex. Thing is, your brain doesn't develop until at least 25, and some sources say even as late as early-30s. 16, 18 or even 21 is still immature as fuck.

So pick your poison. 16/18 is ultimately arbitrary.

Children need to learn about the the business side of life. They need to learn how life works, how it functions and how not to fucked over by it. They need to lean how to live.

The pleasure side of life should always come second. That's why they're children. All children want is pleasure whether it's from eating, playing, or when they learn about it, fucking.

If children where to delve into, of be led towards understanding sex, before they learn about what actually matters in life, they'd fuck themselves into comas.

It's not a question of "puberty literally means you're supposed to have sex." It can't be. It's only a question of if a human being is able to physically and mentally comprehend.

And the occasion where a child might be presented with something and they just happily accept it without question doesn't count as "comprehension." That just means they're a child. Not an adult.

Want to fuck over society's future more than #CutForBieber or eating Tide pods? Teach children about pleasure before you teach them business.

It's like socialism; Give people free income and free means to housing and sustenance (dopamine.)

Take away their need to do fucking anything and leave everything to be ran by the government (nucleus accumbens portion of the brain.)

Let kids fuck and we all turn into fucking Canadians.


Humans should all die, bees are the purest forms of life, they actually create honey, something so sweet, and they don't seek out destruction or want to inflict pain

>makes assertion
>no argument
>"prove me wrong"

prove what wrong? you didn't argue anything

This girl is Fucking AWESOME

Consider speed limits. The slower one drives the less likely it is to have an accident. And still, there isn't a general limit to walking speed everywhere.


There shouldn't be any age of consent. Children should be tested for maturity with a series of psychological tests given annually every year in school. Those who pass would be sex-certifed and considered adults. Some kids might get it at 10 or below, some would still be see as children their whole lives.

True this user said it.

Religion makes us think there is something "wrong" about sexual or love driven fellings towards young people. That is natural Biologically speaking.

But as you grow as user says, you separate yourself from being an animal. We live in a society after all and we must embrace it or deal with the consequences off being an outlaw which are weirdly ever better compared to actually living a normal and civil life and accepting the norms.

leave children's be children's...but lets try to move to a society where humans can interact with not so many wall written by religious or dogmatic people that really don't apply to post-modern life.

Dogmatic people where used in middle ages to control society, now we have something called SCIENCE and logic, we must PURGE our society from all ethical and moral dilemmas we get for granted.

Its not up to you or me so debating you is pointless. Sorry you can't get laid with real women OP

i mean - people need to be able to live right?

But yeah, kids fucking is bad for society. that much makes sence and hopefully we can agree on that

Spreading cancer is better than letting children experience pleasure because they have low comprehension?

Cancer is bad for society.
I hope we can agree on that.
Kids fucking cures cancer.
How is curing cancer bad for society?

glad to see people are actually starting to get it in this thread

thread is prime for a few fbi vans to visit

murder yourself faggot

If there is absolutely no chance of pregnancy I really don't care, but kids aren't stable enough to raise a child that will be fit for society.


Let me ask you this.

Where is the legion of women asking for the age of consent to be lowered to 12 or 14? Fuck legion, how about a group of women wishing they could of given consent to older men when they were that age.

Chomping at the bit to be legally pursued by hordes of middle aged men. , "im 12 and a half and this 32 year old is smiling at me in the mall, all i wanted was his dick, and yet these corrupt laws are protecting him from my untouched vagina"

Because they are already being unlawfully targeted and only men want the age to be lowered.

why not neuter people at the age of 14

step for new world
1.kill all nigger ,poonigger included
2.all left non-white need population control
3.more whites more beauty more intelligence
4.better world

Just as effective.

that map is not accurate in the slightest

i dont blame young people... they see money they see god, they see sex they see life. In reality no human would survive long enough being "young and edgy"... that is why we have children's and LOVE working for them.

i still respect and understand pedophiles... the social sickness and stigma they suffer. I believe law has to be stronger against them... but at the same time having 2 young daughters i understand those poor people... imagine being a 100% REAL pedophile...being subjected and "jailed" in your body to things you can never fell,

Society confuses young people... for anyone reading this, if you fell sexual drive over a younger person is OK, is natural. Just before you move a piece remember, society is a combination of people not just you.. maturing is so hard for some.

This is an age of consent thread not a mandatory sterilization thread

Very stable genius? Is that you?

well there you have your reason for the shit being illegal then

I find it amusing to read all the retards in this thread talking about how they'd want the shit to be legal but if it was legal, you dimwits would be the first ones crying about how your daughters were being fucked by some 40 year olds

If you are social and not pathetic enough to look for decent women then you won't feel the need to fuck semi-retarded underage girls

Sure. I cited a source. Where is yours?


argentina age of consent is 13 and philipines 12
so your source sucks

there is no legion, what do you mean?

The only thing i am saying is that is "natural", is in our evolutionary path, in our genes, in our brains.

Society needs to be this way to protect children's, and to protect society itself. And i agree with age of consent being around 18... there is something call "tradition" and that shit is important.

But that is ALL that is... a legal tradition. Has nothing to do with what biology states.

Girls can get pregnant at 12, some even younger. Since the beginning of time girls have been raped and molested in caves, castles since very young... i am not saying is "ok" i am just saying is part of nature, a nature we are actually TRYING TO FIGHT.

But at the same time if one single case of a 30 year old man in love with a 14 year old girl is genuine, then society should allow it. How do we tell what "genuine is?" we cant know if we keep enforcing our selfs in what a "we believe is right blindly".

We must evolve that is just what i am saying...

I understand your point of view about "law being created to fulfill community parameters" but in reality there are some holes in the law for things that are personal. Love is like that also, you simply fell it... why you should prohibit a man to marry a rock if he sees fit for instance?


That should be very easy to prove then, right?

omg thanks you safe my life jajajajaj


i am already sterile it happen when i had a cancer. true story bro