Anyone feel like he has dropped most of his principles to cater to the Sup Forums crowd and make more $$$?
Is molyneux a sellout?
Such as?
yea this is painstakingly obvious
pretty much all of his early followers have jumped ship
he's basically stuck with the Sup Forums autists now and if trump loses his entire channel is fucked
>to cater to the Sup Forums crowd
The stakes are too high now. He must do what he can to save our civilization. No more talk of libertarian ideals, we need white nationalism.
I'm considering jumping ship. Tired of all the Trump videos.
who gives a shit he has interesting interviews.
I'm listening right now to his interview with this criminologist who's researching genetic impacts on predisposition to crime
not many people produce content like this
no, he's a salesman
Steven mullenix?
What, in Bulgaria? Because Canada and the US aren't exactly white.
The only good videos are the interviews. The call ins with autistic cuckolds make me want to shoot myself.
you fucking seen his latest shit? the cringiest, most forced tripe he's ever made
he's modified his format to cater to Sup Forumsacks who want to share digestible videos on kikebook and shwitter
>Anyone feel like he has dropped most of his principles to cater to the Sup Forums crowd and make more $$$?
He never had principles. He's just an entertainer pretending to be a """""philosopher""""
Traitor. You will be the first to the gas chamber.
What? How is he catering to fucking Sup Forums? Sup Forums is full of stormfags that think sneezing the wrong way is degenerate, and that kikes need to be gassed. Meanwhile, Stefan is advocating against immigration. Kind of a big fucking distance there I'd say.
He had no ground to stand on pre Sup Forums anyway. Peaceful parenting is worthless and raises shit kids, pub has been proven nonsense on several occasions, anarcho capitalism might as well be a vision of a world where we had superpowers as it is a complete fantasy. He's just an old man with not much money desperately trying to raise money for treatment when his leukaemia comes back.
If his audience demands him to praise hitler, he will do it. Give it time.
t. Retard
Or maybe he just came to the same conclusions as us.
Yes of course goyim, don't listen to that stupid goy. He's totally a sell out and a short penis manlet.
You guys can't even be happy when someone agrees with you. He's the guy who redpilled me on the race and IQ stuff.
And can you really call someone a sellout if they didn't change their views?
How can this man argue against immigration when he is an anarchist that wants no border enforcement from the government?
you didn't see his channel before
sometime last year every single one of his podcasts was basically about "HOW BOUT THEM NIGGERS AND MUH IQ"
it got to an obsessive level
Honestly I think he's just getting more and more desperate, enough to set aside the REEEE GOVERNMENT GET OUT sentimentality as a long term goal, trying to think up a way that could still save shit he cares for and make his longer term shit of peaceful parenting still a feasibility.
That and obviously he sees Trump as a potential saviour, someone who combines semi-independence, being an entrepreneur and the actual power of governments. He's becoming less of a self-acclaimed figurehead for his own irrelevant corner of the internet and is starting to do useful shit for a larger movement, so that later on his corner remains secure.
That and I haven't actually seen him distance himself from any one of his actual core beliefs (non-aggression principle, universally preferable behaviour), he even points to Trump as product of peaceful parenting.
>Sup Forums crowd
>make money
Pick one.
People are just freaking out because he released a video that was most of his usual rants but done in a more sarcastic and joking tone with lots of jump cuts, rather than the usual straight-faced monotone lecturing. Because when you're being intelligent you're not allowed to have fun or try to be entertaining.
This vid right here:
He focuses way too much on IQ and race there still needs to be more research to determine how true it is
Yeah, the new, short videos tend to be shit.
He needs to do more of the 'Truth About' series, that's pretty much the best content of his channel. If someone can't sit through a 40 something minute video full of basic but interesting data if they are invested in the topic enough to talk about it, they are hardly worth talking to anyway.
Part of the reason immigration is an issue is because of the welfare state. If there's no government, there's no tax system to burden, and they won't destroy the economy. There's also less incentive to move in the first place without a welfare system.
>People are just freaking out because he released a video that was most of his usual rants but done in a more sarcastic and joking tone with lots of jump cuts, rather than the usual straight-faced monotone lecturing. Because when you're being intelligent you're not allowed to have fun or try to be entertaining.
No, that's not why. He was never intelligent.
This. He red pilled himself
he could drop an oil pan n 35 seconds flat.
based Stefo
no, it really has very little to do with the welfare state
what it's actually about is whites losing jobs in a globalized economy due to them being inferior to mexicans and chinese
Even if there were no welfare state I and many others would move to the states, get citizenship (while working) and vote for a bigger government. I admit that even I would do this.
No, I think he sees the legitimate dangers the white Western world is facing, and that at this point we must deal with what is pragmatic than stupidly stick to ideological principles while hoping for the best.
>lost his fanbase
Who is that? Randian Objectivists, who would happily trade culture, language, and quality of life with the third world if it meant an increase in the bottom line of Shekelstein and a higher GDP?
I like that Stefan changed. And I like that he can be philosophically libertarian/anarchist/whatever you want to call it, yet see the application of contrary ideas when they may simply be necessary considering the circumstances.
because he understands how real life works and that the current reality is not the same as the ideal
You think that because he's changing the way he gets his message across.
He's been using YouTube autist attracting minecraft tier thumbnails for his videos for a while now, so it's no surprise that he's trying to release videos that will appeal to the most amount of people while maintaining the original message of his typical 60+ minute videos.
You guys gotta understand, the average person doesn't have the patience or interest to listen to some bald guy give his opinion of something for an hour straight. Most people are limited to headlines and a few minutes of skimming through paragraphs or 3-5 minute videos with lots of movement in them to keep their attention.
Oh yeah, totally bro. Totally. His audience consists entirely of people from Sup Forums. Yes.
I 100% disagree. His 40+ minute videos are garbage that end up in vulgar metaphors and the same TAXATION IS THEFT monologue that has been circulating the internet since Ron Paul.
One of his new 10 minute ones, I forget the name, was probably one of his best videos. Minus the half hour pauses he includes to try and add effect.
Reading through this thread reminds me of why Sup Forums is a miserable, contrarian shit-hole.
There was a great moment there (circa 2012-2013) when Sup Forums was creating a coherent, principles-based refutation of shitlibbery. And now that this reaction is gaining steam (and influencing people like Molyneux), Sup Forums will go back to its impotent stance of counter-signaling every political movement with momentum.
I fully expect Sup Forums to be anarcho-communists/syndicalists by 2017. All that's left, it seems, are killjoys and cancerous edgelords who only took up nationalism in the first place to make daddy mad and fight the "normies".
I'm already bracing myself for the "revisiting Mao" and "It's Time to Revisit Feminism" threads that will surely greet us when mainstream society returns to sanity and stops cucking.
Molyneux is pretty based. He's getting lots of important ideas (race and IQ, sex differences, existential threats to western civ) out into the ether.
Not an argument
I hate how he thinks all single mothers are bad.
yea way to prove me wrong by acting like pol caricatures
pretty much his stuff in unwatchable now. i give it maybe a year before he disavows all his previous work on anarcho crapitalism or whatever the fuck
dude's sold out completely to hop on a populist bandwagon when he has like a hundred podcasts calling ppl who vote idiots and explicitly expressing that ppl w low iq should not be allowed to vote lol
i was listening to his stuff for years before the trump bullshit
Except he never says this. More leaf shitposting.
i mean they are bad in that having a complete family is better
Yea this is a big problem too. If you're an anarchist who believes the government is force, then preventing people from coming in and voting to expand the government is just self defense.
I want to see Moly speak with Shappy.
I do agree on the dislike for the over-use of metaphors, but that is style, not substance. And tying in a fair amount of interesting, typically sourced stuff into a general framework is fairly effective if you want to create stuff that fits together, be it South Africa going to shit or the liberal carnage of Europe.
What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?
Is he red pilled?
Do you SERIOUSLY not get why he made the video that way?
Single mother detected
Do you not understand that the entire political discourse is changing? Is that completely alien to you, when we live in a time of massive demographic shifts?
For fuck's sake, this isn't exactly rocket science. People do change to new information. There's nothing inherently wrong with that.
>cater to the Sup Forums crowd
>to make more $$$
Do you even think before you post? Why would a retard like yourself even watch Molyneux in the first place?
you're late bro
the Sup Forums crowd is less than 5000 people
Does he have his own line of Molymeme snake oil products yet?
he isn't changing to new information, you disgusting faggot. he is changing to capitalize on a populist wave and selling out every single one of his previously held beliefs in the process
That would be interesting. People want to see Milo enrage Benji, which might make for a fun watch but if you wanted to put together a kind of serious pro- v anti-Trump discussion those two would be a pretty good duo to make it happen.
Shame Stefan is a bit weird about not doing other shows and the like. I think Crowder wanted to discuss Trump v Cruz with him a few months ago, but nothing came of it because of that.
You have the resources to cite with videos every single view he's changed on. Until then? Not an argument.
"Sup Forums is full of stormfags that think sneezing the wrong way is degenerate,"
Holy shit my sides
How is an anarchist pro trump? He just hides behind the anarchist label to be some kind of philosophical purest but he probably doesn't believe that bullshit anymore himself
I think he just slowly realized how close the west is to committing cultural suicide via immigration and socialism and that the destruction of his people and culture scare him.
You're full of shit.
Molyneux has never really changed his goals (dissolving the state, general AnCap utopian stuff). He got red-pilled (like we all did) on race and gender, and he realized that you can't reach AnCapistan with mass immigration and feminism.
If you don't know what you're talking about and you're just going to wildly shitpost, then please refrain. At least attack the man for a real reason, and not some conspiratorial nonsense you've built up in your head.
Your posts are cancer.
This isn't Stormfront. This is pol.
nice thanks for admitting defeat
let me just pop these fat brown nuts in your mouth now
there we go
fuck off faggot
These are his principles in action. A person consents to watching his videos, enjoys his videos, wants more videos, then donates money. Enough people did this that it became economically feasible to cater to that crowd alone. If you disagree with him, you can unsub or just not watch the videos, because you aren't being forced to watch them.
He's occasionally based and was one of the better contributors on PJTV.
Trying to re-create Trifecta on his own channel with Scott Ott and Whatshisname the Third Guy is probably doomed to fail, but it does let them talk of the election process while it lasts, at least.
Literally every time a person who spouts Sup Forums-like views gets even semi-famous, Sup Forums turns on them and calls them a shill.
read my previous posts. no use reiterating what i've already stated
keep worshiping the idiot tho just bc he says things you like to hear
israeli shill
I doubt you have read a single book about the subject to determine whether or not you actually agree with it, otherwise you would realize how huge an aspect it is in determining economic success, which strongly correlates with his stance on immigration.
Jesus Christ now your just trolling you stupid fucking leaf
It's not just Sup Forums, it's Sup Forums as a whole. Everytime some user gets a little bit of fame they give a massive shout out full of faggotry. It's goddamn annoying.
if the entire world were populated solely by monocultural monolingual northwestern europeans libertarians/anarcho-capitalism would actually have a convincing case. But it's not.
And Stefan realized that.
That's why it will remain its own worst enemy, user. It's all theoretical to a large percentage of shitty Sup Forums posters who use it as a LARPing outlet.
They never do what successful political communities do: support their own and defend them against attackers.
Sup Forums could become a noble defender of nationalism and anti-leftist personalities, but it won't. There are too many lone wolves who actually get off on their own impotence and alienation.
I will enjoy watching the basement-dwelling Sup Forums contingent fall away from white identitarianism when if it starts to gain serious traction. It will prove, once and for all, that it was never about principles for them... Just juvenile trolling and basking in being "misunderstood".
We will lose nothing of value when they all become Maoists and MtF trannies to stick it to the normie nationalists.
Get the fuck off Sup Forums and go troll snapchat or Omegle or something. Jesus Fucking Christ, you are absolute cancer.
Molyneux knows the importance of striking while the iron is hot -- he realizes what a critical time this current year is, and is changing his channel so that he can both lure in and convert as many people as possible to the side of logic and empiricism, so that they will vote nationalist rather than globalist
Holy fuck what is this autism?
you finally figured it out? he couldn't get people to donate more than 1$, so he decided to start making topical videos for views. these days you wont here anything about state putting gun to his head
Wait wut
Someone in the media advocates globalism:
"These fucking Marxist faggots and their fucking degeneracy. We've gotta gas these kikes for threatening national sovereignty!"
Someone in the media advocates nationalism:
"Who does this fucking shill think he is making a living advocating nationalism on a huge platform like this? Let's do our best to sabotage him!"
You guys are fucking losers and you enjoy being losers.
I've already unsubscribed from this man. Used to be a big fan.
>"Who does this fucking shill think he is making a living advocating nationalism on a huge platform like this? Let's do our best to sabotage him!"
Who are you quoting?
Nice job guy, you're voting in line with niggers and women; aka groups with the combined cognitive ability of an unripe grapefruit.
I don't think he's trolling, but being honest that if we had a freer market place with limited government, he'd be part of the wave to increase it so long as its democratic.
I'm white, but when my brand of European peoples came they most likely perverted the nation and helped contribute to an overall growth in size of government.
He hasn't sold out. He's just reevaluated his ideas with the NAP in mind and has shifted to the right. He is still an Ancap.
They make him want to shoot himself as well.
I'm pretty sure he knows a lot of his followers enjoy seeing the burning of Rome in his eyes everytime he does a phone interview
I think these fickle nationalists only exist in your head. The "Sup Forums" you're referring to are probably the libertarians and leftists and not a group of miscreant NatSocs who were just pretending. I think a lot of the ardent WNs moved to wheel chair when the b8 threads and shills became to much to wade through. Regardless, Sup Forums is not a good place to form a coherent narrative, although I do agree that Sup Forums used to be better at it before the exodus.
White nationalism and nationalism in general is stupid. All western countries are multicultural even the US. Unless you consider nationalism being proud of diversity there is no real point in glorifying it anymore. Peole are people.
It's natural libertarian progression.
I think most polacks would be happy living in a nice white libertarian country, the leftists/groids/spics will never allow that though.
Holy Moly is wholly ridiculous:
... he has a problem with modern physics. "Physicists kind of piss me off, 'cause they've always got their fucking pale hands in my goddamn wallet, and stealing from my child's future, indebting her." "You know, go be a fucking engineer, you lazy, pasty bastards. Go do something useful that people wanna buy."[64] The irony here is that a lot of modern engineering (cough electricity cough), would not be possible if it weren't for physics, but the assumption is natural given that Stefan has absolutely no understanding of it. What's more, he now claims his mind transcends physics.[65] It isn't too much of a jump for Molyneux, perhaps the most narcissistic of Libertarian Übermenschen, to go from believing himself being on top of the pile of mankind, to being a separate, inherently superior being to everyone else.
Stormfags was a /new/ thing you fucking idiot. Sup Forums is filled with alt right edgelord traditionalists, /new/ tier stormfags, libertarians NEETs and neo con apologists along with a bunch of other shit like AnCaps, NatSocs and just pure Nationalists.
modern Sup Forums is the most diverse collection of right wing political opinions you'll ever see on a single site.
Well, Rothbard was always the kinda guy of libertarianism could only work under special circumstances. But so long as there was a welfare state, he was himself closer to paleoconservativism, and certainly not in favor of mass immigration.
Fact is, a free market won't thrive letting in droves of foreigners, especially with a welfare state. If they can't even be arsed to entertain Republicans, what chance is libertarianism going to have.
What about the Marxists, anarcho-communists, syndicalists, agorists and Buddhist pacifists?
Libertarianism would last for a flat ten seconds if the borders were opened up. Think of all the Mexicans that would flood in to work. Then they would just vote democrat.
Nope. He never sold out. Leftism was always empirically retarded. He's stated this numerous times, that there is short term strategy and long term change. Anarcho-capitalism is a long term strategy, and he knows in the short term, we need to secure our border if there's a chance in hell of that happening.