Let's have an honest discussion

He made the decision to flirt with the Alt-Right. No one forced him.

He might love Bernie but he revealed himself as another Suburban white boy with the same old really problematic views about "radical feminists and SJWs".

I'm sorry but he can forget his dream of ever being taken seriously in the industry. He's done.

How did he flirt with the alt-right?

Fuck off, Fader shill
You will not disparage /our/ meme reviewing music nerd. He outright condemns the alt-right and is actually a very left-leaning guy. Him having Sam Hyde in his podcast is not "flirting with the alt-right" neither is having pepe memes on his FUCKING MEME CHANNEL

who fucking cares faggot, music is all that matters

>flirt with the Alt-Right
fucking Christ, american genocide when?

Why do white people ruin everything, Sup Forums?

>be a liberal
>be a huge rap fan
> never said/done anything racist
>gives an interview to someone with a different political opinion
>labeled a Nazi

Ezras Jewish though and Jews dont consider them white, thats why its called antisemitic and not antiwhite

He's a public figure (the self-proclaimed "most famous music critic in the world") and made the conscious decision to make absurdist videos about decidedly non-politically correct memes including Pepe the Frog and other such cultural ephemera, some of which has been co-opted by the alt-right. He has quoted jokes and memes that use the N-word. All of that is absolutely undeniable fact.

I for one am not offended by the meme reviews and I understand the humour behind them, but he took risks that would not be acceptable if they were taken by almost any other public figure. I have to agree with the OP—he will never be truly taken seriously within the music industry as a result of his actions.

>same old really problematic views about "radical feminists and SJWs".

I can't tell if this is bait. Is this bait?

He is literally a one man Pitchfork, he has major clout in music circles. He can and does make and break careers in 7-10 minute videos.

Yes he has influence, just because he isn't respected by other more irrelevant music journos doesn't mean he is influential.

i feel you bro

Will this p4k drone butthurt ever end? It is shame that scaruffi quite reviewing music, he BTFO poseur avant-teens way better than anthony ever did.

>he has major clout in music circles
>he can and does...break careers in 7-10 minute videos
Sources needed on both of these.
I will agree with you that a handful of new artists have had significant career bumps as a result of his videos but no artist's career has ever been "broken" because of the same.

>flirt with
I love this slippery slope.

why are you so racist against my people D':

Stop being a faggot.

Fantano's meme channel was great and his music reviews aren't too bad either. His mistake is acquiescing to all these pussies who have a twisted desire to be offended by everything.

I couldn't give a fuck less about Fantano but this Fader shit is absurd.

>he took risks that would not be acceptable if they were taken by almost any other public figure

the problem is we have a culture of people who think it's ok for someone to lose their job/income for telling jokes

>making a fantano thread
>thinking about fantano
>saving images of fantano
>watching fantano

Chester bennington committed suicide after that NOT GOOD

And even with respect to the claim that careers have been "made" because of his videos, there's no evidence to suggest that any artist who Fantano "discovered" has achieved any returns in terms of mainstream success, sales, etc. as a direct result of his influence.

Go to bed Melon. Stop coming on Sup Forums to defend yourself.

Seriously, it's fucking ridiculous. People are shitting themselves because he had someone who he didn't agree with on his podcast. Literally the point of a podcast.

Literally isn't true. People only watch his videos because he's goofy. He's not that important.

Good luck with the HRT.

I'm leaning towards bait

which podcast?

these are the times we're living in

For real my dude

>the problem is we have a culture of people who think it's ok for someone to lose their job/income for telling jokes

they just dont understand. They've never had that much to lose


wtf i love fantano now

I made the decision to flirt with your mom. No one forced me.


you really think a 40 year old multiplatinum artist bothered to watch fantano vids?