Dick Survey

Dick Survey

-What style are you?
-What style do you wish you were (or uncut)?
-Age when cut?
-Any interest in restoring?

-What foreskin coverage number are you soft/hard?
-Happy with being uncut, or thought about getting cut?

Other urls found in this thread:


>-What style are you?
>-What style do you wish you were (or uncut)?
Happy with this
>-Age when cut?
>-Any interest in restoring?

Samefag. Nobody wants part of their dick cut off.

High and loose
Not restoring

hell if i know what other people want

High and tight
Fucked up because they cut a vein in my dick so my dick curves and shit.

Not restoring

>-What style are you?
Somewhere between "normal circumcision" and "high and tight".

>-What style do you wish you were (or uncut)?
Happy with current penis

>-Age when cut?

>-Any interest in restoring?
Absolutely none. If it grew back I'd go get it removed again. Don't miss having foreskin at all, much more problematic.

CI-9 soft, CI-4 hard
why would I want to cut my foreskin, that seems retarded.

Why do people cut their dick at so old?

Low and tight?
Dunno, probably uncut because then you get to pick more easily I guess

foreskin didn't work out for us so we get it removed.


Muslims cut their dicks too

why'd you get it done?

-What foreskin coverage number are you soft/hard?
Nope love having skin covering the glands feels great. As i pull my skin back i get a sharp orgasmic feel. cut dont know what they are missing.

>that feel

>What foreskin coverage number are you soft/hard?
CI-7 soft, CI-3 hard
>Happy with being uncut, or thought about getting cut?
Very happy, no plans to get cut. Wife loves playing with it.

>When soft CI 8/9
>When hard CI 9
>No issues, feel bad for a lot of cutfags tbh, especially the ones that feel bad about it

-What style are you?
-What style do you wish you were (or uncut)?
prefer not being mutilated, but w/e. definitely won't get my sons circumcised.
-Age when cut?
-Any interest in restoring?
nah, not really

Medical reasons were that it would tear during masturbation / sex, I got UTIs on occasion.

I also on a personal basis thought I'd prefer having a circumcised penis, and I was right. I was really worried about having a "scarred, desensitized penis" but I was pleasantly surprised after recovery. I enjoy the "tight skin" sensation more, feels great.

No complaints with my circ at all. Getting wisdom teeth out hurt worse, though healing time was shorter.

got any pics of the result?

>Don't miss having foreskin at all, much more problematic.
You wouldn't miss your brain either. Getting it removed as well would make things even less problematic for you.

give me a sec

it's funny how people say they're all pro-choice and you can do it as you're older or whatever but when it comes down to it they cry about it cause they're insecure.

why do you care what i'm happier with? it worked out for me better.

>why do you care what i'm happier with? it worked out for me better.
I don't care whether you are happy at all. I just call people retards when they voluntarily cut off perfectly healthy parts of their body. It's nothing personal, just a fact.

had it at 15 cause mine was too tight. agree, i was worried but happy with how it turned out

it's not a healthy part if you cut part off and experience benefits.

nature isn't always perfect. people chop off parts of plants to improve their growth.

cool, thx

Pic pls


>people chop off parts of plants to improve their growth.
ok, now I understand what benefits you were hoping to experience.

>experience benefits
Cultural benefits, or natural benefits.

>TFW another dumb motherfucker thinks he can outdesign billions of years of evolution

Uncut, will remain so.

CI 8 for both, would never cut

Uncut CI-10
Happy being uncut, would never cut.

high and tight
fine with it
birth (non jewish tho)
not really, although the scar tissue gets inflamed alot.

>Nature can do no wrong
>Buying into this fallacy meme


around CI-6 or CI-7
Fuck no I would put a knife to my dick wtf

Wait, weren't you built by nature? And you are wrong. So yeah, nature can be wrong!

>The building can not have any wrongs
>There was nothing man-made involved in the development

People who buying into the naturalistic fallacy are illogical morons. You're implying just because something natural it's good and just because something is unnatural it's bad

Dude your foreskin is there to protect your sensitive as fuck head.

I mean, do you even know why circumcision was pushed in America?So boys lose some feeling down there.

The kicker?People are still doing it not because of the "health benefits" but everyone else is doing it.Its like Americas longest social experiment or something.


Thought about being cut but realized it's better to masturbate with foreskin (no lube needed), girls I dated actually said it felt better, and for blow jobs I just pull the skin all the way down. Being uncut actually makes it more sensitive with blow jobs. Also, sharp objects (except for hair trimmers) are not going anywhere near my dick.

Unnatural can be amazing, mutilating your body is retarded though.

Isn't funny to know that you also wouldn't have your pinky toes anymore if you had gown up subjected to pinky toe removal propaganda as well?

It's not your fault, you are just dumb. It's natures fault for not making you smarter.

Completely happy

Happy, wouldnt consider getting cut because i love bjs too much

>Happy, would never think of getting cut unless a medical condition required it.

Uncut cause I'm not a jew
Anteater when flaccid, regular when hard

Uncut here, when I get hard my it looks like I'm perfectly cut.

Only idiots use the word mutilation. It's a beneficial body modification.

I'm debating about getting cut. On one hand, cut dicks look better and feel better sucking, but uncut feels better when fucking. I'm also afraid of losing feeling and what partners of either gender like.

Looks delish user

You just used the word yourself, Ha Ha

Transforming yourself from alive to dead might be the most beneficial body modifications in your case.

is it tight at all? how much skin do you have?