Anyone who swears regularly (once every few sentences) is a degenerate and can never be taken seriously.
Swearing is the ultimate way of showing that you can't talk intelligently.
Anyone who swears regularly (once every few sentences) is a degenerate and can never be taken seriously
fuck off m8
Fuck off you dumb faggot.
fuck off you gay boi
*speak intelligently
You're still a faggot.
Stupid fucking nigger cock ass faggot face.
Eat a bag of dicks you ginormous cum swallowing fuck
soft cunt
fuck outta here
Yeahno, eat shit faggot.
Lemme jam my cock down your cuck throat white boy
Fuck you nigger
>pretending like you discovered the class structure
how old are you m8?
>you can't talk intelligently
You don't understand, user.
Words like fuck and shit have all these connotations, and studies show the act of cursing has a physical impact on most people, so they can reach people way better than most words.
A well placed "fucking" or "...and shit" or whatever can actually make you sound way more convincing.
An effective communicator will use words like fuck and shit to convey certain emotions that can be difficult to arouse otherwise.
Take our God Emperor as an example.
"We can't get a fucking school built in Brooklyn" properly conveys the tense emotions surrounding the issue while also making him seem down to Earth and with the people because it's sort of what you'd expect a New York Brooklyn resident to say.
not a leaf, wow
impresive OP, im sure Trudeau would gladly give you citizenship
I never said there is anything wrong with occasional swearing to emphasize a point.
Cursing casually takes all the power out of the word. I keep a few words out of my normal conversation, then when I am actually pissed or excited I use it and it just seems that much more powerful.
fuck you nigger
Up your ass with broken glass, leatherman.
I really like Zimmerman's story.
He was a drug addict, homeless degenerate, then found God and completely turned his life around.
Now he has several hit TV shows where he literally gets paid to just go on vacation eating good food.
Pretty cool.
This is actually true. I used to swear frequently but stopped once I thought about it.
>can't talk intelligently
the real redpill is that Sup Forums and internet anonymity has degenerated proper language and are corrosive influences on society. Memes and swears are the same shit. Sup Forums has done huge damage by making "ironic" niggerspeak common among middle and upper class whites
Eat shit, fucking cunt.
I'll do what I want.
>tfw lived in chicago for 6 years where the customary greeting is Waddup nigga or what's good
>say goddamn all the time
>move to florida
>people are taken aback by my strange slang
>see people literally cringe when i say goddamn
>two complete strangers lectured me not to use God's name in vain
This place is alright.
Suck a dick and fuck off to hell
swear words are just glorified filler words anyways
honestly who cares
fuck off poofta
Bitch nigger faggot nigger
You've never seen the documentary "Fuck" haven't you?
Kind of funny that Donald Trump doesn't swear, drink, or smoke. Sup Forums should take a lesson from their king.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
hey rabbi whatcha slidin?
Thank you Mrs Lovejoy
I'm gonna have to agree with you. There's a time and a place for them but when you start using either fuck or shit to describe everything, you sound like a power retard.
He seems like a pretty great guy tbqh
I predict that "fucking' as an adverb will go out of style and become associated with impotent (liberal) outrage.Those who constantly do it on this board will pretend that they never did it.
"I don't fucking care"
"You're a fucking white male"
The -ing sound will be especially ridiculed.
cKkpW1Jb is a yuge loser. I don't even know him, I never met the guy, I tell you I haven't even met him ever. I don't even know his real name, I've got the best names. No one likes this guy. He doesn't matter. I can promise you this, we're gonna stop this user from sucking all the dicks to make Sup Forums great again!
Fuck up ya poofter cunt
Trump swears. He doesn't drink or smoke though.
He did do coke when he was younger
>the fuck is wrong with that guys pla-
awww words hurt your fee fees?
Piss off. Swearing is just a part of our vocabulary.
Fuck you op. Fuck you right in your faggot ass with an AIDS riddled cock!
Go back to California.
>talk intelligently
So hard to not take the bait on this one.
not an argument, bitchnigger
Shut the heck up you darn dummy
Not the foul language is the giveaway but the inability to control it. Proof: every interview with a negro off the streets.
About swearing, I have this theory that I would like to share with you:
I believe that ex-pats are prone to swear more often in their mother language while being outseas than in their home countries.
Swearing turns into a custom that keeps you close to your roots and lets you identify yourself with fellow ex-pats. You are now part of a "secret club" where bad words (in your language) don't have the same negative connotation that you were taught back home, so you feel a certain freedom to use them without the fear of really insulting the inlanders (that don't speak your language) Of course, education and the morals your parents taught you as a kid have a lot to do with this, but the inhibition to swear will increase the more time you live overseas.
Can any expats give me some backup? Do you think you swear more than usual while living outside of your motherland?
There have been studies that show people who curse more are more honest than those that don't
That said I do want to stop cursing so much
I find myself cursing nearly every sentence I make and I fear like it makes me look childish
For some reason I'm much more comfortable cursing via text, I rarely ever curse out loud.
Altogether I still don't do it often.
Here's another fucking (you) you fucking faggot.