John Maus is the Light

John Maus is the Light

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combine is a great song. looking forward what is he going to do next.

he's a bigot. complicit with the alt-right. probably a trump supporter. fuck him


Maus is a beautiful queer socialist youth

leftists need to be gassed with zyklon b

He's a gay communist though

I'm glad he finally took off that stupid mouse helmet.

wtf I love John Maus now

why can't the right make good musi... We've found him guys.

Is he gay?

He sounds like a mix of Joy Division/ New Order and Suicide

I'm avoiding the leak but the singles tell me he's probably about to drop a brick, disappointment of the year.

Anyone that calls John Maus right wing knows nothing about his ideology and are just mad because he's able to work with people outside of his political and philosophical beliefs to make art.

get the fuck out of the us vs them mentality

Found the Russian agent.


John Maus is the alt right

give it a rest ezra

that kitchen witch release has me nervous

it literally sounds like an ariel pink b side. wtf is he thinking?

lol I thought the same thing

>kitchen witch
so that wasnt intentional?

literally a communist you fucking retard

He is on completely different level, the absolute madman.

I think Ariel and John Maus reference each others style a lot on their new albums:

AP "'Time to Die" ~ JM "Time to Die"
AP vocals and phrasing at the beginning of "Acting" remind me of JM's "Don't be a Body"
JM's 'hyper-cadential "Teenage Witch" reminds me of the cadences on AP's "Strange Fires"

fuck alt right, fuck maus
literal nazi sympathizer wtf fuck off with your pseudo philosophical bullshit ramblings

maus is god>test

>implying this isn't just bait in an attempt to convert lefties into the alt-right.

I don't see why you hicks have to lie to try and get your point across.

I can't tell if this shit is ironic or not anymore
