can someone from Sup Forums please explain to me if this is jewish trickery or not?
Can someone from Sup Forums please explain to me if this is jewish trickery or not?
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Simple, critics look at different things than audience members. There are many movies which is the other way around-- most notably I think is Boondock Saints which got like 6% from critics and 91% from fans
No shit.
>It's the Jews' fault that a TV series is rated well
christ you people are walking diabetic memes
A powerful miniseries gets a remake in an era ripe with white guilt and misplaced black supremacy/ white hate and you're surprised it's rated that high?
I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that a good 30%+ of the white people who gave it a positive review made sure to say they gave it such on at least one social media platform.
Well, jews are overrepresented in the film critic sector
They Gave it a good rating to keep the dindus from rioting & complaining.
oi vey, goyim. do you want to be th eone to give it a negative review and have 6 million apes and SJW sending you threats on twatter?
Every movie about niggers will get a perfect critical review. Oh, and oscars now.
Critics are just paid spokespeople.
Every libshit media blog is forced to give it a good review or face the wrath of the dindus.
Add to that, RT's system for TV scores is shit.
>giving anything less than a perfect score when your real name is out there and you will be harassed/terrorized by jews, blacks, and SJW whites if you don't.
people don't even want to work on movies now. The reason you see the rise of "prestige TV" is bc you can't put a White person in a movie now.
It's only going to get worse from here. I promise you, "Race" will win best picture at Oscars next year. the black will win "best actor."
Pretty much this. Remaking something like Roots is a guaranteed success because it's the kind of program that no critic who wants to keep his job in the extremely liberal American film industry would ever dream of saying anything bad about. They literally could have just filmed some dindu eating watermelon and playing pickaninny banjo for twelve hours and it would still be regarded as an absolute masterpiece. I'd be willing to bet half the reviews of it were written before it even aired.
White guilt ridden morons in the liberal media have the perfect excuse to flagellate themselves even worse than usual to show their readers how culturally enriched they are.
99.999% of all "journalists" are libtarded
'sup Rock
I watched some of it. Boy them slave owners were pretty based. One of the slave catchers even took a axe to ol Kunta's foot. Breddy guud gore tbqh.
Scored reviews has been getting abused lately.
Paid "critics" pull down movie scores so much to sabotage opposing studios.
It's jews jewing jews.
The brainwashing is strong and those who worked on the movies are the ones getting punished.
In this case, it's paid "critics" who put content in the spotlight to push an obvious agenda.
Literal jews.
Even Snoop Dogg condemns content about slavery despite being a black man because he's not your typical race-baiting nigger.
just give up on their bullshit ratings
they are the epitome of liberal biased hollywood kikery
historical lies for the blm generation
our negro friends are fully redpilled about the JEWISH MENACE
Redbox has the most based reviewers, senpai. No kikery.
Personally I'd like it if some redpilled filmmaker created a remake of Roots that actually has some historical accuracy. Show Kunta Kinte being captured by a rival black tribe and sold to a Muslim slave trader, who then proceeds to sell him to a slave ship owned and operated by Jewish businessmen.
But really though have you ever heard a black person use the word "were?" I can honestly say I've never heard a black person use the word "were." It's always "was."
For those who don't know, the entire story was also exposed as a complete fraud by Alex Haley in the 1980s, but they seem to have not remembered that.
It's really amazing to see how no one even knows it's a fraud. We're in Soviet times.
This rare flag triggers the Spanish
Well, of course professional critics have to give it a good score lest they get hounded for it later by BLM and other idiots of the sort.
>Give Roots a low score with valid criticism.
>Your real life name appears along with it.
>Leftists bully you on Twitter and Kikebook.
>Your journalism career is over because people will recognize your name and reflexively label you as a racist.
(haley was the negro fraudster, not the one who exposed it.)
>movie critics that measure their ratings on shit nobody cares about
>average movie viewer that measure their ratings on if they liked the movie or not
You'll have to read the individual critic reviews yourself to determine if the 100% rating is just because it's about evil white men oppressing the black man.
"Haley not only lost a high-profile plagiarism suit against his work in “Roots, but any serious look into the Haley family’s genealogy has found — and I’m being generous — that large portions of what was sold as non-fiction cannot be verified. "
lots of 'criticism' is about asserting the 'right' opinions that are meant to give people the excuse to look down on other people
>can someone from Sup Forums please explain to me if this is jewish trickery or not?
No trickery, jewish or otherwise. It gets an absolute zero on Jdar. And the answer is simple.
White racists (which let's face it is all of you) wouldn't recognize good cinema if it traveled to there homeland, chained them up and sold them into slavery.
White racist critics can't let there power level show becasue they are in public life and the rest of us have decided we have had enough of your shit.
>he hates white people
Jewboy, want to do an experiment? MAke a twatter under your real name and send out 10 tweets that you didn't like "Roots" and link to articles (in MSM sources) proving it's a fraud.
$1,000 shekels (dollars). I'm deadly serious, but I get to approve twaats you send out. deal? not "racist," just that it was a poor program and a fraud.
deal or no? and why?
do merchants literally only have one trick?
>discount Australian shitposts
weak shit
No because I cannot even decipher your weak minded ramblings. They make no sense, at least not in English.
Which is funny becasue I thought it was the official language of Gibraltar.
Fuck off, I don't hate you. I am not racist just a race realist and the reality is most whites, jewish or otherwise lack both class and culture.
> walking diabetic memes
> Negro
> red-pilled
Choose one
dafuq is gibraltar???? LMAO
I do declare. This flag is rare.
wait, they remade it? What is different?
tomatoes always sucks with their ratings. IMDB is a lot better.
When fury road came out like all the reviewers started off by saying, "as a feminist.."
It's a trash website.
Regardless what country is this?
>sees whites for what they are
>must be jewish
I don't know, seeing as like four of you retards have said the exact same thing to me
>do racists really have only one trick
oi vey!
> It gets an absolute zero on Jdar
merchant tricks all the way down
How to retards think they knew all these little evens of some slave?
Who doesn't lack class and culture? Niggers, who are yet to invent the wheel and act like literal wild animals? Asians with their complete lack of empathy for anyone and their school girl pantie fetish? You island people with your lack of everything? If it's none of those you'll have to be more specific.
I watched it today, it was so gross this nigger girl was trying to look at a white girls pussy asking her if she has hair yet.
Possibly. I think in this case it's a difference between what critics tend to like and what your average viewer likes. A basic comedy like a Seth Rogen/James Franco joint may be popular, but will have a low score with critics because critics tend to prefer artsy films (particularly dramas). I think this is the case. If you have looked at ratings for The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore, that is probably jewish trickery. Or at minimum a bunch of critics feeling the need to say positive things in order to not be accused of being racist (or being liberal, and therefore agreeing with the agenda the show overtly pushes).
Oh, I've never actually seen roots, btw.
"jdar" site is trash. the only people who matter are writer, director, and producer(s), and in case of TV the network heads.
Everyone else just takes orders.
Paul Rudd is jewish?
>most whites, jewish or otherwise
>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.
>between what critics tend to like and what your average viewer likes
This is patent bullshit. Look at every black "serious" film from past few years, and show me one with a poor rating.
From selma to beasts of no nation, find me a poor rating on RT. And you can't blame anymore, bc who wants to deal with a fucking lynch mob of niggers and sjws?
That's not the same movie, I am not a jew and
>merchant tricks
Ffs you guys can't even deny it. All you can do is lie to yourselves and each other about my ethnicity. If you are getting tricked its your own damn fault for being stupid.
>the only people who matter are writer, director, and producer(s),
you don't think the ceo of the company matters?
They show had him allah akbar a few times since he's muslim now, more horseys cuz we wuz riders n shuts, and added some civil war scene because reasons. Basically might as well add more fiction to your fantasy tale.
Should use a Watermelonometer
Just you whites who have to say all that terrible bullshit about other proud peoples due to your rightful sense of inferiority.
>ceo of the company
the production company? He just goes with the producer, who is a jew 99% of time. The producer just has to convince it makes shekels and not bad for business.
Are you going to acknowledge that the source you used - jdar - has a history of omitting jewish information?
mr. merchant?
i will even consider believing you aren't a merchant if you can acknowledge that jdar, the source you linked, lies about the actual jew content of movies
but it was all da whitey tho
i learnd dat in skool mane
The vast, vast, vast majority of "film critics" both pro and amateur are women, faggots and beta males and they swarm like flies to anything that is drama.
they will harangue anything that is not drama. this is why you will see The Notebook and other drama films with 80% + ratings while even the funniest comedy is maybe 60%
These women and faggots that rate movies are shit. they rated this 10/10 just because they are full of guilt and will rate anything with a nigger in it super high just to prove they aren't racist.
So true
Recently I was browsing the web and I stumbled upon an article which claimed
>Anglo Saxon skull types were found on Hokkaido island and date back 10,000 years ago
>Legend has it these early settlers were proficient in basket weaving as well as clay pottery and lived on a diet mostly consisting of cod
>They are referenced in many Japanese manuscripts as the "Jomon" (white) race
How have I not heard of this before?
On my mobile. What proxy flag is this?
What are you even trying to say? That they overstate the jewish input on films to make themselves look good? I am sure they do and it would be the least of their tricks. I assume its the same people who cry Shoah every time you acknowledge jews run Hollywood.
But relevance does this have here? This is a commercial and artistic triumph that anyone would be proud to be associated with, and the jews decided to not take credit for it this time?
Are you simple as well as easily sunburnt?
Did he say
At the end?
Is Snoop based?.
Of course the ceo goes with the jew producer, when the ceo is also a jew
Also: if it doesn't matter that the CEO is a jew, why is the CEO so frequently a jew?
>he literally can't do it
thanks for playing mr. merchant
So according to Jdar, Roots is less Jewish than that shitshow of misinformation and retardation?
>proxy flag
oi vey goy, I'm sailing to collect more monkey men to bring to sell to you in the USA.
Can a kike not make a port call?
nice display of HIGH VERBAL IQ though!
Gibraltar aka rare as shit
gentile precentile, lol
you say of what? The Studio Head? Yes, they are all jews. There is no "CEO" in hollywood, that's a wallsrteet term.
> I am sure they do
Playing what?
Thanks for not reading before responding though.
Shit son, all any of you have been able to muster this whole thread is call me a jew and drop irrelevant information about jdar.
>There is no "CEO" in hollywood
>bob eiger, chairman and chief executive officer of the walt disney company
so are you outed for juden, troll, retard, or combo?
Even blacks are getting tired of MUH SLAVERY argument.
But that's mostly because it reminds them they haven't been legitimately OPPRESSED by the White Man for over a century.
Snoop Dogg blasted Roots because he thinks they should be making shit about #BLM. You know, talking about the oppression of all those gud boiz who wuz sangin in choir practice at sunday church when the popo busted in and shot em while waving confederate flags and KKK hoods.
I was talking with my dad earlier about how shitty the history channel has gotten. This show was on that channel literally all day today and yesterday. Same with A&E, what the fuck is it?