Find a payphone number near your area

Find a payphone number near your area

Use this website to find it

Call it and post results.

Try to find numbers in high traffic areas or where bums and niggers hangout for more fun. If they're Mexican, tell them you're ICE and they have to go back, if they're black call them a nigger, doesn't matter, just think of something and have fun since it can't be traced back to you.

Post the results.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh shit, I just thought of this, if you can find payphones with public web cams so we can watch.

OP, this could be a potentially interesting thread, but Sup Forums never does anything interesting anymore.

Shit thats a good idea

Yeah, thanks. I know... With any luck we might get some traction, I just found a liquor store payphone in Long Beach I'm going to call, that shit get a hit.

Thanks, should give us some phone. That and the xanax is kicking in so I'm feeling good,

I would call one but it's late and I'm in yurop

Wouldn't even know where to find a payphone nowadays.

Called a bunch in the NYC area. Most were out of service. Others just kept ringing. The payphones around here have been set to not take incoming calls. This was done to discourage drug dealing

Use skype and call.

Go to the website, you can click on it by state then by city and it will list numbers and their locations. Try to find one near liquor stores.Looking for ones in Detroit, Chicago, Long Beach and New York should provide some fun for us.

Fuck, that IS a good idea to use them for drug deals, fucking New York, try the others I listed here, also in the south might get us some fun.

>implying I have skype

I'm going to be utilising this website a lot. This can certainly provide some good yucks on a boring day

This should become a frequent thread from now on!

Try it now, see what you get. I'm looking in ghetto parts of LA now.

The trouble is, I can't find a good payphone directory for the UK

so much samefag in here

Make America safe again.

this list is dated af.

This has immense potential. Vocaroo thread!

Here's another site.


What do you faggots plan to say if you get someone on the phone?

Call them a nigger then hang up, what else? Or maybe fuck with them, pretend to be a cop or something. Just kind of play it by ear and try to piss them off.

>nyc card stand was knocked down 7 years ago
>7 years
I miss my life

I had to Google that to make sure you weren't trolling.

That doesn't seem real.

Fuck, has it really been that long? Jesus, I feel old and pathetic now.

The lack of anything happening in this thread is magnificent to behold

It's not our fault we're a bunch of useless faggots.

This would have been great about 15 years ago... payphones are gone just about everywhere and nobody is going to pick up a ringing one.


Whose fault are you suggesting it is, exactly?

[spoiler] test [spoiler]


[spoiler] test [/spoiler]

>[spoiler] test [spoiler] dubs [spoiler]

Yours, you piece of shit.

...and that’s why you’re not a success.

there haven't been any payphones around here for going on 10 years.

Britfag here. Fun fact.

A lot of the phone booths here have defibrillators in them instead of phones now.

This would've been great 13 years ago. I don't know, maybe they did it

OP, great idea! Hope you’re still here, I had to leave earlier, and can’t stay on. But come back here tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll have some success (haven’t so far) during the day, and I’ll have fun stories to share with all the boys and girls of Sup Forums!

>Give me 30 minutes

>Looks for closest payphone to me
>punch in address into google maps
>police station

Holy shit I found the payphone that people in jail use for their one call

>be my 4-yer-old kid
>know your way around my phone better than i do
>go to the airport
>see a bank of payphones
"daddy, what are those?"

>try to demonstrate what payphones are and how they work
>payphones are all dead

virtually all payphones are disabled nowadays

This is now a card stand thread.
I can't find it, they must have moved the cam, although I thought I might've seen the gift shop from afar


>for over a year i've been trying to find a working payphone
>to show my kid
>there are still a ton of physical phones around
>but none work

>tried this is four states and three countries overseas
>not one goddamn working payphone

i don't know what shithole you fester in that still has working payphones

Call the defibrillator then you fool.

Call it, see what happens.


Tis true, Sup Forums is filled with cucks & fags
just see this thread posted an hour ago for example

lets call it right now


You guys have obviously never tried this before.

Payphones sometimes ring, usually not but never have I ever gotten one to actually connect an incoming call.

Used to try this prank all over town as a youth.

I used to do it as a kid all the time, you sure it doesn't work any more? Mine have been ringing just no one is picking up.

Someone who isn't autistic call the number.

and record it on vocaroo

You never seen Phone Booth?

To start.