Just finished three years of university, I honestly wish I never went. Literally over 90% of people are SJWs of some kind (either LGBT, feminist, sinn fein etc). All the lectures were extremely biased pro refugee anti European etc. If people find out your views you can pretty much consider yourself a social outcast. Also every single girl with the exception of 3 (in my entire 3 years) was both a feminist and socialist, i remember the only girl I talked to at university who wanted to have kids said she was going to adopt a black child but not have any of her own
Ask anything
Where did you go and what did you study?
I guarantee you dun fucked up
It's hard to find a redpilled university. At the shithole I went to in Chicago, they were putting up fliers everywhere unironically supporting a Marxist revolution. They even have a Marxist newspaper circling around. Also I have this incident
>be in anthropology class, we studying rare papua new guinea tribes
>find out about a tribe that encourages young men to drink sperm from the elders to gain power
>one of the asian bitches raises her hand and says that's a sexist society
>teacher asks her to explain
>says dumb shit about how they view sperm as the source of all power, so it's a patriarchy, why can't women drink the sperm
>everyone in the class agreed with her
>mfw island savages 5000 miles away are accused of sexism by SJWs
QUB international politics
Yeah half of my university was full of genuine retards. Students from the richest families talking about a marxist revolution. One time I remember a Polish guy speaking to a group of SJWs about how marxism failed in his country, they laughed at him and called him backwards
what major?
Is that UIC?
Bingo. The University of Indians and Chinese.
don't worry skelly, you can still get bone cancer
I had an awesome time in Uni.
>learned 2 languages on study abroad talking with locals
>had some based profs who tried to be objective and loved reading original source material. Not post modernist textbooks viewing everything through a racial or feminist lense.
>met the girl Im going to marry. Not career oriented and wants to have my children and look after our family
>won National competition and went to world finals.
Not a bad way to spend the end of my youth.
Shit, I'm going there this August.
how many muslim cocks did you suck?
Well I found a traditional Catholic qt gf at my university so maybe you just aren't looking hard enough
just finished 5 years of university and got a pretty nice job ask me anything
>name tag is trap
Fucking degenerate, go play with your boipussy and browse LGBT or SOC
LGBT is a board full of ugly mandressers and soc is for attention whores
also I'm on nogasm week
also fugg you I got a job and you dindt :DDD
WTF is nogasm week ?
Memes aside are you guys not all massive SJWs ?
i hate the word fap
no. i don't even consider 99% of '''trannies''' to be trannies, just ugly men in female clothes. check out blaire white she's another based trap or transwoman whatever she wants to convince herself
Good luck. They have a Muslim prayer room in the lounge at the Student Center.
>International politics
Lawl. There's your problem, son.
Is the whole thing about becoming a qt trap life is alot easier than being male ?
Was actually a pretty good degree academically. Only problem is the good jobs you need a masters
hot damn this sounds like a wonderful tribe
no I literally just look feminine and like feeling clean and pretty. but I am a daywalker you would not know this is what I do after hours unless I told you. most '''transwomen''' are disgusting abominations that will never find a man to take care for them and are limited to retail jobs
Got kik senpai ?
no, kik is degenerate
thought all traps use kik ?
only on soc
Is a trap the same as a trans person ?
I mean do you get off on the idea of dressing up and playing pretend ?
it's not really pretend some males are intrinsically more feminine in nature. apparently there are ways to detect this in brain but i don't really care for that and generally think anyone who chooses to do so and keeps it private is ok in my book.
there is a fetish to do this for sexual reasons only which is different. but sometimes they are mutual where a male will choose to live as a woman but also gets off on being used by other men.
'''transgender women''' will disagree with me but w/e