/daily/ - le miles edition

The point of these threads is to encourage people to look for new and interesting music. We do this by listening to and ideally discussing albums we've never heard before. Many of us already listen to new music daily, these people are in it to venture "out of their comfort zone" by listening to albums they otherwise wouldn't have, or just to have a good time.

>make charts

>listen to tunes

>listenalong schedules, OP pics, etc.

Previously, on /daily/:

Other urls found in this thread:



Reposting idk why

>DJ Rolando – Knights Of The Jaguar EP
Jaguar is one of those tunes everyone knows and for good reason. Another great track in the same vein, Strings of Life by Derrick May may be better, but both tracks show off just energizing this style of Detroit Techno is. And both do it without a prominent bassline. Ascension is not that noteworthy, feels p directionless. It's also fast as fuck, but that's to be expected from this scene.


>Rhythm & Sound w/ Tikiman – Jah Rule
Lo fi dub is apparently something I should look into. This release has two variations of the Jah Rule track, one with vocals and one with a few changes and without vocals. It's slow, heavy, minimal, drenched in reverb and it's great. The vocal version is better.


>Alan Braxe & Fred Falke – Running
French House isn't my thing, but most basslines on this are dance-worthy. The phaser vocal samples in Intro are p okay, but it all sounds too clean and boring.


Release List: pastebin.com/bn3Us5VC

You know the drill lads. Post qt monstergirls, discuss qt monstergirls, write about qt monstergirls. Especially qt birb girls. No futa, no traps. If you're into that kind of thing, please make your own thread instead.

"buy my new album"

Join my tournament, or suffer the curse
Also, did I miss anyone that already signed up?

Tim Buckley - Happy Sad

what do i just choose some meme magic band and post it for the tournament?

Oops, old version

Put on a trip to identify yourself for the tourney, unless you want some other user to steal your spot later
Post an album/EP that isn't a million hours long that I haven't heard

yes you missed me

You missed me, I recced Monster Movie by Can

fug i don't wanna be cursed
Carissa's Wierd - Songs About Leaving


Thank you.

nice, enjoy this

I'll keep it updated once per month and delete inactive users, edit people's favorites, etc. etc.
So I'll post in the thread in about a month and ask what needs to be changed, and after 24 hours I'll change it all.


Full-size link: imgur.com/gallery/hSRNvOd

you know what time it is

EIGHT BOY TOURNEY, no restrictions except exceedingly long length and no bad music


Out of curiousity, what are your thoughts on the borzaya?


borrowing a rod recc :^)


don't worry it's real good


good boy

LONG dog!

Shiny Eyed Babies by Bent Knee

They are good boys, tho only as good as a normal greyhound or something (which I still stop on the street to photograph like everytime)

Official long boy ratings:
1. Borzoi
2. Silken Windhound
3. Saluki
4. Italian Greyhound / Whippet
5. Greyhound / Hortaya Borzaya / Polish Greyhound
6. Azawakh

oh yeah and Galgo Español is on the same as Greyhounds too


finally done.

>Blockhead - Music By Cavelight
I feel like this Ninja Tune stuff hasn't aged very well. At least it's more on the Bonobo side of things than the RJD2 side.

>The Angelic Process - Weighing Souls With Sand
Basically just lo-fi ethereal wave with riffs, not that I mind.

>Enemite - Wuyuan
Just like Letov said: not good by any means, but still fairly entertaining. I like the cheap synths and all the "traditional" instruments, especially the percussion. The vocals are unintentionally campy, but that probably helps with the appeal.

Don't really feel like reviewing the other ones, but I gotta say that E2-E4 was a pleasant surprise.



lookin' good
taking bets on who's gonna win

anything trip likes is a guarantee winner!

hmm i wonder who this could be on user.....

in i goooooo

not trip i swear! just an admirer of trip's taste and character, what a well informed and put together individual he is!

Why is feelist there? Why is mine not there?

pre-reserved spot
accel, benji, and stick also didnt make it on

I'm mys earch for more albums for foggy days i found myself with Damnation of Opeth, i ahve heard this band before with their album Blackwater Park, which it was okay, (the title track is pretty great and Bleak has some gorgeous moments as well)

Let's see what happens, melancholic mood, foogy atmosphere, this is what i need, this is where i wanted to be.

Bonus, it has prog, my main food.

You're honestly fucking retarded if you don't think a jazz cover band can be a fun show. You realize most traditional music is covers, right? Also, I'm not sure if you're aware, but the jazz era is dead and so is damn near everyone who originally played this music (John Handy is the only one I know off the top of my head is still alive).
Is there music dead in a live setting forever? No, fuckfaces. Jazz is fundamentally improvisational and every new musician adds his own take on the music of the past. Every good jazz musician ever played covers. This rockist idea that covers are invalid art is wrong and dumb, just like you.

10/10 pic for me ;8)

o heck reserved gimme 2 mins

Oh geez. Have fun.

if you're not lying you have bad taste, if you are then you're trip up
understood, have a good day

Was confused. I guess I missed the original call

yo! buddy! tumblr is ---> that-a-way

i clicked tumblr and i got redirected to here

/daily/ is r/tumblr.

Good album. Only Opeth album I really can enjoy anymore desu

what happened with the other albums?

I just don't really like prog metal anymore

i swear its always the same person angrily replying to madcap on user


literally what

not me lads

thanks for reccing this jimby jabbo

where did you even get me shitting on covers lmao
i just dont think mingus is worth it

dat shit filled

no problem my man

but it wasn't me :0


>i just dont think mingus is worth it
even bigger goof than I assumed then

frick i still get you confused with theSound

go study dork


wasn't me

you both have cats for profile pictures and it muddles my mind

Why is everyone concerned with my studies, I'm a very smart student.

I doubt it, you're Canadian.

just remember i have the qt one!!!

he looks like lil wayne in that picture. this is now a lil wayne general

Engineering in northern climates like Canada is actually much more challenging due to the incredibly varied temperature and things like snow load, ice damming etc.
In other words: I'm smarter than you.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Canada.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be an engineer in Canada. The temperature is extremely variable, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the classes will go over a typical braintlet's head. There’s also my shitposting autitude, which is deftly woven into my character- my personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The other engineers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of my studying ability, to realise that they’re not just perfect- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who think I am not smart truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “piggo :8),” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as my genius wit unfolds itself on their Sup Forums screens. What fools.. how I pity them.


There are literally no films better than these four

Rec me solo bassoon alums while I derivate temperature coefficients.

"o" "k"

Sure, How?, Never seen but doubtful, An actual punishment to watch

at least you picked my favorite of his I guess

It's a perfect batch of extreme suffering and aggressive subversion of tropes that pushes a very provocative message + it's shot literally perfectly and contains the best performance of every actor involved

The Saint Pepsi guy is playing in town tn, too much of a meme thing to go to?

I don't disagree, for sure. But I generally think something that's more than "punishing you for enjoying watching the suffering of others" should earn the title of best film ever

What’s the last time (say 1-2 years) that you heard something genuinely fresh and interesting in rock? Not necessarily perfect or polished, but weirder than 90% of what’s in style today?

It's just that it does that thing s o w e l l that I can't not regard it as one of the best films of all time.


ever heard of



Can happen pretty often if you know where to look. Parson Sound, Hapshash & The Coloured Coat recently.

This is angry user fodder though.

Knew it was right up your alley. Glad you like it, it's a good intro to Hausu Mountain.

Also listened to Stack Music and For Organ and Brass. Both very solid. Where have you been finding all this 2017 music?

>US version

The US version is the film it was always meant to be.

I saw Organ and Brass randomly brought up on Sup Forums a few times, and was intrigued by the album cover
I did a mini PAN chart as well, which is where I got Stack Music. the rest of the stuff on my 2017 list was through artists/labels I followed, randomly dug up stuff, reccs from people here.

heck I found Marc Romboy by going to New Releases on the rym home page

Based on the performances or the meta-context of it being an American film? Because I can't really say those enhance the film for me beyond what it already is.

Neato. I haven't been paying attention to too much 2017 stuff outside of my normal radar, so I was just wondering if there were any new sources I should be aware of. Speaking of PAN, you should listened to Yves Tumor including the one he self released this year.

Oooh I'll listen to it tonight. Too many interesting labels to get through fucck

I recc Cicatrices back at you

Yeah that list of labels you have is getting to be quite intense, but it'll be rewarding.

I'll check that record out soon.

Listened to Bitches Brew and Kind of Blue for the first time yesterday, don't get the appeal of the latter though Bitches Brew was really quite amazing, are there any more albums of the sort?

Kind of Blue is rather pedestrian and some would say babbys first jazz record so don't feel bad there. I would rec any jazz essentials chart tho I will specifically suggest both The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady and Out to Lunch

Where is the listenalong?

Kind of Blue is great, it's not slap-you-in-the-face technically impressive but it's still an excellent album

>borzoi recs... Enregistre Par Steve Albini - The Ephemera's Worship

god damn
i've listened to this fiur times in a row at the time of this writing
noise math rock post hardcore emo free jazz
all you need to know really are those genre tags and that it all works together BEAUTIFULLY


>jim recs... Bent Knee - Shiny Eyed Babies

quite a frustrating album. there are small parts of pretty alright experimental prog-pop-rock-whatever sandwiched inbetween bits of really generic sounding radio alt rock. there's never enough of the good stuff coming through, and even when those parts do appear its not much of an amazing take on it anyway. o well.


borzoi moves on!

how is it that i seem to rediscover public strain every other week

that's one of those albums I've been meaning to listen to for literally years and never have. It's from my province too, really not sure why I never got around to it

Serious question. I just really like that feeling of digging into something that’s just plain old weird.

9/10 out of nowhere what thee fuck

How are you able to do this and not discover anything else

I think I'm gonna need some outside assistance to fill up the last couple spots, call your friends.

The Sparks album comes courtesy of the RYM robot.

have a Letov link friend


Fifty Foot Hose - Cauldron my dude

Andrew Bird - Andrew Bird & the Mysterious Production of Eggs
>chamber pop, indie folk
This record feels like if Jack Johnson got way into Jim O'Rourke and decided to make interesting music. Sadly, a lot of the album can blend together at times and feel like generic indie folk. It has flashes of brilliance, but overall Bird plays a bit too safe for my taste. Listening to it, I can't help but think of how much more ambitious Illinois was (especially in terms of arrangement), particularly since they're both indie folk albums from 2005. That said, A Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left is genuinely incredible and manages to singlehandedly compensate for a good chunk of the album's flaws.