Hey Sup Forumstards I've got a question about people these days

Hey Sup Forumstards I've got a question about people these days.

Why is it viewed as much worse to notice a problem, than to be the problem?

Examples: Trump said Haiti is a shithole. He's the issue for noticing. Not them for being shite.

It's wrong to notice that Muslims commit the vast majority of terror incidents, but not bad to hold views that align with theirs.

I had this thought while playing League of Legends. The mid was playing terribly. 0-8. When someone noticed the team revolted on them. Again it was worse to ackowledge than to commit.

Why? I'm sure you can all think of examples from your own lives.

Inb4> LoL is a fag game for fags. I know this.


Because it's easier to blame the victim then it is to acknowledge that one's own behaviour is to blame for the problems being faced. It's an effect from our society's inability to be self aware and honest with itself as a whole and to the individuals themselves.



Shameless bump

Trump is a politician and president of a country, part of his work is to establish good relations with other countries. Those actions do nothing useful to this country.

Even if he's right, because Haiti is a shithole and everyone else knows that already, you don't say that. Mainly for the benefit of US citizens living in those countries.

saying we shouldn't let in people from shithole countries isn't "Recognizing a fact". In that case he _is_ the problem.

mainstream sources of entertainment/informations has socially engineered the general population into a herd of narcissistic egomaniacs that will abide to the general consensus being labeled as ''norms'' by the status quo
even most of those who pretend to be part of ''counter cultures'' just by abiding to the superficial stereotypes of their ''movement'' by dressing a certain way and ''liking'' certain things to have themselves being ''labeled'' a certain way that they associate to their egos are just a bunch of cowardly pieces of shit who do the same as the rest of the brainwashed mass

so as soon as you diverge from the ''norms'' and that people can't put a label on you, stigmatisation by projection ensues then people end up finding fault at every occasions with you and ostracize you in the process trying to make your life as miserable as possible because ''something must be wrong with you''

2018? Still playing mobas and mmos.
These died some while ago!

It isn't viewed badly to notice a problem. What is viewed badly is being disrespectful and arrogant and basically calling people worthless when you are supposedly representing The United States.

>I had this thought while playing League of Legends
Just how old are you? 12?
By the time you exit puberty you'll disown any thoughts like these.
But at least you're trying.

Because the normies took the blue pill and the agents fight against giving them red pill through MSM and corrupt political systems


Tip that trilby a little harder next time, user.


People are now so attached to thier own versions of reality that they can no longer see past thier own personal investment in topics and are so fragile about adimting mistakes or being wrong about some things so now If I critique something or someone its now a personal attack and they will now take offence and use this a justifcation to become a victim and then attack anyone else who critiques them while being able to disregard anything any one says that they don't like as unfair and toxic behaviour.

>vast majority of terror incidents
are you serious?

Are you?

This. Everyone knows Haiti is a shithole. It's the people from shithole countries that need to escape the most.

Norwegians don't want to come to the US because Norway is a better country.

>let's just ignore South America, Africa, Ireland, ect
I bet you think there's no explicitly Christian terrorists either